Category Archives: Poems

Evil Hides in Darkness and Seeks to Surround

Darkness slowly creep-ed up upon me and wrapped it’s arms around me and began pressing in from every angle as it long sought to squeeze the light from my soul. Evil and sin are spreading their wings across the land to test the soul of a nation.

The lord gave me a gift I could have not received except by walking through the valley of darkness hidden in the bowels of human passions. A gift I never asked for , prayed for, dreamed of or sought. I was sent to stand as a witness to the self destruction humanity unwittingly set free. The”HIV” crises of the late 1980’s and 90 is alive and as well today as then. I was sent into prison to encounter the anger of young un-churched men who could not articulate the reason for their anger. Could it be the love of a father for his son? Does anyone see what I see in the darkness that seeks to blind me? Anger permeates the air!

Why I cry out?!? And a whimper of a voice thought unheard speaks To the soul of man. We live in this modern society of where humans are routinely thrown away just like things. The darkness has managed to turn a mother’s womb into a battleground where death is more and more often the victor. The unborn are throw away humans and worse. The unborn are for the Rick nothing more than pieces parts. The soul is tossed into the darkness and every human that survives eventually sees what takes place in the darkness. Life is no longer a right or sacred! Where is my father and mother asks every child? The question is planted in the soul of every human creature. But darkness seeks to extinguish the question that seeks to find the light of truth. The father has no voice says the law. We have rendered him tossed out. Of the two it takes to make one – the father does not exist. Just ask almost any young inmate if he knows his father?

I look all about the land for a leader with the courage to speak with eyes undefeated by the darkness. Is there anyone I wonder with an ember of fire in the furnace of the soul who has been prepared for this day and this battle as humanity seeks to replace God with himself?Man must render himself deaf and blind to the cries of men being tossed about in the wind of selfish pleasure which seeks to make them unaware of the darkness closing in!

How deep into the darkness must I pass before the promised one wraps his arms around me and tells me – son a long time ago I paid the price for every man and opened the doorway that passes from darkness to the light?

Thank god for the blessings of all those human creatures who walk with us through the darkness, especially children who depend upon our ability to see through the darkness and those who help us find the light!

Orange Juice

Oh Orange Juice – Orange Juiceheaven sent! Delivered by angles to wet ones parched dry lips, to caress and tantalize ones taste buds back to life, to refresh ones tongue, the roof of the mouth and awaken the tonsils and throat from the grasp of death to new life! So one can clearly sing -> “Alleluia – Lord Have Mercy”!!!

The Lass

The curly locks of a pretty young girl’s hair, the smile of the young lass who is reaching out to greet us with an outstretched hand holding a beautiful flower.

Her hat, her coat and her dress, ah the whole essence of her being cause one to pause for the briefest of moments.

If only we can pause long enough to take it all in, we might per chance. notice the flowers delicate pedals that carry the flowers true beauty.

Pedals that symbolize the tenderness of our very own innermost being, the place we allow no one to visit, a place our human nature buries below a surface of a hardened core – a place we call our house.


She clings to a lamp post we might not have noticed or the oversized

coat of the Father.  The lamp post holds the light for the whole world to

see, the warmth and protection of the fathers coat,  if only they pause long enough to look and open the doorway to the our heart.

We scarce can take it all in, that we might even hear the sweet whisper that flows from her lips as it caresses the soul of all those whom she meets.

She can never be avoided but her image and the message can be blocked by the coarseness of the passageway to the heart.

This beautiful lass has taught me there is always plenty of room to inside the room of the heart and I have learned and come to love her so!

Each is called by name not in jest – but for a true conversion of heart.

For as each one encounters the lass, each is called, grace will abound and be found in compassionate love with the potential to heal and wipe away every tear of disgrace.

The question at last must be asked – have you ever seen the girl?

Love is communicated through the welcoming images of creation as they penetrate the eye.


The Size of the Room

It can be fun to find the things that go through the spirit of the mind.

Over the past months I have withdrawn to be consumed and found locked in a room.

After months of persistence and strain, I grew tried and weary and called out in pain to the voice in the room.

There is discovery there for one with passion to bare.

There seemingly alone, yet consumed by a dream of a bush all aflame, I was consumed by the flame only to remain.

Although seemingly walking alone, I opened my heart to the risk and chance to join in a new dance.

There sweet music filled the room and I became aware of the immense size of the room.

Finally I paused and crawled into a tree and the memory of an angel visited me there.

The need to embrace and caress while smelling the essence of her hair served to make  me more fully aware.

I long to hear her sighs, her coo echo’s in my ears and her smile melts my heart.

Her lips turned upside down, instantly bring tears to my eyes and melt my heart.

Crushed, I discovered anew a longing and yearning for the angle who visited there.

Out of fear of my withdrew, I called out anew for a way to encounter a fresh breath of angle air that crawled into my room when I was barely aware.

Perhaps more simple to say, I miss you this day and fear you may no longer visit this room.

The heart is the room and amazing to say there is always plenty of room for angel air in the room.  So why did this happen to me and the angle pass through?

The message is clear, in the sounds of music passing through the room the angel deposited there.

The answer is buried in the infinite flame of the spirit who calls us home, to engage in the struggle to smuggle the great hidden tenderness of love and mercy buried there out of the room.