Lent Year A March 2009
Anyone one here feeling, anxious, fearful, uncertain, lost, abandoned or forsaken? Anyone here ever felt like we are the odd one out or the black sheep of the family? These are indeed stressful times in our nations history. It’s like having a back cloud following us around every minute. A black cloud that occupies our sub conscience and as such exists uncomfortably close to the surface.
Here’s Mud in your eye!
Anyone wants something to clear up the mess? Well here it is! Here’s mud in your eye. Isn’t that what we need to hear — Strait from our Savior – Here’s mud in your eye. We humans are made of clay. Clay is made of earth and water. Not just any water but the spit of divine essence. Ever heard it said that way. This God of ours will use anything to save us. So here’s mud in your eye.
Water the Wellspring of All Life:
Water, clay and oil cannot heal the blind and yet we know the breath of God passing over the waters created all life. Water can not heal, yet the water of baptism heals because blessed water contains the Holy Spirit. Oil can not heal, yet the sacred oils of the Catechumens and Chrism heal because they too are blessed just prior to the Easter Triduum each year where they are filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Elect / 2nd Scrutiny – becoming a new creation:
Today’s scripture have some really good news for all of us, especially those who who have that black cloud surrounding them! In fact within the 4th Sunday of lent we have a spiritual bonus, we celebrate the 2nd Scrutiny with the Elect who are journeying through the RCIA process on their way to entering into full communion with the Catholic Church. We call them the Elect. It is a special church name used to identify those who are walking across the threshold of becoming a new creation. Don’t we all yearn to be reborn again for the very first time with our slate washed clean?
Let’s see if we can open up scripture and let the light of Christ escape and shine into the darkness of the world we live in. In the reading from 1 Samuel we hear the story of Samuel who was sent out to anoint the hoped for new King of the Jews.
Samuel fill your horn with oil and be on your way! Woo wait a minute, could this message be directed at each one of us. The Good Lord is making a clear statement. Take action! Be on your way! Why we are hesitating? Get on with it, you have been graced with a spirit of hope! I have given you the tools you need for your journey! Your horn is filled with the oil of your Baptism – be on your way! God has something he wants you to do and only you can do it! Step into the light, get over the anxiety, fear, lack of worthiness, uncertainty and the doubt.
Samuel is sent to the house of Jesse where Jesse presents seven sons. Did anyone notice the Good Lord is playing a trick on us! Seven, isn’t that the perfect number? Surely God’s anointed is among one of these seven! Oh but God does not see as we see. God does not look at appearance but looks into the heart. There is hope, especially for those who think it can’t be me!
It was the eighth son, the odd one out, who was out tending the sheep. One who apparently didn’t command any consideration of his father Jesse.
No one is left out of this calling! And our Baptism is indeed the seal of eternal life. We the baptized have become “living stones” being “built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood.” Paul tells us we were once darkness but now we are light in the Lord. Awake oh sleeper, arise form the dead, Christ will give you light in the middle of the worst nightmare.
By Baptism we share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission. Get it — We are chosen, a royal priesthood and a holy nation, We are God’s own people, that we may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.” We “Reborn as sons of God, [the baptized] must profess before men the faith they have received from God through the Church” and participate in the apostolic and missionary activity of the People of God.
Now if we are still in doubt, the Gospel of John give us new spiritual sight in the midst of darkness. Jesus saw one who was blind from birth.
Jesus disciples question him about the cause of the mans blindness! And they get an unexpected answer. No one is guilty – the purpose of the blindness is to serve as a trigger for God works to occur through his blindness! So we have problems and fears — Go!
Jesus made mud to teach us – we too are called to be sent
Jesus spit upon the ground, took the earth and made clay which he smeared on the blind mans eyes. Blind and mud smeared all over his eyes, Jesus then had the nerve to commanded the blind man to go wash in the pool of Siloam (which means sent). The blind man went and washed. What are we waiting for – we too are sent and our horn of oil is full. We are already ready for the journey we face today, tomorrow and every day to come even when we do not know what we are ready for!
Whatever comes, no matter the gravity or muddiness of the situation we are ready. Stand up and go. Do not be afraid, do not be fearful, for the darkness will be shattered by the light of Christ who proceeds us. We are not a cowardly people.