Tag Archives: female

Marriage – Theology of the Body

In scripture The Lord of Hosts makes reference to the motif of spousal love and marriage. Where Christ is the bridegroom or male and the church is the bride or female. From the beginning the word spousal has a singular meaning which can only be satisfied when two people, one male (husband) and the other female (wife) marry. God the spokesperson of this truth, speaks as Creator of new life and Redeemer to new life. The marriage relationship in scripture always assumes the one flesh potential for the creation of new life. The terminology used is designed to help the people of faith know how to respond to God in faith. To destroy the meaning of the word spouse as male and female serves to confuse the fullness of truth and who the source of life is itself.

The marriage of a man and woman is a primordial building block (from the beginning) that serves as the defining mystery and pathway to salvation. One is called to give the gift of self in a manner that creates new life. That which can be seen yet remain hidden.

My feeble attempt to grasp St. John Paul II teaching on the Theology of the Body.

God made Men and Women

God made women to be superior at being a women. God man man to be superior at being a man. God made men and women with free will so they could freely chose to enter into the most intimate relationship where one could simply not do without the other – become one flesh – from which God’s greatest treasure to the world is created – a child – new life – hope for the future which depends upon the love of creator mom and dad one spirit!