Category Archives: The iDeacon and iDove Story

The Story

Courage – Found looking into the Mirror of Truth:

When I mention courage I must remind myself I was called to testify to the truth! Some want and seek to redefine truth to justify serious sin! Takes place on FB each and everyday!
In 2011 God gave me a vision and a call to testify to the Spiritual War unfolding in the world!  Yes and this War is unfolding within the Catholic Church itself this very day!
In 2011 I myself was caught up in a mighty struggl that required deep reflection struggling to understand God message to me in a real life real time vision.  I discovered the life of child within held the secret to interpret and understand simply because of my boyhood journey long ago!
Yes, way back when I already knew what I needed to know I just didn’t understand it in the proper Spiritual sense!
Ever since I have been asking the Lord daily!  Discovered too my truck is my chapel where a candid dialogue takes place everywhere I go!  Why me Lord! Heck I have no real power! I have no authority over but so very few! I am called to be only a servant! Hmmm?  Maybe I don’t know what a servant is?
The same message jusat keeps on comes back – “Pick up your cross and come follow me says the Lord”. Again and again I ask – Where is it we are going Lord?  Oh yea – That place – that place your Son was sent – no more sermons place! Oh my!  Yes Lord I will follow!
In 2024 my journey continues looking for courage, leadership and grace from those appointed to lead me!  Oh my – yes they are caught up in this Spiritual War as well!
Yes Yes – We have been and are in a mean spirited “Spiritual War”!  Gosh, it has been unfolding in my life for at least 13 years and yes in the Church the Lord called me to serve!
Not so surprising I find myself held at “arms length” by leaders in my Church as though I am a leper!  Why was Jesus rejected?  “Rebuke” isn’t right out of scripture the method of the Lord to communicate Love when one strays into sin!
Silence is defining!  Silence a sign of lack of courage to speak, a lack of courage to rebuke, a lack of courage to encourage or even ask “How are things going”?  This is exactly what I have encountered for the last eight years!
Am I failing?  Do I lack courage?  What the heck should I do Lord?  The inability to respond seems to wrap it’s arms around me!   No doubt – I am not alone in this War!  I call it the lack of courage to do the right thing! Rebuke me where I am in error or honor my Ordination! Clearly silence communicates Neither is the case!  Neither positive or negative!
At times I wonder if I will have a single friend outside my family!
There is no doubt in my mind the good Lord called and sent me long ago into the fire of the modern battle long ago as in 1990. I could not have told anyone at that time! Today I know I was primarily the student – sent to be taught – sent so my spiritual ears could learn hear souls crying as real people were facing death!  Yea me – I was simply powerless to do much except listen and encourage those suffering to look for meaning in the unfolding journey.
Let me assure the reader!  The Lord was and is not done with me yet! In 2011 he sent me into prison to walk through a room full of young men! My eyes and ears trained many years ago told me something was seriously amiss among these young men! Here I am again Lord – a student again! Yes My eyes and ears are open to receive!

At Heart ability to find Home / Unbelievable Escape Vision 5

As the bird sped down toward the lake – No Way No Way my mind raced:

Unbelievable the bird made a last second maneuver.  It skimmed the surface of the Lake and then pulled up into the air!  Amazing!  How’d the bird do that?  What the hey!  Oh yes, Oh yes, what I already knew was reveled.  Yes, the bird has twelve tail feathers! The rudder that guides the bird allowing the bird to escape it’s enemies and yes death!

The Power of Twelve:

Twelve tail feathers – twelve disciples any chance – any chance at all?  As a kid I already knew!  Oh man – the good Lord gave me this vision to remind and teach me again!

The Heart of the Matter:

Did you know a racing pigeon / dove has a wattle of it’s nose?  Yes it is in the shape of a Heart!  The wattle is white in color the symbol of purity.

Scientists believe the Homing Pigeon uses this organ to orientate / mark it’s home location.  Kinda a natural built in GPS Latitude / Longitude system.  Created “in the beginning” so the bird can use this ability to find it’s way home regardless of direction taken.

Home – Where is Home?:

Far more is buried than meets the eye!  Ancient man had to have recognized the birds instinctive love of Home / nest and it’s ability to return home time and again.  An instinctive drive to always return home.  Hence the bird acquired the name “Homing Pigeon”.

Spiritual Instincts Buried Within:

A homing pigeon knows it’s way home though it has never been away?  Did you know a homing pigeon recognizes it’s enemy even though it has never seen the enemy before?  True true true:  I am a witness.

Eyes Like a  Hawk:

One beautiful sunny day I opened the door to my loft to let the young pigeons out for the first time.  Bright sun shiny day – perfect with just a little wind!  The young birds where excited, nervous, fully alert and ready for the next adventure if Life!  Anxious to get out and take look around to the larger world.

Seldom do young birds actually take off and fly around the first time out.  It is usually just to check out the surrounding area from the roof top, happily flap, exercise and test those wings!  Enough flapping to lift themselves up off the rook but not so much that they actually begin flying.  The testing before the launch to improve the readiness level.  A little scary for them perhaps – exciting and scary all at once!

Recognizes Enemy Yet has never seen the Enemy before:

To my surprise on this bright sun shining day Mr. Hawk flew by and to my surprise panic struck the nerves of these young inexperienced birds.  Whoa – whoa there my mind raced!  Oh man – too late off the loft they went as if in a panic had set in!  Fortunately Mr. Hawk just flew by and paid not attention.  After a few panic stricken circles my young birds began the best managed crash landing they could manage.  Lord have mercy another unexpected lesson in the really real reality in the life of a pigeon / dove!

Finding ones Wat Home:

Amazing God’s design!  Recognizes it’s enemy yet has never seem them.  And the bird can find it’s way home yet has never been away from home!  Creation – a Spiritual message by design – Finding ones Way Home!  It speaks the spirit and heart of every human person.

Life Sentence, Hope for Parole, Rejection, New Life

Silence:  The Doorway for the Spirit of God to Enter:

Went to prison on Friday as usual.  Changed my game plan since one inmate indicated he needed silent time.  He told me in prison there is no silence unless:  Something not good has happened or is going to happen.  Tension exists when silence permeates a prison.

Adoration:  Worshiping the Eucharist – The Body of Christ:

Yep that was my game plan.  Light a candle and Expose the Eucharist on a small table in the room so the inmates who come can worship and adore the Body of Christ!  Not so sure all Catholic’s let alone Christians understand the Eucharist, Silence let alone Adoration?

The Real Presence:

For twenty minutes in silence we sat, kneel ed, and prayed!  Then I broke the silence and asked them to reflect upon their individual sins.  After another fifteen minutes I again interrupted and asked them to join me in praying as perfect an Act of Contrition as we possible could!

Act of Contrition:

Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,  and I detest all my sins because of the loss of heaven and the pains of hell.  But most of all because they offend Thee, who are all good and deserving of all my love.  I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins and amend my life.  Amen.

Since these inmates are and have been confined to prison and no priest has visited for over 3 years – this is the best we can do!  I tell them the next time a Catholic priest is available, grad them by the arm and ask them will you please hear your confession!

Communion Service – Outside Mass:

After the Act of Contrition, I ask them to join me in celebrating a Communion Service.  We begin with the Sign of the Cross, an opening prayer and the Penitential Right.  Next we begin the Liturgy of the Word from Scripture.

At the moment I begin to proclaim the Gospel, a young man knocks at the door.  We invite him in and ask how we can help him.  We discover he is looking for information regarding the Catholic Religion.  So heck we ask him to stay with us as we celebrate and briefly explain what we are doing.

At the conclusion of the service we ask him to stay and ask whatever questions he has for us in regard to his queries!  Lord Have Mercy!  He is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the difference between the protestant and Catholic Religions.

“Alleluia Alleluia”

In my book is timing is perfect.  One of the older inmates was recently turned down for parole and it was clear to me his disappointment took a spiritual tole on him.  To my great delight, this inmate took the greatest interest in answering this young mans questions.  It was a perfect opportunity for him to share his faith journey and in depth learning during his many years of incarceration.  Lord have mercy!  I sense the excitement in his manner and voice.  A rich opportunity to share his faith and journey to discerning the word of God.  Holy Smokes – sure appeared to me the Holy Spirit had set this even up.  It was uplifting!  In fact I would say both the young man and the veteran inmate were lifting each other up as words and explanations were exchanged.

to be continued …….






Still Under Development? Yep!:

Hey – What’s this all about?

Hey All:  I have been working on “” web site since 2011.  I am sure it is messy!  Many transitions / upgrades etc. etc.  Started this for my grand kids so maybe one day they could check out what I thought about things I posted here!  Was never intended to be perfect!

Reality is many improvements have been made to “” and all the associated plugins etc.  This is a learning by doing exercise!

Please Holy Spirit protect my back – Well I made it through a Knot hole!

But perhaps most important to me is to try and write according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  In 2011 I underwent my second open heart surgery.  My description was “I was pulled through a “knot whole”!

As a result I began to pray constantly why did the Good Lord kept me around?  Later after many weeks and months the Good Lord gave me a Vision to reflect upon.

The Birth of “”

Ah Ha – “theideacon” was born!  In this web site somewhere the reader will find a description of my vision and interpretation!

Forgiveness is found at the foot of the Cross:

Please please forgive me my human failures when it comes to writing, spelling, sentence structure, etc., etc..  I am a two finger typing and my mind are not in sink!  My mind does not think about what I just wrote in regard to correct writing discipline.  My mind frankly is racing way ahead on what might be written next!

Perhaps there-in Lies the Secret Message – Life Struggle with me Please:

If you struggle – well perhaps if you struggle – then perhaps we share the same spirit of struggle together!  It is the spirit hidden in the message I pray and hope to reveal!  God Bless anyone willing to enter the spiritual war I am attempting to put into words!

Just say “YES”:

November 26, 2022 – yes 11 years living a calling!  The key word is “YES” Lord!  He didn’t call me to be perfect – no he called me to seek perfection by taking the risks the Yes demands!  I am a work in progress – no apologies!

Wanna Help?  Am I crazy or what?  Oh Yea – open the doors and let the Holy Spirit in!

The One Flesh Under Attack:

For many many months I have posted about the mean spirited War against the “One Flesh”! It is a basic teaching of scripture and the Roman Catholic Church articulated through the teaching “Theology of the Body” of Saint John Paul II!
Jesus Came to???
Jesus told us he came to testify to the Truth! The powers of his day were so happy they plotted and finally crucified Him.
He taught us through His willingness to suffer. he spoke the whole time from the cross!
Our eyes are blind and our ears deaf in 2022!
Politics and Truth Not:
Our Political leaders have abandoned and in fact have been seeking to destroy the “One Flesh”! The last election reflects the great deceivers success!  Image is all that matters in our modern selfie world! Polished, Slick, and Confident is the great deceiver’s followers!
Forgive me Father – I have Failed:  It is Clear:
I have failed to be effective in opening the eyes and ears of people! Lord have mercy of me! Here in Georgia just who do our Senators represent? It’s not Christian values and principles! An informed conscious is required if this nation is to defend its original principles and values!  Oh so many have been lulled to sleep and in reality consumed by hi technology!
Yes Babies:
Literally babies are handed a smart phone without any parenting in regard to the good and evil present!
Really Are Our Ears and Eyes Open?
I remind those willing to listen! I have been visiting prison for over 11 years! My first day I walked through a room of washed out looking 17 year old men. It caused me to ask numerous questions! The old inmates told me about these young men! They are mad as hell!! What I didn’t expect is what they are so angry about?
Oh Mom and Dad – Yes Truth and very Basic’s of New Life:
Mom and Dad and no discipline! 3 in 1! The spiritual ideal of marriage! Mom and Dad do you love me enough to stop / discipline me? The answer in our modern selfie world is no!! Burn, loot, tear down, set on fire are all cries asking if anyone loves the younger generation ? Do we stop them – politically = NO!
Everyone Needs a Handy Mirror:
Everyone needs a mirror to look into! The enemy is looking back!! My worst enemy

Where Oh Where is Raphael?

I discovered my Baptismal Patron Saint:

Help help help!!! I cry out with all my soul! I am calling to the wind, the spirit and breath of life to carry my plea to the ends of the earth! Help help help. My name is Michael given at birth yet delayed to this moment to recognize my calling. In the midst of the night my kin Gabriel I heard the hark as coming through my many intercessions to the Virgin!  Make haste our kin Raphael has been taken hostage by the spirit of “trans” seeking to detour souls on their journey home to the promised land.

Deception Evils Doorway:

Deceptive is that Spirit kin to the deceiver articulated in the story – “In the Beginning from which “original sin entered the world! Ah ha – yes luring souls including the tender vulnerable very young ever so slowly leading to the great abyss. Oh Raphael, Oh Raphael where oh where have you taken up hiding Raphael?

Bowels of the Earth – My Classroom:

Oh my cries my soul; For years my ears have heard the cry from the souls of men seeking the answer of just who they were created to be? To the bowels of the earth I traveled. My classroom of the spirit of creation is where few travel! Have you forgotten Raphael you are pure spirit created to lead and join prayers of souls crying out from the deeps of the their soul inhabiting earth seeking profound healing only found in the truth of God’s design in the beginning.

I need help! Yes I need help of souls with spiritual ears and eyes! Yes the spirit hidden within People – oh so often people who earnestly wish to follow the good shepherd yet seemingly blinded by the imagination and lure of the great deceiver to replace God’s tree with self! Imagination now used as a serious weapon of war seeking to fool and conquer the spirit of logic with selfie Truth! Hi tech has opened a new door diverting focus and attention away from ancient truth luring man’s nature to own the tree of good and evil! Today this weapon is placed in the hands of the very young and vulnerable!

The Walls of the One Flesh have been penetrated:

Oh my, oh my and even the old journeying on, separating truth and Creations design from reality. Oh so many have been lured by greater and greater numbers, especially the young holding in their small hands the newest device that has invaded the domain of the one flesh and stealthily seeks control over ones imagination – an imaginary Disney Land where all things are possible including the desire to extinguish the one flesh few in the modern world understand.

Thick Clouds cover the earth:

Hark – I cry in desperation! Can anyone hear my voice! Have the images of the deceiver world placed a thick layer of clouds over souls so thick eyes can no longer see and ears can not hear! Has this spirit of imagination been deceived leading souls and putting them to sleep? The Battle from the beginning has always been raging. But today it seems to have accelerated taking Raphael hostage! Has anyone see the great archangel?

Hidden Power of Imagination and Emotions Joined:

Oh so many others have been taken hostage as well by the power of imagination and emotions even penetrating and overtaking so many leaders of the good shepherd’s church!
Yes even some holier than thou followers cry in protest to the proclaiming of truth and are offended by any Rebuke. Rather they protest – seeking rather a voice that will entertain the imagination and speak to the spirit within a message the new born selfie god wants to hear! Oh my even some Cardinals, Archbishops and Priests tremble at the volume of the voice of imagination and emotion! Purse strings influence truth! For who exists in our modern world that is qualified to testify to the Truth reveled “In the Beginning”? Rather embracing Pilot’s words! Truth – what is truth! Spoken to the face of the one who came to testify to the Truth and was ultimately willing to be crucified in silence for speaking the message of truth clarified from the Beginning! Yet while hanging His spirit spoke volumes to the eyes open to read the discipline of love communicated through suffering! The secret doorway was reveled to spirits open and willing to enter the story!

I am Michael created to drive the demons of heaven and earth into the great abyss to save souls of man from following! Yet in this modern selfie world even I am in desperate need of human souls from the so very very old through the very very young to join me in prayer to save Raphael. And to pray to save those suffering from the delusions of the imagination driven by and embedded in the upheaval of emotions seeking free reign over the spirit of logic defining the very battle of this day – the war between the spirit and flesh that began in the very beginning of time.

Who will step forward and help me? I call upon angels, saints with wings and souls of pilgrims of earth on the journey home to kneel down this day! Pray I ask for the spirit and source of healing of the “trans” disease inflicted by the great deceiver, that seeks to destroy essence of the innocence of life from the cradle of the womb of creation and now targets the innocence of youth designed to be protected by the very spiritual nature of the one flesh!  I plead – am I alone? Who will pray with me for the healing of souls walking in the crises of the unseen war seeking the ruin and extinction of man, woman, male, female, boy, girl, mother, father, husband, and wife all the while taking dead aim at dissolving God’s design for – “the “One Flesh“!

Am I Michael walking alone? Is there a single soul who with the courage to support the creation of a spirit lead animation as in God’s spiritual creation with the potential to penetrate the imagination in spite of the great deceiver’s thick clouds that covers the whole world seeking lost souls!  And where oh where has Raphael been taken hostage?

The Truth will set you Free — Who spoke those words?


A Death Dive – Are You Gonna Leave Me? – A Vision 4

An Anointing with Sacred Oil:

The news in regard to the Catholic Church and it’s hierarchy is growing more devastating each day. The Gospel this Sunday gave us a testimony to give us hope! This truth is hard to take! Many disciples left and returned to the ways of the world! Jesus asked! Will you leave me too?
What is your answer?  Peter said to whom shall we go?

In 2011 God gave me a vision – of an intense mean spirited war. The Church was in a nose dive and the Spirit of Life was in what appeared as a death dive to save itself from the evil one who seeks the ruin of faith and any believer.

The voice of the one who loves me spoke to me – I kept you Alive to stand as a witness to this war and to speak of this war in words the world rejects.

The Great Deceiver seeks to Silence you Voice:

The duelist, progressives, relativism and pluralist of this world will seek to silence your voice! Those who have appointed themselves the owners of truth while living the life of a world enslaved by sin the world seeks to embrace will reject you.

As the war intensifies and the Church appears doomed, the vision manifest an amazing recovery! To those who have ears – listen to the voice placed in your soul the day you were conceived. To those who have eyes – look the spirit of the Lord that fly’s on the wings of the dove that gave us the “Word” as it passes over the waters – the wellspring of new life!

To Whom will you Turn?

Preparation: An Anointing:  Oil of Salvation:  Baptism: Confirmation:

Yes the idove preens itself everyday!  It has an oil gland at the base of it’s tail.  It takes it’s beak and rub’s it’s beak  across the oil gland then spreads a thin layer of oil all over it’s feathers.  It anoints itself everyday which enable the bird to pass through the air with least residence to escape it enemy.

To whom shall you turn? Who promised my Church shall not be overcome? I await the revelations yet to unfold with the hope in the One who calls me by the name that rings as music to my ears!

to be continued …………..

The Story of the Vision 3

The Power of Twelve
The Power of Twelve……

The individual parts are not greater than the whole. The whole can not operate to it’s fullest potential without all parts joining in the task of protecting and saving the whole nation from destruction.

The Old Testament refers to the number of twelve – the twelve tribes of Israel. One of those tribes was dedicated to serve as the religious servants to the whole worshiping community. The Levit’s were called to honor this calling within the framework of the 12. The One Body concept would include all 12 tribes.

Back to the story ….

The iDove or white racing pigeons is diving directly down as if it’s destination is to plunge directly into the lake rapidly approaching below.

I stood motionless and wasn’t even able to breath as I watched the unthinkable and unbelievable real life playing our before my eyes. Is was as if the Holy Spirit was speaking to me – pay close attention son, for you are slow of heart and I don’t want you to forget the lesson being played out to be burned into your heart planting a fire so intense it will erupt within your soul and rush to your lips and out of your mouth to a world so occupied with self and corruption it will cause my children to escape for a moment from bondage and slavery box they have placed themselves.

The iDove continued to propel itself with it’s power full wings and primary flight feathers to it’s maximum speed. I said to myself, I cannot watch this sure disaster yet I could not move my body or take my eyes off God’s creatures full filling the purpose for which they were created.

Oh My, at about 100 foot above the lake a huge Oak tree obscured my view! Surely at this late point these birds could no longer avoid crashing into the lake. I was able to move a smidgen, just in time to see the iDove descend below the trees lower drip line. 20 feet to impact!

The Twelve Tribes – No Way the Bird has 12 Tail Feathers to Guide it:

What happened next my eyes could not believe!! No way! This can’t be real! Ya gotta be kidding me! The iDove …

The Next Revelation

The Story of the Vision 2

Hidden in the Story <—> Stealth War

February 18, 2011 — Often in life we humans can not see what is right in front of our noses or hear the sounds crying out to be heard by our ears!

I wonder if anyone could see all of the symbology that was hidden in the story of the iDove and the iDeacon? In fact I can tell you the iDeacon could not see the fulness of the story of what was revealed in the that beautiful spring morning. The discovery of the “Truth” hidden in the story was to come only in time!

The “Already and the Not Yet” – Say What?

The iDeacon was amazed to discover he didn’t know what he already knew! It is a kind of example of the “Already” but “Not Yet”! Often our spirits already know what our conscious minds can not articulate.

The Kingdom of Heaven that is “Already” in 2011 but also the promised perfected Kingdom “Not Yet”.

One can’t get to the concept of Kingdom “Not Yet” without first traveling through the Kingdom “Already”. After Jesus was baptized by the John the Baptist in the Jordan river, upon coming out of the river a dove descended over him and Jesus said “the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” – acknowledging the “Already” exists.

Some may be wondering — What chew talking about – have you lost it????

When I was a boy, I lived in the second largest Belgium settlement in the USA. The national sport in Belgium is racing pigeons. The west end of my home town is where the Belgium’s settled and it seems every 10th house had a pigeon loft in the back yard when I was a boy.

About 3 PM every afternoon when the men came home from work at the Ball Band factory, the Belgium air force (homing pigeons) were let out to exercise. These pigeons would circle and circle around the home loft for 30 minutes to an hour each evening or until the fancier called then in by whistling or shaking the feed can.

I used to ride my bike through the alleys of the west end looking for pigeon lofts. Then one day my dad asked me if I wanted some pigeons. Razing and racing homing pigeons entered my blood stream and I began a journey to learn more than I could articulate would only discover years later that which I had come to already know.

The Power of Ten:

Do you know how many primary flight features a racing pigeon has? These are the features that propel the pigeon through the air. They rotate as the air passes through which propels them forward and creates a distinct sound like a wish. In fact it catches your attention when a flock of homing pigeons pass over head. You can tell the velocity of flight by the intensity of the sound.

Oh yea! You want to know how many primary flight features a racing pigeons has. They have ten. Now why would that fact be symbolic. It’s the number ten from ancient times that has been passed on from generation to generation that keeps one on the straight and narrow. It is in following this ten that can save ones life from destruction. It is this power of ten that can propel one at the speed necessary to escape the enemy that threatens ones life.

Remember, we are speaking of the hidden symbol buried in the story of the iDove! And the iDove is the symbol of the Spirit of God and the spirit of ones soul for each is created in the image of God! Could it be the Ten commandments provide humanity with most basic and necessary principles to be digested and understood? Could they contain the secret principles that when followed will lead one to encounter life, find liberty and the path that leads to happiness? And in the end opens the doorway to save ones soul from the evil one and find one standing at heavens door?

The Power of Twelve:

To be continued …..

The Story of the Vision 1

The Answer to a Prayer – the Story of the Vision

A messenger from above appeared to lead me through a story which would unfold before my eyes to teach me what I already knew but didn’t know I knew testifying to the reality we already know what we need to know but don’t know we already knew it. Breathless I watched! February 14, 2011 — The Revelation of “the War between the Flesh and the Spirit”. The iDove began to awaken the iDeacon to the reality of the continuing War as he observed an attack taking place in the beautiful clear blue bird sky above!

Oh what a beautiful day it was. Cool clear deep blue bird sky on a spring day. Not a cloud in sight. The iDeacon was observing his homing pigeons circle overhead. One could sense the joy these pigeons must feel as the air passed under their wings. God’s creatures gracefully fulfilling the purpose for which they were born as they flew higher and higher into the sky above.

Then in a blink of the eye, the iDeacon detected something had changed in the maneuvers of the birds high above. The smooth path of flight suddenly accelerated. The sound of their wings increased as their wing speed intensified. The smooth graceful circles were replaced by abrupt changes in direction of flight.

The iDeacon was stopped in his tracks as he searched for an answer for what had caused the change.

Without warning one of the white pigeons began a drive from about a 1000 feet straight down as fast as it could fly. How fast can they fly straight down – 100 200 mph? The dive took the iDeacon’s breath away and he frooze in his tracks. It was an amazing sight, the pigeon was really diving straight down. In fact straight down at a 5 acre lake below. Could this be real?

Was this white pigeon performing what appeared to be a suicide dive straight down into the water? There was a 100 foot tall white oak trees at the edge of the lake. As the bird approached 100 feet above the tree top of the white oak, the iDeacon finally saw the cause for this drastic life and death maneuver.

There directly on the tail of the pigeon was a coopers hawk.    Both were diving straight down in a death dive.

Unbelievabale, at 100 feet they both still diving directly at the lake as fast as they could fly. At 50 feet the iDeacon could see the hawk extending his talons for the kill.

Oh my, an oak tree was between the iDeacon and the death dive. The birds disappeared behind the tree and iDeacon was sure there was no way these two birds would escape crashing into the lake.

Only God could create a creature capable of what the iDeacon saw next. As the white pigeon could be seen again as it descended below the canopy of the tree it made an unreal last second maneuver just before hitting the lake. It not only escaped the lake and had begun a climb back into the clear blue sky but it left the hawk in it’s dust.

No way, no way, this was unreal yet it happened and could not be denied. The pigeon really did leave the hawk in the dust using this amazing pullup maneuver.

Finally the iDeacon was able to take a new breath of air as he stood frozen in his tracks trying to absorb and digest the really real life and death struggle that had just been played out before his eyes.

In the coming days this event was played out again and gain in the iDeacon’s mind. Through this event the voice of the iDove began to speak and reveal the symbolic battle that took place that day and takes place everyday between the flesh and the spirit of our world.

iDove had hooked the iDeacon and the birth of this web page was sealed!

To be continued The Story Unfolds ……