Author Archives: tcmjm

At Heart ability to find Home / Unbelievable Escape Vision 5

As the bird sped down toward the lake – No Way No Way my mind raced:

Unbelievable the bird made a last second maneuver.  It skimmed the surface of the Lake and then pulled up into the air!  Amazing!  How’d the bird do that?  What the hey!  Oh yes, Oh yes, what I already knew was reveled.  Yes, the bird has twelve tail feathers! The rudder that guides the bird allowing the bird to escape it’s enemies and yes death!

The Power of Twelve:

Twelve tail feathers – twelve disciples any chance – any chance at all?  As a kid I already knew!  Oh man – the good Lord gave me this vision to remind and teach me again!

The Heart of the Matter:

Did you know a racing pigeon / dove has a wattle of it’s nose?  Yes it is in the shape of a Heart!  The wattle is white in color the symbol of purity.

Scientists believe the Homing Pigeon uses this organ to orientate / mark it’s home location.  Kinda a natural built in GPS Latitude / Longitude system.  Created “in the beginning” so the bird can use this ability to find it’s way home regardless of direction taken.

Home – Where is Home?:

Far more is buried than meets the eye!  Ancient man had to have recognized the birds instinctive love of Home / nest and it’s ability to return home time and again.  An instinctive drive to always return home.  Hence the bird acquired the name “Homing Pigeon”.

Spiritual Instincts Buried Within:

A homing pigeon knows it’s way home though it has never been away?  Did you know a homing pigeon recognizes it’s enemy even though it has never seen the enemy before?  True true true:  I am a witness.

Eyes Like a  Hawk:

One beautiful sunny day I opened the door to my loft to let the young pigeons out for the first time.  Bright sun shiny day – perfect with just a little wind!  The young birds where excited, nervous, fully alert and ready for the next adventure if Life!  Anxious to get out and take look around to the larger world.

Seldom do young birds actually take off and fly around the first time out.  It is usually just to check out the surrounding area from the roof top, happily flap, exercise and test those wings!  Enough flapping to lift themselves up off the rook but not so much that they actually begin flying.  The testing before the launch to improve the readiness level.  A little scary for them perhaps – exciting and scary all at once!

Recognizes Enemy Yet has never seen the Enemy before:

To my surprise on this bright sun shining day Mr. Hawk flew by and to my surprise panic struck the nerves of these young inexperienced birds.  Whoa – whoa there my mind raced!  Oh man – too late off the loft they went as if in a panic had set in!  Fortunately Mr. Hawk just flew by and paid not attention.  After a few panic stricken circles my young birds began the best managed crash landing they could manage.  Lord have mercy another unexpected lesson in the really real reality in the life of a pigeon / dove!

Finding ones Wat Home:

Amazing God’s design!  Recognizes it’s enemy yet has never seem them.  And the bird can find it’s way home yet has never been away from home!  Creation – a Spiritual message by design – Finding ones Way Home!  It speaks the spirit and heart of every human person.

3 in 1:

Please Clear this Gender thing Up:

We are living in the midst of a very mean spiritual War in the nation and indeed the world!  The good Lord gave me a vision back in 2011.

In short, this War is another example of the Great Deceiver leading modern man’s original against God’s design as it continues from antiquity.

God Revels who He is 3-1:

If one reads scripture God Himself revels who God says He is!   Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons yet just one God.  3 in 1 in mystery:

Can we humans discern, digest and understand this 3 in 1 mystery?  In the beginning God created man!  Two creation stories:  An infusing (my word if you will allow) His image and likeness into each person in the form of what we call our spirit / soul.

Definition of Marriage – the Difference makes all the Difference:

Scripture is clear God created man – male and female He created them.  No mistakes or confusion!  Oh my!  Like the tree in the Garden man was not satisfied!  Ah – the original sin rebounds and strikes again!  Two genders and each was created uniquely different on purpose!  And we have ever so much evidence even little kids can tell the difference.!  Biology is clearly accurate and distinct!  However we know well the Behavior is different!  It is the difference that makes the difference to assure the very possibility procreation can occur.  And it is clearly a choice humans can make.

Choice / Free Will:

Procreation is an interesting word!  Every human being has a mother and a father.  No errors with only one claimed exception the Son of God.

The spirit / soul / His image and likeness is hidden within each humans body!  Yep!

His creation of man was not completed simply with the creation of two distinctly different bodies.  God’s creation plan included a breath of new life design referred to as the “One Flesh”!  Holy Smokes another 3 in 1 creation concept after Himself!  Simultaneously God created both humankind and a new sacrament.  Thus assuring the survival of this new Spiritual being and a covenant relationship we call marriage!  Make no mistake – The “One Flesh” design under a new fierce attack by modern selfie centered man who seeks to replace God with good old selfie!

Now this mystery has taken me awhile to digest into the language and words I use this day.  The very definition of Family is immersed into an 3 in 1 entity we would call the singular essence of family!

The Devil’s Agenda – Destroy God’s Design – “One Flesh”:

Destroy, mom, dad, boy, girl, husband, wife, male, female, the design for family and what will occur?  Chaos!  Yes Chaos!  People seeking to satisfy selfie appetites rather than grasping the necessary, mandatory elements and basic God created design!

One who focus’s on self can not begin to comprehend God’s design where Happiness lies in wait!

For true love, self denying, sacrificial discipline necessary to breath new life into the most fundamental and life sustaining building block family – a relationship based upon the design principle of God Himself!  Family = Mother, father in a covenant relationship with God – 3 in 1 = the “one Flesh”!




Spiritual Oxygen Exists in Prison:

Why Oh Why do I Go?

Yesterday, I was wondering why I make the trip to a State prison every week?

Six Locked Gates:

Most would say, it is a ministry, a calling and I was sent!  Been doing this since before 2011.
When I walk into prison I pass through six locked gates. I am more alert as I walk in paying closer attention to those who I walk by noticing things others might not see. Seems I detect the spirit operating in the space.

Standing Alone – Yet Watched – Hope in my Pocket:

Often since the pandemic ended, I find myself standing alone not knowing where I might spend my time there or who might come. Tough I speak little, I have noticed many in mates watch me closely.  In fact I have found a few who look out for me and take action to assist and get me a place to meet. Often I find myself talking with an inmate I do not know and have not meet. I talk to them anyway and always find a way to turn the conversation to the spirit greater than me – my calling. I can do very little myself, yet the one who causes my feet to walk can do much. I know I carry hope in my pocket! And the I know that spirit can do wonders I can not with the spirit of hope.

Every Human has a Father a Male and Mother (female):

Yesterday, was Father’s day. Yep, we all have a Father, male no and’s if’s or but’s. Ans yes, both a physical and a spiritual Father. In the human family (male and female) the only family that has the potential and privilege of procreating children. Yea, Truth under attack by those opposed to the Truth.

Silly me, for thinking those on the attack are most in need of hope in finding their created humanity where the spirit of Hope was implanted at the moment of conception.

Free Will – One must Chose Good versus Evil:

One does not make such trips without beginning to question the most fundamental questions regarding the creation of all living things, especially the human being with the capability to do good and evil. Yes free will! Freedom of choice to give new life or to terminate life.

Good versus Evil:

Every human is endowed with the potential for both! The question is rather, why are we here? To bring the breath of new life where ever we go or – remove spirit sustaining oxygen from the air?

Come to me all you who are thirsty, hungry, weary and heavy laden.

Truth Plants Hope: Hope Opens Locked Gates:

Truth plants Hope, Hope opens the doorway to the birth of spiritual wings to search for new life, the spirit wraps it’s arms and embraces souls searching to find themselves hidden in the mystery of life created in the Beginning! One finds oneself when one gives the spirit hidden within self to others that they too might just find the open door where life sustaining Spiritual oxygen exists! The breath of life itself!

Elephants and Men and Family

Beyond these Stone Walls:  Fr. Gordan MacRae:  Link:

A Post in regard to the Modern World thought provoking reality of human kind’s best effort to solve Natures (God’s design) for the Elephant population:  Hmmm any relationship to Fathers and humanities mass incarceration reality – and just exactly what is the cause?

Any correlation?  Common Thread?

My Comments followed by link to Fr. Gordan Macre’s recent Post.

I have posted similar comments before. As a fact I visit a State prison weekly and have been doing so since before 2011.  I am a deacon and say I was called and sent!  From the very first day visiting prison I encountered a large number of juvenile inmates. The prison I visited has a boot camp program for juvenile young men.  The purpose and objective is to make a positive intervention /  goal to prevent these young men from committing more serious crimes in an effort to help them stay away from a life of crime resulting in long term prison incarceration.

No Sparkle?

As I walked through a room of about 70-80 young men I noticed these young men seemed to be missing something my grand kids had and other kids.  What was missing I usually I encountered with kids their age!  I call it a “sparkle” – kinda like a light that shines through coming from the spirit of the soul!  Could it be a lack of purpose, happiness and joy was missing!

Oh the Questions that poured out of my Soul!

My short trip through these young men in 2011 prompted me to begin asking many older inmates about these kids to me.

Some of the answer did not surprise me!  Missing dads was but a part of the cause!  What took my spiritual breath was the combo as in the beginning!  Not just dad – yes mom plus dad the relationship defined in scripture as the “One Flesh”!  Wow was my reaction – off to the spiritual inquiry races!

Questioning Who?  The Qualified?  Who are they?

Over the next several months my spirit took me on a journey of questioning??  Just exactly is this one flesh spiritual concept? vMom and dad two separate people with distinctively different outlooks based upon many complex human gender God created factors!  Kind like – we all know the difference!  Then what the heck is the “One Flesh” design for husband and wife?

First it is a United spiritual oneness woven together ever so tightly as a single threaded garment that Unites in a special relation of two distinctly different yet merged entities/words that complete the definition of the other – each joining the other thus creating a oneness from two.

What are the Two words that when Married become One?

So what are these two words? Love married to discipline = a spiritual relationship that unites and completes the ideal family!!!

These young juveniles I encountered were commonly described as mad as hell with their mom and dad!  Wow – not just one or the other – but bothWhat was missing in this formula I believe the good Lord sent me to encounter the symptoms of the breakdown of family in the prison I visited weekly! This did not happen over night!

Why why why?  Was my persistent prayer!

A Vision of a Life and Death Battling – A Spiritual War:

In 2011 God gave me a vision as well which took a long time for me to interpret!  This was a vision of the current spiritual war raging in the world against the “One Flesh” design for family!

The male elephant story and scenario demonstrates human kind’s willingness to work around God’s design – what has and is taking place on a world scale with God’s design for both the human family and elephants!  Do we not have the LBGTQ +++ agenda serving as a direct affront and indirect attack against God’s design for the human family?

I suggest we are watching the construction of a New Tower of Babble story!  Is not the LBGTQ  +++ agenda being erected to serve as a new form of government controlled religionIt operates under the radar of many clergyman and politicians!  Few – a relative minuscule number of leaders of various backgrounds speak out!  Are we humans now unable to discern truthModern man’s new trick to redefine Truth which never changes nor will it!  Seems to me we are watching a real time enactment of the story of man and the tree in the garden!

Fr Gordon MacRae’s post in regard to the modern day elephant reality demonstrates humanities lack of ability to put the pieces of God’s design together with any accuracy of anticipating or avoiding the consequences of humanities sinful nature as was communicated originally in the Beginning!

Prison on Friday:

Friday at the prison was another day of being an observant student of the scripture for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.
One inmate prefers the High Mass with all the options recognizing in prison not all the essentials found in a Catholic Church are available. 2nd inmate prefers the low Mass without all the extra trimmings.  3rd inmate would rather I would speak.
Any conflict or differing opinion?  Here is the lesson – hope you can follow?
I am open and willing to listen almost always – a risk at times. Secondly I actually know what the guidance of the the Roman Catholic Mass is! It’s written down in a document acronym = “GIRM”. General Instruction of the Roman Missal. In this guidance there exists a decider-in-chief (my word). this person is an ordained clergyman.

“The one who Presides”

The title used for this person is the one who “presides”. If you will; in order from lowest to highest. A deacon, priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal and pope! I seldom encounter the higher orders.
Since I was the only clergyman by default, I am one who presides and decides based upon the options allowed in the GIRM.
So as it happened at first the inmates wanted to express his wishes for the group what is included in our Catholic Communion Service. He suggested we vote! I can’t find a voting rule in the GIRM?
Seems to me the input I was receiving from three inmates did not exactly match up! Could there possibly be conflict? What is the objective or Mass anyway or a Communion Service?

The Word of God and the Eucharist – United:

Seems to me the focus is on the Eucharist! The best source of Spiritual nourishment for the Body of Christ (us)! Should we be united?
Oh and then there were those Readings we are supposed to digest!

The Word of God:

Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a To be tested by affliction! To find out what our intentions are? hmm?

And then there was the manna! Not by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Did we hear it?
Did we pay attention?
1 Cor 10:16-17 Because the loaf is one, we tough many, are one body! Anyone pick on that? United?
Jn 6:51-58 The Jews quarreled! Can you imagine that? The point of the lesson didn’t strike home with me until after the “Go in Peace”
Peace please: did anyone hear those last words?
The Lesson of human nature leaped into the room!  One lifer to the other! I heard about you and who you are here, not who you present yourself to be and in other prisons as well! What – such trustworthy institutions! Wow! Oh the buttons so well hidden we can push! Second lifer – well I have heard about who you as well!
Holy Smokes – the Body of Christ! I think I heard we are not saints?
I ask did we just a minuet ago say the “Our Father”! Didi I fall asleep?
I think the good Lord gave me a reminder about the human condition and why we have to empty ourselves so there is room enough for the Holy Spirit to enter and begin to change us!
Yes, I will return and I will be praying to the Holy Spirit for the words of life to overcome human natures ability to set original on a shelf where it can lash out into the open and do harm!
Forgive me Father – be my guide, renew my spirit and guide my words as I venture into humanities mess to attempt to overcome man’s original stumbling block sin with your words to heal the wounds and brokenness that surrounds!
When we fall down – get back uphave faith and trust the Holy Spirit really is working! Amen!
One last point! So who thinks they are superior to these inmates? No back biting in our world!
Where did I put that mirror?
Remember if you can! Jesus came for the sinner!

GIRM is the Word:

General Instruction of the Roman Mass (GIRM)

There is this fellow who went to prison to celebrate the “Body and Blood of Christ”!  “Corpus Christi”.  Kinda like “what do you have in mind for me today Lord?

On this day a new lifer inmate arrived.  I have found him to be very knowledgeable of the Catholic Faith.  His spiritual leaning comes through ever so strongly.  Suffice it to say he favors the inclusion of all the options celebrated at what is referred to as a “High Mass”.  Singing – everything option allowed by Mr. GRIM!

Now in the room another lifer inmate who clearly indicates a preference for a simpler celebration – i.e. the “Low Mass”!  Not too much into singing etc.

See any Conflict?

After a long laborious discussion of options a “Communion Service is celebrated since no priest is available.  The readings used for this day can be found in “Feast of Corpus Christi”!

Could be there existed some conflict within the community in the readings.  The inmates proclaimed the First and Second Readings.  My friend  proclaimed the Gospel according to John!

Jesus sought to teach the people about the crushed and broken grains of wheat and the crushed and broken grapes.  Hmmm!  It was the crushing that transformed the wheat and grapes into a mix where the individual parts could not be discerned.   In fact they had been transformed into unity of oneness!  The symbol of dying in one form necessary to make way and enable a rising in a new united spiritual form we call the sacred people of God!  Emphasis is on being united which can only happen when one is willing to forgive as in the “Our Father”.

My friend stood in disbelief when the inmates were sent – these two fellows brought up various reputations that had been heard and spread apparently not just this prison but within the greater state prison system (multiple prisons – the underground word spreads!)  My friend didn’t have a clue in regard to the specific’s of these.

Oh my!!  Imagine we just celebrated the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ and the spirit of division struck with surprising speed!  Yes “What do you have in mind for me today Lord it a nerve”!

What’s the Objective of the Liturgy?:

Now what???  A lesson in GRIM is forthcoming!  It is not up for debate and not a vote!  The one who presides is the the decider-in-chief!  Why?  Objective of the Liturgy is to follow the Grace and Spirit of Ordination.  It’s not that people can not or are not allowed to express the options they prefer!  Certainly one who presides will listen with an open ear.

Hidden in the Conflict is the potential Spirit that divides:

The question hidden in the conflict of preferences is “not the individual” but rather the spirit and grace needed to form the unity of the Body of Christ!  This applies to every group of people who seek to become “the Body and Blood of Christ in the world full of the complexities of human preference.  Perhaps better said can each individual person empty themselves – die to self – in order that the grace and unity of spirit of the Body and Blood of Christ can be set sent into the world as each individual travels the road ahead on the journey Home!


Walking Dead:

Funny title!!!  But so true in many ways.  To be specifically something with a title yet to be held at arms length!  Kinda like having “BO” but you don’t know it!  Yikes – I must stink!

An Encounter with the Walking Dead:

Sometimes words just get in the way!  Another funny thing we can speech even more powerfully by what we do.  Made many trips to Newnan, Georgia for example.  Yikes – traveled to the bowels of Atlanta from 1990-2000 during the HIV/AIDS crises sitting among people who thought the disease was a death sentence.  Uncomfortable is the word.  The place one can hear the voice of the soul crying out!  There I encountered people who thought they were the walking dead.

Imagine Jesus Christ the very first Walking Dead and then Jesus calling us to follow!  Yep!  He had but a single requirement – Oh man – pick up your cross and follow me!  A Dead Man – the Living Bread who told us I have life because of the Father.  Do you suppose He came so we might have New Life even when it seems clear we are held at arms length (rejected might be a better word) as though we have some sort of serious disease?

Yes He came to start a fire!  To do this he became human like us!  We can not separate Jesus from His mother Mary!  Yep a woman – no man or male could replace.

Body, Blood, Soul all part of a mixture –> the Divine Plan of Salvation.

Jesus the Lamb!  Do we know what a lamb is?  A young sheep – a prime source to be sacrificed – food for the body — oh and Jesus slaughtered / sacrificed by human with souls!  We bring our own broken nature every where we go!  Where I ask do we take this broken spirit / soul that cries out to be transformed and healed?  To who do we go?

Buried and Hidden Treasure:

Where oh where do we look to find this buried and hidden treasure?  In a cross?  In communion, unity, the Eucharistic Sacrifice!  Come to me all you who hunger and thirst!  Come to me all you who seek healing of Body, mind and soul!

Consider wax is heated until it melts!  Then and only then can it be poured as melted wax and transformed into the Body of Christ!  Yes the Church!

Discernment – wow – a word that requires transformation and understanding.  Attitude, heart, spirit, broken all necessary to enter into communion – one body!

Women – Mother Church

Everything flows through Mary, the human whose “Yes” opened the door for God to enter into human flesh.  Born to walk in this world!  The die in this world!

And Yes to become the first Dead Man Walking and Talking!

I hope and pray – have faith and trust – yes this very Jesus has lead me on a journey of the walking dead!



Congratulations Molly

Hey Molly

Time to begin in earnest the entry into the adult world after High School.  Congratulations!

College gives you a few more years to delay your entry.  We wish you well and pray for your folks!

Hope one day you can find the time to actually meet my wife and I.  Yea, like or not, we are your grand parents!  We would love to meet you one day!

Human natures resistance is in the wind from the beginning!


Fight or Flight – Stress – Lessons from the Past:

Routine Visit – Ha!

Routine visit to the Prison today!  Haha on me!  Did I tell you my prayer regarding my visits to prison often where I discover I am more a student than a teacher.  And the normal prayer for me is this:  “What do you have in mind for me today Lord”?

Start with Prayer – Heck the Whole thing is a Prayer:

Hope I don’t disappoint!!!  Yep, I go to Mass, am entrusted  with the Eucharist and quickly on my way via my (truck) chapel where I pray all the way!  Not possible some say!!!  Have ya ever ridden in my truck with me?

Mother Church:

Yes mam!  I get to prison on time.  Oh my the main gate scanner isn’t working!  Rummage through my carry in clear see through pack is quickly completed.

Deeper and Deeper:

Walk through the next 5 locked gates and encounter two of my boys (haha on me they are inmates in for life)!!  What the heck is going on?  Met almost immediately met by the Chaplin – taken aside – not normal!  Escorted out of the room and trying to ask questions as we walk fast!  Holy Smokes – that room almost packed with inmates are – are – are – the Chaplin told me = they are ALL Lifers!  Something new I have never encountered to date.  Hmmm – you talken to me Lord?!

On to the next building – am told wait here while I check for a room!  In library I see uniformed individuals sitting across from an inmate!  Then Holy Smokes here come a bunch of lifers from the first room I passed headed straight into my space.  How do I know?  One of them is the first inmate I introduced you to last week who was the first encountered years ago when I first began.  He comes and stands right next me.

Finally I begin to get the drift of what is taking place!  Yep the Good Lord has something to remind me about today.  Now my old friend!  Yikes did I just write a lifer inmate if my old friend!  Whew – another reminder – long ago I called – er – perhaps better said “SENT” to be taught by an unseen advocate – maybe I should call this spirit my tail gate defender who covers my back!

Have I lost you yet?  My old friend tells me.  I remind you he is standing there right at my side – he informs me he is waiting to be interviewed regarding his potential parole!

Life’s Roller Coaster Ride:

Have you ever been on a roller coaster!  You know up up up the hill followed by oh my — my stomachs — am I gonna lose it’s contents as the roller coaster’s bottom falls accelerating downhill!   Do you get the drift of the intensity of the moment?  My old friend asks me to pray for him – he is sweating what words he need to use?????  The the silent “HELP” is heard!!!!!!!!!  Lord Have Mercy!     Life's a roller coaster ride! - Thoughts to wordsIntense – stress – I can’t run away – I can’t hide – I must hang tough!  What do I say???

Flash back – here we go again!  Maybe some of you have heard that the air traffic controllers job is one of the most stressful job that exists!  Some experts have said so.  I myself spent some serious time in the world’s busiest Air Traffic Facilities!  I have watched unbelievable things happen to air traffic controllers in seconds.  Don’t recall I ever told this you learn but don’t talk about!  Here it is!

Smell It?

Haha you gonna have ta wait!  Best I can do to replicate a roller coaster ride.  Recently I heard a very high level Catholic clergyman state that Jesus called his disciples to be shepherds.  Shepherd – not a word to be lightly understood!  And to be an effective shepherd, one must spend some serious very close encounter quality time among the sheep – yes – so much so that the shepherd takes on the smell of the sheep.

I sure hope this analogy works!  Did you know the body of an air traffic controller develops stress related bad breath until eventually the body adapts to the pressure cooker!  Yes I learned I know the smell of stress!  Chicago O’Hare 1970’s.  Unexpected flashback for an old man in May 2023.  Yes that is just part of what the good Lord had in mind for me today!

Summary:  Man that roller coaster ride can be gruesome as ones hopes, dreams and emotions wrap there arms around ones soul.

What do I do?  Oh What do I do? – Suffering – Preparation in Hiding:

So what does one say???  You have been preparing for this day 35 + years.  What’s most essential is your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and the Advocate!  Breathe out and then when you breathe in – suck in the Holy Spirit hidden in the cross named hurry up and wait!  You are more ready more than you know!  Have faith and trust in the spirit planted within “in the beginning” knowing no matter that no matter the outcome your standing in the exactly the right check out lane!

Then I was lead to the furthest part of the prison where I have never been before!  Waiting  alone – waiting for what?

to be continued ……..

Senior Lifer Inmate Returns

The Spiritual Set Up:

The past week I have been fretting about just what I should do regarding natural human conflict between two inmates who attend my Catholic Service.

Funny and Not Very Funny:

Can we laugh at ourselves and just how human were set up?  Funny but not so funny – one became upset with the other for engaging in a protracted debate / challenging my core perspective regarding Faith, Trust and Hope founded upon my religious belief in God, scripture and the Catholic perspective on Truth.

What Going On and On and On will Do!:

It was an argument, debate, long winded discussion some might find difficult to endure.  Well fact was on inmate stood up without saying a word and walked out.  This inmate did not return.

Time for a Deep Dive:

This particular incident caused my soul to search first for why the two inmates both felt strongly about the perspectives they held.  Further I wanted to know what I could or should have done to handle this situation better?

“Artificial Intelligence”

The good news for me was, I was able to listen without overly interrupting the inmate making a point about Artificial Intelligence and how repeatedly in the past human kind has been able to imagine concepts not possible at the time, yet over time became a reality.  Technology, cell phones, flight, outer space travel, electricity, medical advances, etc. etc.  Yes things that must have been considered at one point in history as impossible yet today we know conclusively those imagined possibilities are really real.

Why not AIT?  What’s so different?

Fundamental Truth?  AI is a machine not human and does not have a soul or real feelings or emotions!  It is simply a non living – electronic computer technology completely dependent up some flawed human being creating the hardware and software that can emulate ever so many human capabilities.  AI has an advantage over a single human being for it can access data and be programmed by multiples of human being with a multiplicity of human values programmed into a non living highly sophisticated embedded complex outcomes which over time will become more and more difficult to test the predicted outcome!

The Other Inmate had had enough – Body Language in Action:

Question is?  What is our tolerance capability and can we hear the spiritual question being asked hidden within a challenging debate?

The on and on debate Question hides the spiritual question! – Do our spiritual eyes and ears work?

As the dialogue went on as happens in time – how does one test such a machine and what standard will be used to measure the future outcomes / truth of results of AI?  The machine will not have a soul nor a conscientious – rather a growing multiplicity of human and perhaps other machine software programmers who may never ever to speak to one another about the purpose and validation of outputs!

Fast Back to the “In the Very Beginning”:

Will mankind treat such a machine as a God?  The temptation will be real as “In the beginning”!  Will the reality of human kinds original sin be factored in?  Ah ha!  The Ten Commandments!  Ah ha humankind’s nature to fall into temptation / desire to take ownership of the original “Tree of Knowledge” in the Garden.

A leap forward and simultaneously a leap backward to “in the beginning” – temptation!

Have I confused anyone yet?

Hey I know this is incomplete but I gotta take a break!

to be continued ………….

