Category Archives: Marriage
Speaking in Foreign Tongues:
It appears to me after a dozen years I speak in a” foreign tongue” to modern man.
My description of the on going current “Spiritual War” unfolding in the modern world is to describe it as a “War against God’s Design for Humanity”! I get essentially zero “0” comments or feed back.
The Devil’s Agenda:
The Devil’s agenda can best be described in modern man’s attack against God’s One Flesh design as articulated using the letters “LBGTQ +++”! Yes exactly!
Why I ask can no one respond to my description positive or negative? Do I exist? Could I be missing the mark or is it possible the “Truth” can not be controverted without risk or a lack of courage exists among so many to take the risk necessary to stand up for the “Truth”?
Recent Example: Harrison Buckner’s Speech
CNN bulwark of Truth – says who?
Reminder Jesus Christ constantly and continually calls each and every individual by name. The sinner is not condemned. Perhaps in the sinner’s mind something more difficult is asked of them? “Turn around“! Oh my! “Come back to me says the Lord“! With your whole, mind, body, soul, spirit and yes – “all your being“! Yes a confrontation takes place as “In the Beginning“! Yes, yes, yes and yes, the original flaw of humanity revels the stubbornness of the human heart and the stiffness of the human neck!
I ask myself? Harrison Buckner’s Speech was far more extensive than, my to the point description and he is being attacked relentlessly! Hot hot hot topic among those who support humanities replacement of God’s design with modern man’s “Selfie Individual Truth“
The Roman Empire Self Destructs: Hmmm America Today
We are witnessing the war and destruction of American Values and Principles everyday in so called elite universities and colleges!
Fools logic! Make no mistake no human being can change gender the specific great deceiver war against the Christian Truth proclaimed by Jesus Christ Himself! Procreation and the One Flesh design as “In the Beginning” is the prime target of the current political Marxist movement in our nation!
What? Decolonization? What is that? Decolonization is supported by the current Democratic Party leadership! Can we connect the Dots?
Abort babies by every means possible under any circumstance clearly articulates every means possible without consideration of reality or God’s design. LBGTQ is in lock step with this war! Those who celebrate the LBGTQ movement and gender choice agenda are guilty of supporting the Great Deceivers War against God’s design for humanity!
The Border – the Border:
The open border decision allows the mass transfer drugs purposely targeting young American children and young adults! Are we asleep? Yes decolonization is politically supported by the Political establishment!
We stand as witness’s to our own self destructive nature = Sin! Check around and you will find even people who refer to themselves as devout Catholic’s celebrating the great deceivers War against life itself!
By any means possible includes the Great Deceivers agenda – embrace sin – decolonization and replacement of people using every method including science, doctors who remove healthy organs to satisfy the Devils War! All the while proclaiming man has replaced God’s design with selfie self focused purely on emotions and feelings!
Our Nation and many of our top leaders have aligned themselves with the Devil’s agenda! Yes folks this is an intense War humanity has not encountered in previous generations!
The next battlefield and new weapon is upon us! Artificial Intelligence a non living entity: AI will reside within a non living technical invention humans will begin to worship and will not be able to live without! The Smart Phone has arrived. The arrival of modern man’s newest God and is now establishing it’s worship among foolish vulnerable young while simultaneous the long war against the One Flesh design is reaching record epidemic levels of destruction to protect God’s design to safe guard the truth — through the protection of the One Flesh!
Thought Provoking: Blessing Irregular Couples
Courage – Found looking into the Mirror of Truth:
The New National Religion of the USA
Went to prison last Friday. Arrived on time – went to my assigned place. Guard told me no room for you! Go see the Chaplin and off I went – routine! Followed the Chaplin around and was assigned a room! “What do you have in mind for me today Lord!” My prison prayer – my classroom!
First inmate in is a young man who wants to become Catholic. I inform him I want him to pass a test. Write the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
His response – he has talked with the older inmates and thinks I can answer his question better. So what’s on your mind?
I was born this way!
Something like – I am attracted to men and I was born this way!
Anyone think I was prepared for this? 1990 – 2000 I ministered to people with HIV / AIDS in the bowels of Atlanta. It was considered a crises in those days. HIV slowly overcomes the immune system and almost everyone thought it was a death sentence. I would say one could cut the atmosphere I walked into with a knife. Yes my classroom!
What did I hear repeated again and again. “I was created this way”! I describe it as a cry coming from deep down in the bones of one fast forwarded to facing the reality of Death. Yes many were dying and I learn to recognize the look of those as they approached deaths door.
The Body divided from the Mind, Emoptions without a Soul:
The body has a soul and the soul cries out in distress in multiple ways. Way back then I could not have told anyone but I was sent to be trained in preparation for today’s world and the LBGTQ+++ disconnect agenda from God’s design.
The young man’s question without hesitation told me I had managed to speak the truth without condemnation! I am not afraid of the LBGTQ+++ agenda or speaking the Truth.
In the beginning man demonstrated man could be deceived as man sought the eat the forbidden fruit – Modern man has not changed! Modern man has long been working overtime to disconnect human emotions, human imagination and the soul from the Body!
Abortion the Knife Used to Divide Body and Soul:
Abortion is a great analogy! To justify Abortion humanity has claimed an unborn child is not a person – just a piece of meat! We know better – science proves it – babies kick and turn – feel pain and on and on! Denial of Truth is the sand Abortion sits on!
When I was in middle school on I was afraid to ask girls out! But taking a shower with the boys was a piece of cake. Culture can manipulate humans! Malleable is the word to describe how humans can adapt to various cultural pressures.
There has been a ton of behavior study that has taken place that tells us young people’s imagination can be manipulated and data shows if left to natures process of puberty approximately 93% of young people are happy with their gender. The remaining roughly 7% have suicidal tendencies! I do not claim to be an expert in this regard yet know the studies are available.
The New Religion — Truth Upside Down — Fairy Tail Land = Reality:
Reality long ago the War was launched and prior to 2023 we had a new religion that is being propagated by the culture, supported by Hollywood, the new media, politicians and population control zealots.
The time I spent from 1990 through 2000 was walking in the midst of people crying out — “Who am I”! My classroom for the great deceivers LBGTQ Agenda
That’s not all folks – No one went with me to the bowels of Atlanta in those days! But I know I was sent there to be taught in preparation for today!
Every human demands (instinctively) both spiritual and physical touch to be affirmed! The importance of holding and loving a child can not be overestimated. A child spent months listening to the heart beat of it’s mother!
Child brought up without a mother and a father is vulnerable!
1960’s: Prayer removed – JFK assassinated by our own government. LBJ war of poverty and the great society followed by the rapid decline of the black family followed shortly by all families regardless of faith!
The new “pronoun” religion placed into law!
Who is gonna speak up if not me?
What Do You have in mind for me today Lord?
No Room in the Inn ring a bell?
Went prison. Guard “No room for you today” Go see the Chaplin! Off I went. Followed Chaplin back to same location. Not much said! Few minutes and I had a room!
First inmate in is a young man who wants to become a Catholic. Tell him I want him to be able to write the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Are You Ready?
His first comments are that he has been talking with older inmates and perhaps dues to my being an old man and a Deacon I might have a more clear answer. Are you ready? Well I was! Way back in the 1990’s I spent ten years listening to his plea during the HIV / AIDS crises!
Holy Smokes:
Ready?? I am attracted to men and I was BORN this way! How to answer raced my mind yet I realized just how valuable and deep probing was his acknowledgement. It verified a few things immediately. One who is unafraid to speak the Truth is not to be feared, but rather questioned in the search for the Spirit of Truth! Wow how refreshing this young man’s questions is! Obviously he did not immediately judge me to be homophobic or prejudice etc. Open I would say to the possibility that the Truth can set one free! Who said that?
to be continued ……
A Talking Tattoo:
Six Locked Doors – How many doors of your Heart are Locked?
Make it through six locked gates to my destination! Yep no place for me today! Long ago I learned to stand patiently and wait! And have learned long ago it is time set aside for me to be taught.
God’s Timing:
The Command – Stand Up and Turn Your Back:
They sound a command and every inmate immediately stands and turns their backs to the inmate being lead to a unknown destination. Only myself and the guard next to me can watch.
Spiritual Bricks: Non Verbal Message:
Contrast Jesus Message to His Brave Followers:
The Purpose of the Tattoos: Yes Non Verbal Works:
You bet – those tattoos had a purpose -> “Fear”! Oh yes I see! Yet why was it, what I saw was the non verbal voice of a lost soul crying out! An angry lost soul and the tattoos served as non verbal voice of His imprisoned soul crying out from deep within! Oh not the same prison I was in! No no! The prison of deep wounds suffered ever so long long ago! A gang member! What the heck is a gang?
The Hidden Magnetic Unseen Force to be a Part of some Family:
When positive creative discipline is missing the question being asked is not answered (do you love me enough?) and the cycle accelerates down hill fast! Ultimately a substitute family will be sought out where any form of discipline will be acceptable! Finally somebody knows and cares I exist!
The Cross and Non Verbal Communications:
Hidden in the Cross lives Hope! Perhaps better said buried in the cross is the narrow gate where Hope can be found!
Devil’s Religion and Agenda to Get There
Truth is Truth – it Simply Does not Change:
I own the Tree: I am God: I can recreate Myselfie:
Abortion the Launching Pad! The Body has no Soul:
A False Prophet – Anti Christ in the White House:
What the Hey! So lets start! Just what are the four cardinal virtues? And just why should I try and figure out what they are?
Darn – all of this about having “Courage”! Having the courage to do what is necessary both right and good! Do I have too?
Hmmm! Four Cardinal Virtues!!! Fortitude (hang in there), Prudence (foresight?), Justice ( not just about old selfie), and Temperance! Yikes each word is packed full of spiritual meaning!
So just who decided to identify there? Hmmmm! Some old ancient guy – Thomas Aquinas of Hippo! Do I need to know this? And does “Hippo” mean the guy was “Hip”? Maybe he was! Is Hippo a part of this world?
I just got a new fast computer! The mouse thinks it can read my mind! Not so fast you little blipper! Get back in your mouse hole!
Not Another Saint!
St. Thomas defines virtue for us as “a good habit bearing on activity” or a good faculty/habit! Oh my the word faculty!?! Awah shucks another funny word – I am just a red neck country boy! Faculty? Do I have to exercise discipline again? And just what the Hey is discipline? Oh yea -> snippet -> Discipline = Love! Short hand that takes many words to describe such a complex spiritual reality demonstrated while handing on a cross! I guess eyes can see and ears hear better when one encounters the well hidden secrets only a cross can reveal to the human who encounters the word suffering! Oh man no body wants to do that! Come follow me rings a bell! Who said that? And oh yea like a virtue one must choose to enter into the story! Do I have too???
Where was I?
Gotta take a break before I kill this mouse — to be continued . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seven —> Oh Man another Number!!!!????
Seven Virtues! Chastity, diligence (Concord vs Discord), Faith, Good Works, Humility, Patience, Sobriety: Yea I didn’t kill the mouse!!!
Check out:
The Four Cardinal Virtues: Cardinal a Hinge that hold up a heavy door so it can open and close. A Cardinal a very very red bird. The Color of life sustaining oxygenated bright red blood.
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance: == Hinges: That which hold up a heavy door so it can open and close.
Prudence: (oh no not that word Discipline oneself, to use reason to discern good versus evil / know the Ten Commandments – and we are creature not God.)
Justice: (giving / treating people with dignity because they were created in the image of God. Dignity is hidden in work – working enable one to discover gifts and talents.)
Fortitude: ( persistence -0 hanging in there when it is hard, Courage to continue unabated – set one face like Flint)
Temperance: ( involves all the senses – touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste)
Who is the first and best teacher of the Cardinal Virtues???? Mom & Dad!
Chastity (oh my! not in this world!),