Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve:

December 25, 2022 – Merry Christmas!  Winter Solstice arrives once a year in each hemisphere.  Generally in the Northern Hemisphere the exact day is oh so very close to December 25.

Interesting is the reality in ancient times people realized the day light was getting shorter and shorter.  Thus natural worry the end of time might be coming.  Today we know it is a natural cycle of the earth rotating around the sun.  Winter Solstice is the day with least amount of light of day.  One could say the darkest / longest night.  In ancient times it became a pagan holiday or feast.  Seems the church understood pagan man and decided to to use December 25 as the birth day for Jesus Christ.  A light came into the world on the longest night – the Christmas Feast day was established and it captured the imagination of the people of the world.

Darkness and Light = Unspoken Language every human can interpret:

Wow – such a wonderful contrast between darkness and light!  Truth and the promised fulfillment of the old testament arrived during the darkest nights of the year!  And the story told how there was no room for the light in the inn!  Thus in a stable setting in natures home arrived the earthly vessel containing the spirit essential to communicating the message of hope, joy and celebration in the midst of the darkness!  A treasure was born quickly to be honored by the presence and symbolic gifts of three wise men who traveled afar following a star representing the hopes and dreams long ago recorded in humanities search for truth!

Born in Darkness Joy Escaped into the Light of Day:

Joy to the World – a Baby was born destined to communicate through suffering a most profound message hidden within His human body which passed the most powerful unspoken message to man = Hope!


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About tcmjm

Home town Mishawaka, Indiana. Occupation: Air Traffic world's busiest. Software Programing 1973. Developed original software for the Air Traffic System "Airport Resource Management Tool ARMT" while working at the Atlanta Hartsfield Air Traffic Tower / TRACON.

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