Category Archives: Form of Government
Flipity Flopity – Flip / Flop: The Death of the American Dream & Truth:
Who — Must mean the WOK:
Not on the New National Religion:
Fantasy – Oh Yea Fantasy:
And what about FB Zuck!!!
From Ancient Times:
The Spiritual War has Accelerated:
Little Kids – I didn’t Stutter:
The New National Religion of the USA
Went to prison last Friday. Arrived on time – went to my assigned place. Guard told me no room for you! Go see the Chaplin and off I went – routine! Followed the Chaplin around and was assigned a room! “What do you have in mind for me today Lord!” My prison prayer – my classroom!
First inmate in is a young man who wants to become Catholic. I inform him I want him to pass a test. Write the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
His response – he has talked with the older inmates and thinks I can answer his question better. So what’s on your mind?
I was born this way!
Something like – I am attracted to men and I was born this way!
Anyone think I was prepared for this? 1990 – 2000 I ministered to people with HIV / AIDS in the bowels of Atlanta. It was considered a crises in those days. HIV slowly overcomes the immune system and almost everyone thought it was a death sentence. I would say one could cut the atmosphere I walked into with a knife. Yes my classroom!
What did I hear repeated again and again. “I was created this way”! I describe it as a cry coming from deep down in the bones of one fast forwarded to facing the reality of Death. Yes many were dying and I learn to recognize the look of those as they approached deaths door.
The Body divided from the Mind, Emoptions without a Soul:
The body has a soul and the soul cries out in distress in multiple ways. Way back then I could not have told anyone but I was sent to be trained in preparation for today’s world and the LBGTQ+++ disconnect agenda from God’s design.
The young man’s question without hesitation told me I had managed to speak the truth without condemnation! I am not afraid of the LBGTQ+++ agenda or speaking the Truth.
In the beginning man demonstrated man could be deceived as man sought the eat the forbidden fruit – Modern man has not changed! Modern man has long been working overtime to disconnect human emotions, human imagination and the soul from the Body!
Abortion the Knife Used to Divide Body and Soul:
Abortion is a great analogy! To justify Abortion humanity has claimed an unborn child is not a person – just a piece of meat! We know better – science proves it – babies kick and turn – feel pain and on and on! Denial of Truth is the sand Abortion sits on!
When I was in middle school on I was afraid to ask girls out! But taking a shower with the boys was a piece of cake. Culture can manipulate humans! Malleable is the word to describe how humans can adapt to various cultural pressures.
There has been a ton of behavior study that has taken place that tells us young people’s imagination can be manipulated and data shows if left to natures process of puberty approximately 93% of young people are happy with their gender. The remaining roughly 7% have suicidal tendencies! I do not claim to be an expert in this regard yet know the studies are available.
The New Religion — Truth Upside Down — Fairy Tail Land = Reality:
Reality long ago the War was launched and prior to 2023 we had a new religion that is being propagated by the culture, supported by Hollywood, the new media, politicians and population control zealots.
The time I spent from 1990 through 2000 was walking in the midst of people crying out — “Who am I”! My classroom for the great deceivers LBGTQ Agenda
That’s not all folks – No one went with me to the bowels of Atlanta in those days! But I know I was sent there to be taught in preparation for today!
Every human demands (instinctively) both spiritual and physical touch to be affirmed! The importance of holding and loving a child can not be overestimated. A child spent months listening to the heart beat of it’s mother!
Child brought up without a mother and a father is vulnerable!
1960’s: Prayer removed – JFK assassinated by our own government. LBJ war of poverty and the great society followed by the rapid decline of the black family followed shortly by all families regardless of faith!
The new “pronoun” religion placed into law!
Who is gonna speak up if not me?
Devil’s Religion and Agenda to Get There
Truth is Truth – it Simply Does not Change:
I own the Tree: I am God: I can recreate Myselfie:
Abortion the Launching Pad! The Body has no Soul:
A False Prophet – Anti Christ in the White House:
Conspiracy Theories:
“conspiracy theory”
2023: No longer a theory!!
The One Flesh Under Attack:
Vote in Georgia – Culture of Death or Freedom
Culture of Death — Polished — Yes/No?
Can’t support the culture of Death especially from someone who makes the high claims to be a Christian Reverend and Pastor. I see, acknowledge and admit he sure appears as slick, polished and confident. And “oh my” all the $$ money he is attracting – he is a Hollywood and Disney’s man! Has he been bought and paid for by outsiders of Georgia? A great pretender! In today’s hep language he supports Woke rather than scriptures warning to be awake?
What does scripture Tell Us?
Scripture tells of the great deceiver Adam and Eve encountered in the beginning. Yes the Rev has mastered deception. Has found a way to speak words many people want to hear. The giveaway is his action and support for sins that are opposed to God’s design for man, true Christian teaching, values and principles.
Just where is he leading Georgia and America! It is not support of the founding principles and values of this nation or the Christian principles and values that made this nation a light on the Hill.
Who is Racist?
He supports the abortion of 70-80% of babies of his own race and places no limits to even higher percentages. Would he support infanticide as well? I have serious concerns!
Transition the Healthy Young into What?
He supports the transitioning of healthy young kids, removal of healthy organs, sterilization of minor kids. Modern Science has no idea of future consequences! The free flow of fentanyl and opioid drugs into our nation. He has not opposed in any meaningful way the destruction of life underway. All the while the suicide rate among young Americans has skyrocketed – no meaningful action there either. His actions support the military losing focus on their primary mission.
What is that Vision Again?
Now he asks me / us to support his vision / agenda while his actions are destructive to the American Republic and it’s citizens. All the while he smiles broadly as his party facilitates an invasion at the southern border! Chuck Schumer told us clearly they want to replace our aborted babies, and those lost to the accelerated drug money and the newly increased action to sterilize young American citizens. Chuck didn’t lie! Are we fools?
What kind of Angel is Raphael?
Raphael is scriptures Archangel that seeks to pray with those who seek healing. The Reverend Raphael is missing the mark! Scripture warns us about great deceivers! He will not be the last.
Let’s Pray: !!
Yes I pray for his conversion to the truth of scripture and the healing of a deeply divided people on the cusp and brink of perhaps irreversible self destruction.
Will you join me in Prayer?
Some may not agree with me ?? I wonder will you pray with me to the only source capable of saving our nation from self destruction every great nation eventually fell to – selfie self (woke) as God!!
The Rights of the People: The Choice:
The Potential of a Blank Piece of Paper:
A blank piece of paper is empty. It openly awaits and serves as pure potential to inscribe a message yet written to communicate thoughts hidden in ones mind. It has no history, values, principles, rules or guidelines. It is an opportunity to sort through ideas, hopes, and dreams while entering the battleground of discovering and engaging with the spirit of Truth!
Modern man and America are at War with the Truth! It is a War between the creature and the creator. It is the War explained “In the Beginning” and just who owns the “Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil”! A story that precisely provides a God given basic Truth called “Free Will”!
Spirit and flesh who is in control? Emotions and logic who is in control? Yes it is the War between the Spirit and the Flesh!! Who is winning in 2022? Yes it sure looks like the Flesh – yes the Flesh appears to be winning!
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
Oh yea and then there was this Declaration of Independence and Constitution paper thing! And just what does it say? Not your opinion or mine! At what cost were those words written on a blank piece of paper? Just exactly what do the words placed upon a blank sheet of paper say? And and does modern man have a clue? Blood the cost humans were willing to pay – real blood and real tears! Hearts torn not just a little! Should we even pay any attention to these words in 2022? Or do modern humans have insights sufficient to throw away the words written on a blank paper many years and generations ago?
One Flesh – United – Do we any longer have any Idea what it Means:
Are all people are created “Equal”! Are we confused? The word on the Blank paper is “Equal” not “Equitable”! Endowed by the “Creator” not man! Individual Rights No Government may infringe upon! Am I allowed to speak these words today which were long ago written on a blank paper? Does our modern government now support a new religion based upon the creature versus creator? Seems so! The “Pronoun” Religion — Prohibited by sacred words written long ago! Who is being sacrificed at the altar of the Pronoun Religion?
The Pronoun Religion has been Elevated to the Status of Law:
Some assume this was written for the reader, when in fact the written Word carries the Spirit of Life / Truth for which I was created in the first place. It’s desired destination is the eyes and ears of those who I love even tough many may demand that I not speak! No more sermons from Jesus Christ was clearly communicated through His crucifixion long ago!
To my Grand Children:
My spirit cries out – sometimes in real tears! Before you were born and even as you were formed in your mothers womb the God of Life was shed to assure that the spirit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were birthed as well!
Least Understood is the Pursuit of Happiness:
Life provides the opportunity to search and discover ancient Truths. Your spirit cries out from deep within searching to discover the gifts buried within your body and soul! Precisely and Uniquely your own at the moment of conception – the implantation of your soul hidden in your body. A closely guarded secret by to those who seek to replace the creator with self. The secret of happiness is found in the creators spirit of Truth! It was for this Truth I was destined to reveal! I would gladly give my life so you might encounter the mystery of life and the fountain source where the the thirst for happiness is found!
The War of Good versus Evil from Antiquity Continues
From this formerly blank paper leaps hope the tears I shed from the collision of God’s Truth with the demons who sought from the “Beginning” to lead humanity to replace the owner of that Tree in the Garden with Man himself. If Man owns the Tree then the Spirit of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness lead mankind down the road to hatred and division – clear symptoms of the Satan’s War is being successfully waged against the creator’s Plan for the Salvation of man!
Where Hope Hides:
Yes it is! It is buried in your soul! You were born for this day and this particular War. As Jesus told His disciples every time he encountered them — “Do not be afraid and Peace be with you“! Turn your Spirit to me, I am at your side always and yes faith and trust are the gifts freely given for you to find your way Home! Yes God loves you and yes He does – He calls you by your most beloved name!
Air Traffic Controller Strike: August 3, 1981
Anniversary – 1981-2022! Yikes 41 years ago today!
Miami International Airport August 3, 1981
I was there Miami Airport! The national PATCO Union – the controllers Union called for a strike. 13,00 Air Traffic controllers went on strike! I went to work that day!
PATCO Union: Where is PATCO Today:
What many Americans do not know is that PATCO had affiliated itself with the AFL/CIO who had control of the ships and trucks. Hmmm! Anyone see a potential problem there? Some body wanted the strike.
1st Negotiated Federal Government Contract:
PATCO had negotiated the first contract with the Federal Government – FAA. They pretty much were offfered everything they asked for! Hmmm! So what was the strike really all about?
What was it all about? –> “Power and Control”
Could in it be Power and Control? Hmmm! How does your mind work?
To Lily and Molly:
Merry Christmas 2021:
I wish you a very Merry Christmas December 25, 2021 and a Happy and prosperous New Year 2022 with new adventures in growing into young women!
Hope Came into the World During the Longest Night:
In every life time darkness invades life from time to time. Hope always shines forth in the midst of darkness. This Hope can lie hidden for years! Love is communicated through the gift of Free Will we call choice. The great difficulty for humans is the freedom and willingness to be open and actually begin to search for the spirit of Hope buried in the crucifixion story. Love is communicated by surrender to the spirit of Truth. Truth serves as a mirror and one can not escape the image of the one looking back. Humanity choose to crucify the one who came to testify to the Truth.
May Almighty God Bless you both.