This is not a Roman Catholic Church supported Web Site. Rather this site is essentially a personal journal of one man taking a risk to open self to the view of others.
It’s primary intended audience is the author’s children and Grand Children and perhaps future generations? It is and has been engaged in reflecting upon the Spiritual War taking place in the modern world of today.
In the writers opinion, it is best described as a on-going grappling match / written description of the on going battle between the Great Deceiver and God’s design. Often it can be described as a close intimate encounter when one is seeking to discern the truth – a la the original test in the garden.
Further it is based upon the story documented in the Book of Genesis referred to as the original Test in the Garden. A story describing humanities initial fall into Original Sin. The Storu –> “In the Beginning” to the Great Deceiver! Modern man seeks to deny sin! All the while while seeking to own the “Tree of Knowledge”! AKA – The End Justifies the means!
Yep! Original Sin! Still Haunting Modern Mon