Category Archives: Homelies

I See Stars – Sherlock Homes & Dr Watson

2nd Sunday of Lent February 28, 2010

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping.  They pitch their tent under the stars.  During the night, Holmes wakes his companion and says: “Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce.” Watson says: “I see millions of stars.  Wow If only even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some like Earth, and there might also be life there as well.”  Holmes replies: “Watson, you idiot. Somebody stole our tent …”

Let’s see what we can deduce from our scriptures today that will help us explore who we are and what we should be about!  Then we can answer the question; are we a Sherlock Homes or Dr. Watson?

Upon this rock I will build my church.  Peter wakes up from a deep sleep. He must have rubbed his eyes in disbelief.  Before him stands the Lord in dazzling white with Moses and Elijah – Ghosts stand before him.  Peter, just awakening is unable to digest the fullness of the moment, being true to his nature, pipes in saying, let us pitch 3 tents.  As Peter is speaking a cloud comes over them, they became frightened and a voice spoke out from the cloud.  “This is my beloved son, listen to him.”

So what is the message for us this day?  Did anyone notice what Moses, Elijah and Jesus were talking about?   They were speaking of Jesus Exodus in Jerusalem.  What does this mean?  They had something very much in common, an exodus story.  Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.  Elijah delivered a message of covenant curse to Ahab the King: a drought would afflict the land (1 Ki 17:1).  Oh Ahab wasn’t happy with Elijah and called for his head.  The Lord told Elijah to “go hide” east of the Jordan (17:3).  Moses and Elijah both made flights into the wilderness wanderings for the purpose of leading Israel back into a covenant relation with the Lord.

Ah ha!  Ah ha!  Oh Sherlock and Dr. Watson – someone has stolen our tent!

I don’t think you got it yet!

Peter wanted to pitch 3 tents in this safe and sacred place but he did not know what he was saying!  In other words the Lord Jesus Christ is not calling us to stay put and camp out!  That is not the purpose for which God is calling us!  – ya can’t stay where your at – like Moses, Elijah and Jesus we all have an exodus journey call and need to move on.  We can’t stay where we are at!  It’s time to move on!

Let’s start over; we can’t leave Dr. Watson behind.  The Genesis story today is the bedrock story, upon which stands, not only Abraham’s faith but yours and mine as well.

God commanded Abraham to leave his home in Ur of the Chaldeans and go to a land I will show you.  God promises the land to Abraham.

Speaking for myself, for much of my life I went into a deep slumber.  From time to time I would awaken to ah ha moments and like Peter I would respond recognizing, man it is good to be alive in those moments.  If only I could stay here and I would pitch a tent!  Are you with me?

Like Peter, we want to stay in our ah hah moments – the symbol of the tents.  Stay in that safe moment and cover our ears.  For when the cloud comes and casts a shadow over us we are unable to respond to the words, the Lord our God speaks.  This is my beloved Son listen to Him.

Jesus exodus story – He went before us.  He suffered for us.  He plowed the path way for us.  He calls us to follow where he went.

When the sun had set, a deep terrifying darkness enveloped Abraham.  There appeared a smoking brazier and a flaming torch which passed between the split pieces of animal offerings.  It was on this occasion that the Lord made a covenant with Abraham.  Normally both parties would pass through between the animals, but here only God passes through showing his willingness to suffer for us.  Abraham makes no promises, but simply believes in God’s promises.

When we finally get the picture and move on, God is with us.  We do not walk alone!  In the year 2010, the evil one has stolen our Christian tent of faith.  The mother figure, the father figure, the church, Christianity, marriage, the family, the right to life, what it right and wrong have all been under attach, under mined and stolen by a great big lie!

Every possible issue is in a crisis today except any of the above!  Are we asleep?  Every crisis we have today is caused by a lack of the practice of our Christian faith.  If we are to remain a free people, we must embrace and embark upon an exodus journey and lead this nation back into a covenant relationship with the Lord.

Do You See What I See?

4th Sunday of Advent December 23, 2012

Micah was the last of the four prophets of the 8th century BCE.  He was called to address the people during dark times.  Times were bad, very bad.  The people had been led into captivity and slavery.  The future looked bleak, and hope seemed to have vanished.  The People were distressed and questioning.  They are surrounded by signs of darkness and loss.

Sound like today?  20 little lambs and six shepherds lay out in a field.  What do we want most for Christmas?

Danger on all Sides:

Danger surrounded them on all sides.  The Assyrian’s armies of Tiglathpilser III had conquered Damascus and Samaria.  Sennacherib was occupying part of coastal region and menacing Moresheth.   Micah knew the people had long ago chosen to reject God.  For not only was the threat external but the prophets, priests and judges had long been accepting bribes.

Wickedness of Leaders:

Micah witnessed the wickedness of leaders political and spiritual.  Princes and merchants were cheating and robbing the poor and humble, esp. women and children.   Priests, prophets and leaders were adapting words to create images the people wanted to hear.   Their leaders mislead the people to swap what was evil for good.  The Lord must have looked away and abandoned them to their plight.

Families Attacked and Separated:

Poor little suffering small inconsequential town.  Taken into captivity, families separated, children from parents, parents from grandparents, spouse from spouses.  No one to speak about their heart ache and pain.  Was there nowhere to turn?

Micah was thrust into the stark reality that dreams and images of hope had been shattered and darkness had closed in from all sides.

An ancient story, a promise of hope that buried in his heart leaped into Micah’s mouth and ever so gently escaped into the dark night air.

Do You See What I See?

Said the night wind – to the little lamb:  Do you see what I see?
‘Way up in the sky, – little lamb,

Do you see what I see?  A star, a star Dancing in the night,
|: With a tail as big as a kite. 😐

Bethlehem, Ephrathah the city of David.  Too small to among the clans of Judah, from you shall come for me the ruler, origin of old, from ancient times. The Promise of Hope!

The message of a Promised King.

When the virgin gives birth and He shall stand firm and shepherd, with that shall reach to the ends of the earth, shall be peace.

Said the little lamb to the – shepherd boy:  Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing thru the sky, – shepherd boy, Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song High above the tree, |: With a voice as big as the sea. 😐

Times were bad. Danger not only external but prophets, priests and judges were accepting bribes. Micah is preoccupied with the wickedness of leaders, political and spiritual.  While princes and merchants cheat and rob the poor and humble, esp. women and children.   Priests and prophets adapt their words to please their audience.   The leaders mistake evil for good.   Dreams shattered all about as the darkness of night closes in from all sides.  Nowhere to turn.  Unable to procreate.

True prophecy is rejected, and sacrifices are emptied of their relationship to God.  The Lord must look away and abandon them to their plight.  However, a message of Hope in the middle.  A remnant.

Bethlehem, Ephrathah the city of David.  Too small to among the clans of Judah, from you shall come for me the ruler, origin of old, from ancient times.

Hebrews Bethlehem, Ephrathah the city of David.  Too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come for me the ruler, origin of old, from ancient times.

The Child, the Child, – sleeping in the night
He will bring us – goodness and light He will bring us – goodness and light

The Secret – The Spirit Hidden Within

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time July 29, 201

I know a secret!  Anyone want to know what my secret is?  Is anyone searching for answers?  Is anyone searching for wisdom?  Does anyone want to know the secret to becoming the creator of an idea or dream that leads to a success story?  Does anyone want to know the secret to achieving more than they ever thought they could?

Anyone want to know the secret to living life in a manner which sets free ones spirit to dream and imagine beyond one limitations.  Anyone want to know the secret doorway that allows one to utilize ones natural aptitudes and talents to the fullest?  Anyone want to know and live the reason for which they were created?  Does anyone want to know the secret to the source that enables one to reach beyond themselves to open and create a spiritual infection that engulfs and set on fire all those around them?

To discover this secret one must be ready and open to having their heart tested?  Does anyone know what heart I am talking about?  It is the heart of our spirit – the place now one else knows or can see.  It’s the place where we freely make our decisions!  It is the place the evil one attacks to destroy the spirit of truth that lives there.

Listen to the secret that is hidden in the scripture readings today!  From 2 Kings we hear of a man from Baal-shalishah.  This must have been a man grounded of the earth with dirt under his fingernails – a farmer who brought Elisha, twenty barley loaves made from the first fruits, and fresh grain in the ear.
Elisha said, “Give it to the people to eat.”  Being a practical hard working common servant of the earth he objected.  You gotta be kidding me!  This is the best of my best.  It is reserved for sacrifice to God alone.  Further “How can I set this before a hundred people and each have enough to eat?”

Yet Elisha insisted for he knew the secret, “Give it to the people to eat.”  “For thus says the LORD, ‘They shall eat and there shall be some left over.'”  Indeed when they had eaten, there was some left over.  One can not out give God.

The secret reveled?  Within the Barley grain lie’s a secret.  In those days barley was considered a common grain for common people and to feed the poor.  But Elisha knew the secret hidden there.  Barley provides excellent nutrition and protein to sustain life abundantly.  It is food that provides for growth and bone and muscle.  Even today Barley is feed to maintain a competitive edge to racing pigeons so they can excel.  Barley is a symbol of no matter how lowly or poor one is viewed one cannot exhaust the potential spirit of God that lives within no matter the circumstances of the time!

We humans are such slow learners and throughout history we tend to stumble over the same basic lessons of truth – To teach us God chooses what the world views as foolish, weak, lowly, common, poor, despised or essentially unqualified.  Our God unleashes from a spirit of unity, an abundance which can overcome the impossible to those willing to open their hearts to the risk of encountering the spirit of God that calls from within ones heart.

Again the essence of this secret is reveled in the letter to the Ephesians!  Did we hear it?  We are called to the unity of one hope, one Lord and Father of all, one faith, and one baptism.  The secret of abundance lives in the grace that flows from the spirit of Baptism into the soul of the baptized for ever more!  We tend to think of baptism as a one time event of long ago.  Yet we know our souls are marked indelibly, forever and the grace of Baptism can never be exhausted!  One cannot separate the spirit from the body for this God never abandons us!  Our hope lives in our unity with God’s potential to overcome division from within.

Today we will celebrate the Baptism of one of our own.  The spirit of the secret will be poured out through Baptism onto not just this child of God but we the baptized will be re-immersed into the unity of the font of new life.  We the people stand as the witness for the church.  We the people stand as the unity of the Body of Christ dedicated to supporting this child from this day forward.

Like the people of Jesus time we the people must live in our modern day, a world full of anger, inequity and turmoil.  We are confronted with what seems an endless and unbounded human ability to wreck tragic anger, failure, uncertainty, fear, and grief upon our fellow man.  We soberly stand as a witness to the recent 2012 Massacre in Colorado where God seems to have been absent or even cruel.

In the gospel today we hear Jesus saw the hunger of the large crowd.  So He asked Philip, where can we purchase enough food to feed them?  “Two hundred days?’ wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little.'” Then Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?”   Note a boy in Jesus time was considered by the world to be almost nonexistent, owned by his parents, an insignificant nobody.

Jesus said, “Have the people recline.”

Through the boy, the barley loaves and two fishes the secret ingredient is reveled.  An abundant and inexhaustible supply of the food for the hungry is always at the finger tips of a people in desperate need of the truth that sets people free.

If we want to begin restoring our nation to prosperity the journey begins with a willing spirit open to the secret that lives in the unity of faith in only one true God who can multiply what appears to be the spirit hidden in common barley loaves and feed a hungry people.

All times of testing are not comfortable.  But the secret hidden in the story will sustain us for it’s demonstrates God’s graciousness, for through the revelation of God’s gift of free will only a spirit united to God can achieve a deepening of our unity in one faith and an inexhaustible supply of the spirit of love to crumble the walls of division.

Holy Smokes – Three Persons – One God

Year B Solemnity – Holy Trinity June 3, 2012

At what age do children ask the most questions?  At age 4 children are asking about 400-600 questions a day.  The Solemnity of the Holy Spirit is a feast day dedicated to getting Christians of every age to revive the spirit of a questioning child who seemingly can not quench its thirst for answers!

In today’s scriptures we are encouraged to ask.  Do not be afraid to ask!  Asking opens doorways and pathways to spiritual learning.  An inquiring spirit can open itself to the voices of wisdom past.  Listening to the stories of salvation history and from the voices of those who precede us in life offers opportunity to reap the benefits of spiritual treasures otherwise buried.

Let me be clear, no one of any age is excluded, no matter how many birthday candles it takes to light up our spiritual quest for answers!  This is an equal age opportunity of a life time.

In the Book of Deuteronomy Moses tells us.  Ask now of the days of old before your time.  Ask from one end of the sky to the other.  From our first wakening until the moment we drift off to sleep!  I bet the more candles we have acquired the more spiritual questions we have.

Young folks the wisdom of the ages is hidden here.  Yes we can learn from the days of old!

What are the burning questions in our hearts?  What are the burning questions of our time?  I would love to be able to ask my grand parents, my mother and father questions about the impact of their faith on the real life struggles of the great depression, the rationing that took place during WWII, and a multitude of other questions.

Children ask the voices of the past will unveil the answers hidden there.  You have my permission to bug your parents.  The unchanging treasures of the truth are buried in the hearts of the faithful.  They are built upon the ancient stories of scripture which are waiting to be broken open and poured out when opened.  These contain the waters of truth which can quench our thirst.

By the spirit of our nature we are created to unending questioning that seeks to discover the truth.  It is buried in our spiritual DNA.  It is our soul created in the image of God himself who calls us unceasingly to ask.

Why is all this questioning necessary one may ask?  This is why, says Moses.  You must know and fix in your heart, that Lord is God in the heavens above and the earth below and that there is no other!  There is only one true God!   God is the Creator.  We humans are creatures that inhabit the world created by God for us.

Moses was not through yet.  You must keep His statues and commandments that you and your children may prosper and that you may have a long life on the land which the Lord, your God is giving you.

Isn’t that the American Dream – Prosperity and long life in our land?  America has been blessed with prosperity, a long life on the land God has set to be a light shinning unto all the world?

What is the central burning question in our nation today?  Is the American Dream still alive?  Or have we begun to accept the shackles and chains of some other American dream?  How do we restore the promise of prosperity of the old to the people of our land today?  Could it be as this nation as this nation turned away from the way, the life and the Truth prosperity began slipping away?  Have we been taken hostage by looking for answers in conjured up non living American Idols and hyped up cyber space images with no power to save us from the destination of bondage and slavery?

In 2012, we are experiencing multiple systematic attacks on Christianity from almost every sector of our society.  Though there have always been those who seek to silence the voice of God that speaks the truth the attacks have grown more sophisticated and unrelenting.

Do not be deceived by pretty images and language taken hostage as its meaning is being plundered by those who seek to deceive an unsuspecting and unknowing ear.

They continue to conjured up images as a new progressive language art form has been created that violates and subverts the use of language of salvation history in an unending offensive to distract and fool the people of faith to take the road that leads away from the source of truth and salvation.

Though things may seem a mess, scripture teaches there is always hope.  Turn around and come back to me is a repeated theme throughout scripture.  No earthly power has ever overcome the voice of a faithful united Church dependent upon a loving God who has defended the church from the forces of evil that seek to silence it in every generation.

From the Book of Romans we are reminded of the power of the spirit of God as we hear – Those led by the spirit of God are the children of God.  As children we did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear – be not afraid for we have received a spirit of adoption through whom we cry “Abba, Father” We are His children and as such heirs with Christ on a mission to the truth if only we suffer with Him that we may be glorified with Him.  Father and Mother God save us from the folly of the human spirit which seeks to play God!

Solemnity – Holy Trinity Year B June 3, 2012

Year B Solemnity – Holy Trinity June 3, 2012

Questions: a Thirst for an Answer:

At what age do children ask the most questions?  At age 4 children are asking about 400-600 questions a day.  The Solemnity of the Holy Spirit is a feast day dedicated to getting Christians of every age to revive that spirit of a questioning child who seemingly can not quench its thrist for answer!

We are all a Child in the Spiritual Sense:

Let me be clear, no one here of any age is excluded, no matter how many birthday candles it takes to light up our spiritual quest for answer!  Our The scripture readings today encourage us to take on the attitude of a 2-4 year old and ask.

Moses tells us.  Ask now of the days of old before your timeAsk from one end of the sky to the other.  From our first wakening moment until the moment we drift off into sleep!  I bet the more candles we have acquired the more spiritual questions we have.

What are the burning questions in our hearts?  I would love to be able to ask my grand parents, my mother and father questions about the great depression, the rationing that took place during WWII, and a multitude of questions about their faith journey.

Children ask for the answers to the unchanging treasures of truth buried in the hearts of the faithful built upon the ancient stories of scripture which can pour out the only water of truth that can quench our thirst.  By our nature we are created to question and seek the truth.  It is buried in our DNA.  It is our soul created in the image of God himself who calls us to discover the truth.

Only One God no other:

Why is all this questioning necessary one may ask?  This is way says Moses.  You must know and fix in your heart that, that Lord is God in the heavens above and the earth below an that there is no other!  There is only one true God!


But wait, wait I am not through.  You must keep His statues and commandments that you and your children after you may prosper and that you may have a long life on the land which the Lord, your God is giving you.  Prosperity and long life in our land!

Isn’t that the central burning question in our nation today?  How do we restore prosperity to our citizens.  Could it be this nation has turned away from the way, the life and the Truth and is looking for answers in a conjured up American Idol with glorious images but no power to save?

In our world today we are experiencing multiple systematic attacks on this simple truth from almost every sector of our societyThose who seek to silence the voice of God that speaks the truth with fire.  There is no more powerful voice than the Church and the forces of evil must silence it.  Do not be deceived by pretty images and language being plundered of it’s it’s meaning by those who would deceive.

They have conjured up images, a new art language form has been created that violates and subverts the use of language in an unending offensive to distract and fool the people of faith to take the road that leads away from the source of salvation.

I am here to testify to our young people, I not only lived before there was TV but I survived.  I lived in the days when people used outhouses even in the cold winter.  It didn’t take long to take care of your business – there were very few hurry ups to use the bathroom.  I lived in the day when parents and grand parents sat down with their families to eat dinner.  I lived in the day when parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles told family stories of the days of old..  I lived in the day when family picnics where the tradition on Sunday afternoons and all the stores were closed.

Inquire / Ask / Read / Listen / Pray to the Spirit of Truth

Anyone seen one of those TV commercials where they use the terminology – “I have an Inquiring Mind”.  These commercials are designed to create an image that will both attract our attention, desire, trigger our imagination playing upon our unsuspecting natural curiosity of the human instinct to venture into a new world while bypassing spiritual safeguards.

Desire inquire /  read — I have an inquiring mind – heard that before – the tabloids.  Ask about history before your time – ask from one end of the sky to the other.  Learn by inquiring from the voices of the past and listening to the stories of salvation history from those who preceded us in life.  .

Romans – Those led by the spirit of God are the children of God.  You did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but  a spirit of adoption through whom we cry “Abba, Father”  We are His children and as such heirs with Christ if only we suffer with Him that we may be glorified with Him.

Easter Vigil Rebirth

Restart My Heart

We have just heard the scripture readings for the Easter Vigil.  These readings are an abbreviated summary of salvation history – the story and promise of more life to come!

Listen to St Paul to the Romans 6: 3-11.  Are we unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?  We were buried with him in Baptism so that we too might live in newness of life.  Again, we know that our old self was crucified with him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.

Jesus died once for all for all time!  He died for each one of us!

Would you like to hear a story the good Lord reveled to me to share with you this holy night!  Ready or not here it comes.

On Friday morning October 21, 2012 I underwent open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve and repair an aneurism which had developed at the top of my heart.  When I woke up I remember thinking, the good Lord must have wanted to keep me around because I am still here.

Normally a patient with this type of surgery gets sent home after five days.  However, I discovered I wouldn’t fall into that normal category.  My heart rhythm was beating in what is referred to as A-Fib or irregular heart rhythm.  I was told my heart rate was varying between 90 and 150 beats per minute even though I was lying in bed.  As a result my doctor was concerned that I would have a stroke or heart attack and he had experience doing thousands of these surgeries.

With preventive action came numerous medications which were supposed to correct or control the A-fib.  Among these where blood thinning pills and  intravenous medication to prevent a blood clot.  Each time my doctor came and visited he would sit down as if his mind was working hard to figure out what to do net.  I began to understand the meaning of practicing medicine.  I could see he was becoming more and more concerned because the medication plan wasn’t changing the rhythm of my heart.  To add insult to injury the taste of the hospital food was growing worse and I almost didn’t sleep at all.

On the 5th day I was told I wouldn’t be able to go home until my heart returned to a normal rhythm or they came up with a game plan.

Finally on the seventh day they sent another heart doctor to see me.  This doctor told me I could go home with the A-fib condition and hope that it went away.  If not in seven weeks I would have to come back into the hospital and have my heart restarted.  Or I could elect to have my heart restarted the next morning.  I choose the next morning after all the good Lord had kept me around this long!

But before they would restart my heart they had to run a tube down my throat to look at my heart to make sure there wasn’t a hidden blood clot there.  In that case a restart would likely result in a stroke or heart attack!

So I was told I could not drink water after mid night so I would avoid throwing up during the procedure.

Finally I fell into half wake half asleep state.  I was very aware as that my mouth, throat and tongue were becoming more and more dry with every breath.  I recalled words of Psalm referring to the dry patched earth.  I clearly was aware all I wanted was a drop of water on my lips and tongue!  Where is that water?

With every breath the dryness of my mouth and throat became more and more painful.  In fact my breathing became very labored.  I was keenly aware my body was working very hard with each breath.  I wasn’t looking fo4ward to the next breath.  Oh heck I could not wake myself enough to call a nurse.  The dryness continued to get worse and worse.  My mind began to wonder if I would make it through the night.

As I laid there many feelings rushed upon me.  I was physically tired.  I hadn’t sleep for days.  The food was awful.  I was growing spiritually discouraged and depressed.   Again my mind began to grapple with the idea I just might not make to the next day.

It was then, that I began to think about how Jesus suffered on the cross.  His mouth, tongue and throat must have been at least as dry as mine, the pain as great and the breathing more labored.  Not only was his mouth dry and his breathing labored.  His feet and hands must have ached beyond comprehension.  The muscles of his arms, shoulders and chest must have been screaming for relief from exhaustion.  The overpowering pain from trying to hold him up so he could breath was suffocating him.

Gravity and the weight of his body was overcoming every last once of strength left in his body.  His eyes must have been burning as blood and sweat rolled off his forehead.  The fly’s and insects had to have begun to eat him alive.  He could not move his hands to drive away the insects or wipe the sweat and blood from his eyes.   There was nothing he could do but wait.

It was then that I looked to my left.  There looking back at me was Jesus Christ laying next to me and He was on his cross.    He looked at me as if to say – I am with through it all.  I will never leave your side.  I love you.  No cross is too heavy, no sin too great, I did this once for all so that sins might be forgiven.  I am always with you and I will not fail to fulfill the promise and grant you newness of life.

No matter the darkness of the night or the depth of the pain the good Lord is with you and will not leave your side.  No matter seriousness or difficulty of life or lateness of time there is hope for each and every one.  He did this once for ALL.  No greater act of Love was possible!

The next day my heart was restarted and I recovered so quickly I was sent home where the newness of my new life began and continues as I stand here this greatest of nights to share this testimony!

Prayer for the US of America

Pray for Our Nation March 31, 2012 –  Military – Servant

Having just moved into his new office, a just promoted colonel was sitting at his desk when a PFC knocked on the door.  Conscious of his new position, the colonel quickly picked up the phone, told the PFC to enter, then said into the phone, “Yes, General, I’ll be seeing him this afternoon and I’ll pass along your message. In the meantime, thank you for your good wishes, sir.”

Feeling as though he had sufficiently impressed the young enlisted man, he asked, “What do you want?”  “Nothing important, sir,” the PFC replied, “I’m just here to hook up your telephone.”

Many in this nation including national leaders have grown proud and full of themselves.  In their quest for power they have failed to realize life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are grounded in the spirit of our creator and not secular progressive humanism.

So, you and I, we the PFC’s of faith, stand in this vacant gap together, just as our founding fathers did, when they grappled in the darkness of humanity unable to overcome the division that separated a fledgling nation.  It was only when they opened their spirits to the words of truth that flow from that higher authority and established communication with the spirit from which every right originates that this nation became a light of freedom on a mountain top the whole world recognized.

We gather here my friends in prayer at a most serious and grave moment in the history of our nation.  The spirit and forces of division seek to destroy this one nation under god, indivisible, with life liberty and justice for all.

We stand here together looking into the mirror of truth.  Knowing we must turn again to prayer to begin the journey to save our nation from itself.

Let us begin in prayer by listening to the words of Kristi Hofman, wife of a soldier and mother of four young children.  United together they served through deployments in both Iraq and Afghanistan

Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, we call out to you as the One who is sovereign over all.  Watch over and protect our nation’s military members and their families.  Sustain them with your everlasting arms.

Take into your most gracious protection our service members currently deployed. May you be their comfort and their guide as they live and walk in a foreign land.  Give them reassurance that you are a shield around them, an ever-present help in time of need.  Grant our service members courage so that in all things they may serve without reproach.  Encourage them while they also encourage one another.

As they serve around the world, we ask that you guard their families and loved ones back home.  Provide them with peace and surround them with love as they mourn the absence of their loved one and long for their return.  May they find hope and strength in you for the trials of each new day.  Be with military children who endure the difficult burden of knowing their father or mother is in harm’s way for months on end.  Guard these children’s hearts and minds despite the loneliness and uncertainty of having a parent deployed.

Lord God, be with marriages in the military.  Preserve the bonds of husband and wife despite the stress that military life brings, stress only compounded by the decade of war our nation is in.  Help military chaplains in their efforts to equip military marriages with ways to stay connected and communicate effectively despite the challenge of frequent deployments.  Give husbands and wives strength and resilience to endure separations, frequent moves, and all the uncertainty military life brings.

For some, Lord, service takes their toll permanently in physical and emotional damage. For those wounded in battle, we pray you would come beside them.  Sustain and strengthen them amidst treatment, pain, and adjustments to life with an injury.  Help them to find competent care and support, and to not be afraid to reach out for a helping hand or a listening ear.  Be with their caregivers in the demanding role they have.  Give caregivers renewed energy to offer support and love as they tend to the needs of the injured.  Strengthen them as they both monitor and advocate for their loved one.

We know that war is very costly.  Some have made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their precious lives in service to our nation. Each one of them was a son or daughter, perhaps a husband or wife, father or mother.  For all those who feel the pain and the toll of this war in the loss of their loved one, comfort them.  Be a father to the fatherless and defender of widows.  As they cast their cares on you, may they know the consolation of your love.  We thank you for the freedoms these service members fought for which we enjoy today.

For each and every veteran who has served our country through the years, we thank you for their sacrifice. Comfort those who struggle in life after war.  Help us to honor and care for those who have given so much for us.

Be with our nation’s leaders as well, and all those who make decisions for our military.  Give them wisdom and discernment in everything they do.

Father God, we long for the day when swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.  We long for your peace, for your shalom.

In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

The policy of the US Government has been discourse the use of the name of Jesus Christ in military prayer services.  Let us ask our selves this question.  Why would our public servants want to remove the name of the only perfect servant who walked the face of the earth?  Could it be our elected officials can not stand the comparison that would show through in the light of truth?  Could it be that throughout history the movement toward socialism and communism can not co-exit with true Freedom of Religion?

Let us pray that the true meaning of the word “Servant” be restored.  Let us pray that this prayer begin with one person present.  Let us pray that word Servant not be usurped by word Ruler!

Let us pray that the people of is a nation and it’s leaders remember we are a people whose rights of life, liberty and freedom come from a higher authority than the any government or any person.  Let us pray that we the people remember our founding fathers turned to God when as they groped in darkness when they attempted to define the guiding principles that created and made this nation great.  Let us pray we remember we a nation founded upon a Christian Judeo Philosophy based upon concept of one almighty God including His Son Jesus Christ.

My Uncle Butch was an Army veteran of WW II.  As a child my mother told me the stories of Uncle Butch.  He drove three tanks and all three were destroyed and in each case his partner lost his life.

Even then Uncle Butch’s willingness to serve was not discouraged.  He promptly volunteered for reconnaissance missions behind Germans lines.  Uncle Butch was awarded three purple hearts and lived to tell his family of the sacrifices made for the Freedom and rights we enjoy.  Uncle Butch had the heart of a servant leader who believed in a merciful and just God.

In 1964 I took the following Oath:  I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  So help me God.

“So help me God” has been a mainstay all of my life.  As a young man I took an oath to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  That is why I am here tonight.  We are in a battle against domestic enemies for our most basic freedoms.  We are not the property of the federal government.

In 1995 I was ordained a Roman Catholic Deacon in Atlanta by the Archbishop of Atlanta.  A deacon in the roman catholic church tradition is defined in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 6.  Seven men were selected to serve at table – called to be servants.  Yet the first real story we hear of one of these deacon is that of Stephen.  Stephen was found preaching in the streets with authority for which the people expelled him form the city and stoned him to death.     I stand before you this day following the example set by Stephen.  Will I be persecuted for my faith and conscientious?

Does anyone know what the word catholic means?   It is word that means universal.  The current federal administrations desire to remain in power should have been clearly reveled for us all to see in 2012 — all Christians are catholic.  This American Idol administration has created a false image of a women’s health through contraception used to camouflage the hidden agenda – it’s about power and control obtained not through service but through the division of the people of faith and undermining the peoples right to Freedom of Religious Freedom and right to form ones conscientious!

Let us pray we can discern the truth.  Let us pray we will answer the call to serve in whatever capacity the Lord has created to walk the face of the earth!  Let us pray we have the courage of Stephen to speak the word of truth even if it should place our life in jeopardy.  So help me God!

A Boy’s 1st Major Sacrifice for Lent

Hot Chocolate and Angels

I can still remember quite clearly my first major sacrifice for lent.  I was attending Saint Joseph Grade school in Mishawaka, Indiana in the 1950’s.  In those early days of my childhood, my mother prepared hot chocolate for me each morning before I went to school.  We called it hot coco in those days.  I loved coco and toast for breakfast then and I still do today.

One lent I gave up hot chocolate, I don’t remember what grade I was in, but I will never forget the accomplishment because, it was my first real sacrifice.  I managed to give up Hot Coco everyday during that Lent including Sundays.

My reward came on Easter Sunday morning.  In those days my parents prepared Easter Baskets and hide them plus chocolate candy and eggs all over the house.  Easter Sunday morning were a time of great joy for kids as we excitedly hunted for our baskets.  Mom and dad knew the best hiding places where right in front of our noses just above or below the level would would look.

The chocolate candy I received through the love of my parents that Easter morning was the best chocolate I ever tasted.

But the story of Hot Chocolate Doesn’t End There!

I used to spend the night at my Aunt Jane’s house on many occasions.  My Aunt Jane had two sons who were close to my age and we had a great great time playing together.

Have you ever noticed how bubbles form around the top of the rim of Hot Chocolate?   Well my mother and her sister, my Aunt Jane used to tell me that there were angles sitting on the rim of my cup kicking their feet in my coco.  When they would tell me this, the spirit of the boy in me would imagine those angels and eagerly scoop up those bubbles with my toast.  I would gobble them down only to watch as more bubbles would form.

Bubbles the essence of nothing.  Bubbles the essence of angles.  Angels the essence of the unseen.  Angles the essence of the spirit of everything.  Angles surround us and one is our guarding angel!

1st Sunday of Lent – The Desert

1st Sunday of Lent February 26, 2012

In Today’s Gospel we hear Jesus was driven out into the desert.  As we reflect upon this Gospel we should realize from the beginning of time the desert has been an ever changing barren place where humans place their life in jeopardy when they venture there.

If one camped out in the desert in a tent and a hill was to the right of the tent, in the mooring the hill might have been shifted by the wind to the left.  In the desert one might freeze during the night or be roasted alive in the afternoon. The desert is a no mans land where humankind has never had the ability to control.  As such the desert is a place of the creator’s domain.  A place which facilitates ones encounter with the one true God.

Jesus was driven like one who is pushed, pulled, yanked and shoved by the spirit out into the desert.  It was an overpowering force he could not ignore – The Spirit of God himself sent Jesus, his son into the wilderness to endure testing and to encounter wild beasts.  Jesus remained there for forty of testing not just one!

Forty days is a symbolic echoing back to the forty days of testing of Moses on the mountain top and Elijah in the desert.  Forty days is the yarn that has woven the single tread garment of God’s salvation history together.

Jesus is showing us struggles and temptation are in themselves good for us.    This is a Providence story.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches   Providence is the stumbling block of evil.

Further it is a story that demonstrates the honor for the 1st and 2nd commandments.  I am the Lord God – there is no other.  Do not create false Gods before me.

The opposite of these commandments is what is taking place in our nation today.  It is called Polytheism.  Secular progressive American humanism and worldly idols are being fostered as tough the authority for our rights come from this human authority that knows better our Creator God.  We are being tempted to exchange our rights, the truth and freedom for silver, gold, technology, sex, lust, power, control, and greed.  All of these are Empty idols which lead us into bondage and slavery.

The lesson is simple, we cannot serve multiple Gods!

Evil is an unavoidable, painful, mysterious question with no quick answer.  Only Christian faith constitutes an answer to the question of evil.  Angles and people have to journey toward their ultimate destinies by their free choice and preferential love.  God respects the freedom of his creatures and mysteriously knows how to derive good from evil.

We are living in providencial times.  We are living in the desert of temptation from every possible angle, political correctness and human secular progressivism are demanding power and control over our God given freedoms.  God is watching just as he did in the time of Noah?  Will the people remember His covenant He regularly sends them in the form of a rainbow or will they turn away?

Will the people of America condemn themselves and their children to learn first hand ancient lessons of bondage and slavery in the desert for forty years before they awaken and turn around to the only spirit that can save them?  Return to me with your whole heart and soul and all your being!

Do we realize the wild beasts of our life originate from deep within our  human condition and the place we make our free choices?  Even Jesus had to confront His human nature for we know He was fully human and fully divine and yet could not escape His human condition.

Today’s scripture teach temptation is an inner test, a struggle that strengthens each individual’s character and teaches each of us valuable lessons.

Lent in the Catholic Church is a time we can prepare for this moment of truth and the wild beasts running loose in our world and Satan who confronts us face to face.  We cannot avoid this encounter it is upon us here and now – yes here and now in 2012.

These forty of days of lent are a gift from God to help us prepare ourselves to come to understand and accept in the midst of turmoil God loves us exactly as we are this very moment.  The question is do you love ourselves more than our worldly stuff?  We are created in the image and likeness of God.  We are each given a soul and the freedom of choice.  The Lord wants to love that spirit which he placed within us.  He wants us to love our own  soul so that we can be opened to begin to love all those who we encounter on the journey through the tumultuous world of 2012.

25th Sunday Ordinary Time – September 18, 2011

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time – September 18, 2011

In the Gospel of Matthew, when did the landowner go out to hire workers? The landowner went out at dawn.  What time did he need to get out of bed?  What time of day does dawn occur?  Dawn is the time when sun light first begins to break over the horizon.  Deer hunters know dawn occurs thirty minutes before the sun actually peeks over the horizon from the east.

Dawn is also a term we use to describe the moment there is sufficient intellectual understanding / light so one can see.  Could it be Jesus is teaching His disciples and followers with this parable to give them the spiritual light they need to understand the point of this gospel!  How about you and I?

One of the realities is our human, social, political and even religious experience is they often serve as automatic emotional stumbling blocks, rather than receptors for spiritual insight and truth.

Individual rights, the idea of basic human fairness, the usual daily wage, fair pay, workers and union’s rights, equality of race, gender, and age can all capture and sometimes hijack our ability to listen with an open heart and mind.  How do we sort through the tsunami of images and sound bits of crises of human social and economic images being streamed at us at “4G” force 24/7 in our world of 2011?

How we counter act, the worlds cry to unsettle and over power us with artificial crises and hidden agendas.  Sometimes, we just need to sit down, open our mind, spirit and soul and pray for the graces we need to achieve spiritual insight!

Today’s Gospel provides such insight.  Jesus addresses an audience beyond the community of his disciples – an audience opposed to Jesus himself.  A community upset, because of his open and public reception of the “scoundrels, tax collectors and sinners” from all walks of life.

Jesus teaches using parables.  He does so because parables rob the listener of the ability to create an opposing argument while Jesus is still teaching.  The listener is not only forced to listen but must digest the message before sufficient understanding can occur for one to begin to express an opinion for or against.  The human process of digesting parables provides the spirit of truth a window of opportunity to penetrate ones soul.

This is a moment of truth for you and I!

Jesus cannot be locked up and kept in a limited human created and conceived convenient box by religious or civil authority.  As for me – Silly me, in the past I discovered I had locked Jesus up in my own conceived box without the benefit of the wisdom to know our God is a Big God and escaped before I could close the lid.

Jesus telling us this story to open us up?  When the work day is done, the land owner turns the tables on us and pays the last hired first and finally the first are the last paid.  What did the land owner pay them?  Each received the usual daily wage.  Each received a denarius or enough!  The land owner provided what the world considered the exact amount to satisfy the worth, dignity, shelter, sustenance of each laborer.

But what is this story really about?  Isaiah says my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways.  As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts, says the Lord.  This wage they received must have communicated much a higher meaning.

What is the just and usual wage Jesus is teaching about.  Each receives enough – enough to meet their needs – enough to fill them full – light sustaining enough.

Each and everyday we enter a spiritual market place with the opportunity to work in the vineyard.  But most of the time we are like the laborers in the story – we are idle for some reason and perhaps even unaware of the vineyard that surrounds us.

Like the laborers, we are waiting upon the lord to supply us with what we need to survive each day.  But what is the ingredient we need?  Grace?  The good news is God’s grace is always available.  The good news is God’s grace is always enough.  The good news is it doesn’t matter if we decide early or late his grace is enough to save us.  The good news is God’s grace is enough for those who had been righteous all their lives and enough for the scoundrels and wicked who messed up their lives completely.

The great news in this story is, each of us live in this market place and can step into the vineyard without moving our feet.  All that is required is an open heart!  The vineyard is connected to the location we inhabit no matter where we go!  This is the message of hope all us long for!  No matter how lowly we think we are, how wicked we may have been or untrustworthy or even been a scoundrel there is hope for us.  If we have fallen, crashed and burned there is hope for us!

People of God, we call this hope God Grace!  It is everywhere and it is free!

To obtain Salvation the objective is to be last — Listen to the reading from Isaiah.

Seek the LORD while he may be found, call him while he is near.
Let the scoundrel forsake his way, and the wicked his thoughts; let him turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving.

Note did we hear the scoundrel and the wicked were called to seek the Lord.  Are they the ones we would think of first?  Now is the time while the Lord is near.  Turn to the Lord for mercy!  God does not act according to human standards, ways or thinking!

God does not work on a rights or deserts scale, but simply on loving scale because that is what is at the heart of God’s being.  We are each called to open your hearts, enter the vineyard with confidence, where God will provide enough to each, so we can be a light unto a world in desperate need of an encounter with love.

Have we locked God in a Box?  And if we have, will be let Him escape?

It is not merely the time that we put in. It is the heart that we put into the time we have.

In God’s kingdom people are treated according to their spiritual needs, not according to their deserts.  People are treated with love regardless of their status or time they show up.

God does not work on a rights or deserts scale, but simply on loving scale because that is what is at the heart of God’s being.  We are each called to open your hearts, enter the vineyard with confidence, where God will provide enough to each, so we can be a light unto a world in desperate need of an encounter with love.