The Power of Twelve……
The individual parts are not greater than the whole. The whole can not operate to it’s fullest potential without all parts joining in the task of protecting and saving the whole nation from destruction. The Old Testament refers to the number of twelve – the twelve tribes of Israel. One of those tribes was dedicated to serve as the religious servants to the whole worshiping community. The Levit’s were called to honor this calling within the framework of the 12. The One Body concept would include all 12 tribes. Back to the story …. The iDove or white racing pigeons is diving directly down as if it’s destination is to plunge directly into the lake rapidly approaching below. I stood motionless and wasn’t even able to breath as I watched the unthinkable and unbelievable real life playing our before my eyes. Is was as if the Holy Spirit was speaking to me – pay close attention son, for you are slow of heart and I don’t want you to forget the lesson being played out to be burned into your heart planting a fire so intense it will erupt within your soul and rush to your lips and out of your mouth to a world so occupied with self and corruption it will cause my children to escape for a moment from bondage and slavery box they have placed themselves. The iDove continued to propel itself with it’s power full wings and primary flight feathers to it’s maximum speed. I said to myself, I cannot watch this sure disaster yet I could not move my body or take my eyes off God’s creatures full filling the purpose for which they were created. Oh My, at about 100 foot above the lake a huge Oak tree obscured my view! Surely at this late point these birds could no longer avoid crashing into the lake. I was able to move a smidgen, just in time to see the iDove descend below the trees lower drip line. 20 feet to impact! The Twelve Tribes – No Way the Bird has 12 Tail Feathers to Guide it:What happened next my eyes could not believe!! No way! This can’t be real! Ya gotta be kidding me! The iDove … |
Tag Archives: spiritual battle
The Story of the Vision 2
February 18, 2011 — Often in life we humans can not see what is right in front of our noses or hear the sounds crying out to be heard by our ears! I wonder if anyone could see all of the symbology that was hidden in the story of the iDove and the iDeacon? In fact I can tell you the iDeacon could not see the fulness of the story of what was revealed in the that beautiful spring morning. The discovery of the “Truth” hidden in the story was to come only in time! The “Already and the Not Yet” – Say What? The iDeacon was amazed to discover he didn’t know what he already knew! It is a kind of example of the “Already” but “Not Yet”! Often our spirits already know what our conscious minds can not articulate. The Kingdom of Heaven that is “Already” in 2011 but also the promised perfected Kingdom “Not Yet”. One can’t get to the concept of Kingdom “Not Yet” without first traveling through the Kingdom “Already”. After Jesus was baptized by the John the Baptist in the Jordan river, upon coming out of the river a dove descended over him and Jesus said “the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” – acknowledging the “Already” exists. Some may be wondering — What chew talking about – have you lost it???? When I was a boy, I lived in the second largest Belgium settlement in the USA. The national sport in Belgium is racing pigeons. The west end of my home town is where the Belgium’s settled and it seems every 10th house had a pigeon loft in the back yard when I was a boy. About 3 PM every afternoon when the men came home from work at the Ball Band factory, the Belgium air force (homing pigeons) were let out to exercise. These pigeons would circle and circle around the home loft for 30 minutes to an hour each evening or until the fancier called then in by whistling or shaking the feed can. I used to ride my bike through the alleys of the west end looking for pigeon lofts. Then one day my dad asked me if I wanted some pigeons. Razing and racing homing pigeons entered my blood stream and I began a journey to learn more than I could articulate would only discover years later that which I had come to already know. The Power of Ten: Do you know how many primary flight features a racing pigeon has? These are the features that propel the pigeon through the air. They rotate as the air passes through which propels them forward and creates a distinct sound like a wish. In fact it catches your attention when a flock of homing pigeons pass over head. You can tell the velocity of flight by the intensity of the sound. Oh yea! You want to know how many primary flight features a racing pigeons has. They have ten. Now why would that fact be symbolic. It’s the number ten from ancient times that has been passed on from generation to generation that keeps one on the straight and narrow. It is in following this ten that can save ones life from destruction. It is this power of ten that can propel one at the speed necessary to escape the enemy that threatens ones life. Remember, we are speaking of the hidden symbol buried in the story of the iDove! And the iDove is the symbol of the Spirit of God and the spirit of ones soul for each is created in the image of God! Could it be the Ten commandments provide humanity with most basic and necessary principles to be digested and understood? Could they contain the secret principles that when followed will lead one to encounter life, find liberty and the path that leads to happiness? And in the end opens the doorway to save ones soul from the evil one and find one standing at heavens door? The Power of Twelve: To be continued ….. |