Category Archives: Culture

American, Rights come from Higher Authority than Government, Declaration of Independence, Self Governance, Bill of Rights, Balance of Corruption, Four Branches (Excutive, Legislative, Judicial, the People and the States:)

The To Be Continued – Jesus in the Boat Asleep:

Well where did I leave off? Oh yea my dad’s reaction in the middle of the night in the middle of the Storm / Squall! Oh my Today’s Gospel! Jesus sleeping in the boat in the middle of a Squall while his brothers were filled with anxiety!! Yea you and me – we humans! A test of faith and trust!! Do you trust me to finish?
My dad said – “Son it’s just the lightning”!  Go and get back in bed!
Magic words – my father had spoken! Promptly, I walked back into my room, got back in bed, covered myself with my blankets and immediately went fast asleep as the Squall, lightning, thunder and the blaring sirens continued unabated! Holy Smokes! Pay attention the Father speaks and everything – yes everything has a purpose! God wanted me to never forget that night!
Why I ask? Yes Lord – for you today! We are living in just such a Squall only it is a man made storm on purpose! The Great deceiver is working at deceiving humanity! Yes he is! I was born for this day and so were you!
Every time Jesus met his disciples his first words were “do not be afraid” and “peace be with you”! Yea he knew our humanity – he was there the day humanity male and female were created! He knows us inside and out!! We can not hide from Him!
And yes, yes, he loves us exactly where we are – yes even in the middle of the storm when we are caught red handed helping the great deceiver lead us down a fantasy trail into the bolt of lightning and fire!
Teach your children the Truth – you can be the best news your children and grand children and even great grand children can ever encounter!
So Friday the Good Lord sent me a 40+ year old inmate who was adopted as a baby yet
drugs took him on a journey where the Good Lord gave him to me as a gift and treasure!
I encourage each of you to become that treasure yourself where. Fear is replaced with peace! Yea an encounter with Jesus in the boat sleeping in the midst of a squall!
You know I gave this reflection to inmates in a State Prison.  English and Spanish.  One Spanish inmate did not speak English and so it was with Faith and Trust I asked the other Hispanic inmates to relay the story!

Archangel – Spirit – Messenger
Wings – Fly- Spirit

Choir Sings:

Oh Raphael, of Raphael, where art thou Raphael?  Oh my Raphael has wondered into the darkness and been fooled by the Great transition deceiver! The most cunning and deceptive spirit who seeks to lead souls into the fantasy, illusion and imaginary world focused on owning the tree of knowledge and proudly claim the power of self re-creation.

I am Michael a voice created and called to pursue the fallen spirits roaming about the world seeking the ruin of unsuspecting souls in the land of the living.
I Michael am seeking courageous souls old old old and young young young to join with me in the great quest to save Raphael from the world’s most recent selfie version of illusions created by the most famous deceiver of all time. Yes the same great deceiver who got his start in the very beginning of creation. From nothingness into the mystery in the garden, the tree in the garden, all the while surrounded the essence of the spiritual breath of life. I am sent – a messenger of hope to call and set Raphael free of the earthly imagery and illusions that bond and hold him hostage.

The message is ancient and sings: Come back to me with your whole heart, mind, body, emotions and soul. 3-1 in one! One can not separate what was created at the instant of conception!

The Culture of Death

is the great deceiver’s modern day agenda – the spiritual reality and purpose of the one flesh and procreation the great deceiver’s targets!

Speaking in Foreign Tongues:

It appears to me after a dozen years I speak in a” foreign tongue” to modern man.

My description of the on going current “Spiritual War” unfolding in the modern world is to describe it as a “War against God’s Design for Humanity”!  I get essentially zero “0” comments or feed back.

The Devil’s Agenda:

The Devil’s agenda can best be described in modern man’s attack against God’s One Flesh design as articulated using the letters  “LBGTQ +++”!  Yes exactly!

Why I ask can no one respond to my description positive or negative?  Do I exist?  Could I be missing the mark or is it possible the “Truth” can not be controverted without risk or a lack of courage exists among so many to take the risk necessary to stand up for the “Truth”?

Recent Example:  Harrison Buckner’s Speech

CNN bulwark of Truth – says who?

Reminder Jesus Christ constantly and continually calls each and every individual by name.  The sinner is not condemned.  Perhaps in the sinner’s mind something more difficult is asked of them?  “Turn around“!  Oh my!  “Come back to me says the Lord“!  With your whole, mind, body, soul, spirit and yes – “all your being“!  Yes a confrontation takes place as “In the Beginning“!  Yes, yes, yes and yes, the original flaw of humanity revels the stubbornness of the human heart and the stiffness of the human neck!

I ask myself?  Harrison Buckner’s Speech was far more extensive than, my to the point description and he is being attacked relentlessly!  Hot hot hot topic among those who support humanities replacement of God’s design with modern man’s “Selfie Individual Truth

Can we See? Long Missing – Good News Arrives:

One of the things I learn in prison is: We people often have ears and eyes that simply can’t hear or see!! Case in point!
1. Brought good news pictures of freed inmate recently marriage and celebrating birth on new baby daughter to share.
2. Great surpriseyoung man shows up who has been missing for more than a year! I recognize face but old me can’t find the name!
Previously, he only came for a few months and then disappeared! Discovered the reason he didn’t come is because he found a unique way to get into trouble within the prison resulting in more punishment keeping him from coming! NOW Just HOW Slow are your EARS and EYES????? Evidence of Good News is standing in our Face!!
3. Next thing I know old inmate is complaining about wanting to hear good uplifting news!!!
Yes folks sometimes we are both death and blind!
4. I don’t have to go to prison to visit yet somehow I have managed to make weekly visits since 2010 with a forced COVID break!  Yet I too can stumble!
5. Buried in this message is Good News Shouting! Yes yes yes – He came to die for me! Yes yes yes He told me I would be rejected! Yes yes yes He loves you in the midst of your Sin! Yes yes yes He doesn’t give up when we get discouraged!
6. Yes yes yes He is calling you right now!!! Hmmm. How your eyes and ears doing?
7. Thank you Lord for the Cross – the only way to open the Door where the Narrow Gate is hidden!
8. Yea “Merry Christmas” Yep he came for you and me too! Say this prayer: Help me Lord do your Will! Often I am not so sure I am!! God loves you where you are this moment regardless of your Sin!

The Roman Empire Self Destructs: Hmmm America Today

We are witnessing the war and destruction of American Values and Principles everyday in so called elite universities and colleges!

Fools logic!  Make no mistake no human being can change gender the specific great deceiver war against the Christian Truth proclaimed by Jesus Christ Himself! Procreation and the One Flesh design as “In the Beginning” is the prime target of the current political Marxist movement in our nation!

What? Decolonization?  What is that?  Decolonization is supported by the current Democratic Party leadership!  Can we connect the Dots?

Abort babies by every means possible under any circumstance clearly articulates every means possible without consideration of reality or God’s design. LBGTQ is in lock step with this war! Those who celebrate the LBGTQ movement and gender choice agenda are guilty of supporting the Great Deceivers War against God’s design for humanity!

The Border – the Border:

The open border decision allows the mass transfer drugs purposely targeting young American children and young adults! Are we asleep?  Yes decolonization is politically supported by the Political establishment!

We stand as witness’s to our own self destructive nature = Sin! Check around and you will find even people who refer to themselves as devout Catholic’s celebrating the great deceivers War against life itself!

By any means possible includes the Great Deceivers agenda – embrace sin – decolonization and replacement of people using every method including science, doctors who remove healthy organs to satisfy the Devils War!  All the while proclaiming man has replaced God’s design with selfie self focused purely on emotions and feelings!

Our Nation and many of our top leaders have aligned themselves with the Devil’s agenda! Yes folks this is an intense War humanity has not encountered in previous generations!

The next battlefield and new weapon is upon us!  Artificial Intelligence a non living entity:  AI will reside within a non living technical invention humans will begin to worship and will not be able to live without!  The Smart Phone has arrivedThe arrival of  modern man’s newest God and is now establishing it’s worship among foolish vulnerable young while simultaneous the long war against the One Flesh design is reaching record epidemic levels of destruction to protect God’s design to safe guard the truththrough the protection of the One Flesh!

Thought Provoking: Blessing Irregular Couples

Finding it thought provoking that the issue regarding blessing irregular couples seems to hand cuffed the leadership of the Catholic Church from addressing the over ridding Spiritual War against God’s design from “In the beginning”!
That design is described as the “One Flesh” which encompasses the very best solution to teaching and the education of children from the earliest of ages!
The ordained priests have for ages used the title “Father”!  They seem to have no understanding in the modern world of the true Fathers design for Father and Mother!
Focus is on irregular the couples issue?  Seems to me this issues is best addressing at the earliest ages long considered the time to Baptize babies.
So what is it the Catholic Church says to parents?  Expressing the hope that can exist in the first and the best teachers?  How about we get back to the basic’s of defining God’s design for the “One Flesh” in a world marriage is in decline as “Sin” abounds within the human family as “selfie self” has taken over the reigns of the leadership of the oldest Church?
Hmmm – how much danger am I in and from whom?
Make no mistake the “One” who brought me back to life has spoken!
Yea – and he spoke “pick up your cross and come follow me”! Yes, yes!  Joy is buried somewhere in the cross – the doorway lies hidden and only in the darkness of suffering can serve as the flashlight so the suffer can find the doorway in the dark!

Happy New Year – Good News:

Happy New Year everyone! Got special gift last night! Inmate I visited for a number of years was paroled few years ago! He was afraid for his life to be set free! Got picture of him, his wife and new baby last night! He has many new treasures!!
Well I want you all to know you have treasures too – often very close by – even sometimes in the struggles to defend truth in the face of a world turned upside down!
Yea! And my old friend (well compared to me he is young) found the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)!  He Loves it! I served as altar boy for years – it’s part of my history! Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa! Still true!!
No one can take that away from me!! It is part of God’s journey that lead me to who I am today!
I am Just a guy who goes to prison weekly and can’t find a priest who will come hear confessions! I think the Lord is talking to me! Has me wondering when my 4 Bishop’s will respond??  Mt message to them — Have Courage Brothers!
Couldn’t imagine writing that as a kid!
Happy New Year everyone! – I have a light that shines in the darkness and will share it if you let me! May God Bless you and yours! Hug your treasures!

Courage – Found looking into the Mirror of Truth:

When I mention courage I must remind myself I was called to testify to the truth! Some want and seek to redefine truth to justify serious sin! Takes place on FB each and everyday!
In 2011 God gave me a vision and a call to testify to the Spiritual War unfolding in the world!  Yes and this War is unfolding within the Catholic Church itself this very day!
In 2011 I myself was caught up in a mighty struggl that required deep reflection struggling to understand God message to me in a real life real time vision.  I discovered the life of child within held the secret to interpret and understand simply because of my boyhood journey long ago!
Yes, way back when I already knew what I needed to know I just didn’t understand it in the proper Spiritual sense!
Ever since I have been asking the Lord daily!  Discovered too my truck is my chapel where a candid dialogue takes place everywhere I go!  Why me Lord! Heck I have no real power! I have no authority over but so very few! I am called to be only a servant! Hmmm?  Maybe I don’t know what a servant is?
The same message jusat keeps on comes back – “Pick up your cross and come follow me says the Lord”. Again and again I ask – Where is it we are going Lord?  Oh yea – That place – that place your Son was sent – no more sermons place! Oh my!  Yes Lord I will follow!
In 2024 my journey continues looking for courage, leadership and grace from those appointed to lead me!  Oh my – yes they are caught up in this Spiritual War as well!
Yes Yes – We have been and are in a mean spirited “Spiritual War”!  Gosh, it has been unfolding in my life for at least 13 years and yes in the Church the Lord called me to serve!
Not so surprising I find myself held at “arms length” by leaders in my Church as though I am a leper!  Why was Jesus rejected?  “Rebuke” isn’t right out of scripture the method of the Lord to communicate Love when one strays into sin!
Silence is defining!  Silence a sign of lack of courage to speak, a lack of courage to rebuke, a lack of courage to encourage or even ask “How are things going”?  This is exactly what I have encountered for the last eight years!
Am I failing?  Do I lack courage?  What the heck should I do Lord?  The inability to respond seems to wrap it’s arms around me!   No doubt – I am not alone in this War!  I call it the lack of courage to do the right thing! Rebuke me where I am in error or honor my Ordination! Clearly silence communicates Neither is the case!  Neither positive or negative!
At times I wonder if I will have a single friend outside my family!
There is no doubt in my mind the good Lord called and sent me long ago into the fire of the modern battle long ago as in 1990. I could not have told anyone at that time! Today I know I was primarily the student – sent to be taught – sent so my spiritual ears could learn hear souls crying as real people were facing death!  Yea me – I was simply powerless to do much except listen and encourage those suffering to look for meaning in the unfolding journey.
Let me assure the reader!  The Lord was and is not done with me yet! In 2011 he sent me into prison to walk through a room full of young men! My eyes and ears trained many years ago told me something was seriously amiss among these young men! Here I am again Lord – a student again! Yes My eyes and ears are open to receive!

Darkest Night – Preparation for New Life

December 25 the longest night. I put my homing pigeons together male and female with the knowledge this is the prerequisite to create the possibility of new life!
In ten (10) days eggs follow containing the necessary DNA for future champions!  17 or so days later the babies begin the work to peck to break out of the egg!
This pecking trigers Mom and dad to begin the process of developing pigeon milk in their crop.  Yes preparation for the arrival of hungry hatching babies!
All this works like clock work according to God’s design!
Only man thinks man can replace God’s design with LBGTQ and gender choice.  Yes real Moma’s begin developing human milk before a baby arrives! Truth – man is only creature – not God, yet man continues to imagine man can overcome and replace God’s design with selfie sin!

Holy Smokes Almost 2024

Hey today is December 31, 2023.  Yikes last day of 2023.  2024 dead ahead less then 24 hours!   Yikes time flies.

Happy New Year!!!!  I wish you a Blessed new year where God’s Truth is welcome Home – the secret place where true Freedom lives!