Went prison on Friday. Arrived inside prison at 09:30 AM. Guard announces Catholic Service building ##! No one shows up! Sitting in chair by a large glass window looking out into prison yard with multiple walkways. Individual inmates keep checking in – reporting for a multitude of reasons. So what would you do?
Man Oh man don’t I have a lot of things to do?
Well I have been doing this for a few years! Most days I just tell the Lord I have a lot of things I would rather do! Through the years I finally learned the lesson I surrender – I was sent to learn!! OK Lord -,just what is it you have in mind for me today???? Should I stay or should I go? If someone had come I would surely stay!!
Just sitting quietly in silence: No talk-en! Non Verbal!
So I just sat, watched and prayed funny prayers – like – so what you trying to teach me today Lord? I look up at the clock – 11:00 AM. Then I zone out! – haha – day dreaming – next thing I know I look up and there stands the inmate I came to see! He tells me I didn’t know you were here. I have a court appointment I have to make – (in prison video zoom court) appearance. In the blink of an eye he’s gone!
Just watching behavior in the Yard – Guide Dog Training:
Been watching inmates training guide dogs! Did you know they do that? After a while one of them brings his dog into the building I am sitting. Walks up hall and comes back. Stands at door looking down hall. Then he asks me! Hey are you a priest? Oh shucks – I forgot I was wearing a black shirt with a white Roman collar! I realized my presence was talking while I was silent. Non verbal communications is working all the time. Careful what you do cause people are reading your message all the time. So respond – no I am a deacon but want you to know I will be coming every Friday at 09:30 AM. Are you Catholic? The guys says yes and I have been waiting for you! I will be there next Friday!
The Spirit of God is working full time – yet
Did you know dog spelled backwards spells God? Not just any dog but a guide dog! What do you have in mind for me today Lord comes to mind! I am just sitting there waiting, doing nothing and the spirit that has many hiding places is working in ways we can seldom see. Was I being productive I ask??? Well before can I stop thinking about the dog inmate – the first guys shows up again and the prison guard (human) opens the library so we can pray!
A Room Full of Books – Full of Words – Just patiently Waiting:
Do you know a library is room full of books full of words just waiting around for someone to pick them up so just maybe the spirit hiding the words can be set free to reveal a message spirit hidden within? The first inmate shares a little about his court date. Still on track for a release date March 1, 2022. He will have been 34 years incarcerated by then. He tells me he is afraid of freedom! And he shares he hates the word discipline! Oh boy I am in trouble! I had just told him the word discipline meaning is love! Wow are we on different pages! I ask him what did it take for Jesus to go to Jerusalem where he knew they would crucify him! What did he exercise? And I asked him to consider it’s not the word – one must search the spiritual meaning of the word is hidden in the spirit of the word! Jesus didn’t have to go to Jerusalem and he could perform miracles! So why did he not rebel! Ahh ha! Maybe He wanted to teach us the secret hidden in discipline is communicated through an act of love – to do what he didn’t have to!
Could this be for you and me?
For each of you and me! The inmate told me he would reflect and pray about the word disciple! You know while I was in prison I didn’t suffer crucifixion! I just sat waiting and the spirit hidden in the wait was working the whole time!
When I was a teenager I used to shoot baskets on the play ground across the street from St Joseph grade school ion Mishawaka. Indiana the Hoosier Hysteria State, it was in my soul. I was a really good shooter. Won many games of 21 and “HORSE”. One day an older kid showed up on the playground to shoot baskets. I discovered he was pretty darn good at shooting hoops. As we played games I became frustrated because he could shoot as well as I did but just a bit better. Gosh darn it he would win. He lived in the house on the alley next to the play ground. I new John because we both had paper routes and paper routes teach work ethics. Later in life I would find this fellow John would find his way back into my life.
The Home Town Alley:
On this same alley lived another kid. His name was Orville McIntyre. His father was killed in World War II. We used to play a lot of hoops games during the summer months. Later during the school year he told me was working as a skate boy at the Bock Roller rink and wanted me to come with him. One day while we were shooting hoops, Judy Hartman walked down the alley to her home on another corner of the alley. Following her was another younger girl. Orville told me she was a daughter of the Bock’s Roller rink. Oh my what lies ahead?
Bock’s Roller Rink / Music Dance:
Somehow I managed to find my way to Bock’s Roller Rink. This is where I first encountered Judy Bock. She was an excellent skater, in fact far far better than that. She skated with a graceful flow and powerful. In those days the rink had an organist in the evenings. During each evening they had special couple dance skates. I still remember the Waltz and the Fox Trot. Every once in a while Fred Back would skate with his daughters. It was just beautiful. I can still see them. Yea Fred had another daughter. Her name was Lynn. We managed to become boy friend and girl friend. Everyone in the rink knew when we had a spiff. Lynn would sit in a corner of the rink and not skate. Oh boy am I in trouble now.
Life’s Rocky Road Fast Forward:
Fast forward, Judy gets married and before long she has her first child – Kim. Somebody put rocks in the road? I don’t know what happened but just it happened and divorce followed. After high school and a couple years in college I joined the air force. After being assigned my first station I returned home and in January of 1966 we were married. Funny how things occur.
Military Service – Air Force and He’s Back:
While I was busy playing Air Force duties this guy John (from shooting basketballs) somehow came onto the seen without my knowledge. The next thing I know Judy and John are getting hitched in May 1966. Later another baby shows up – she is named Kelly.
A True Art Form handed Down:
I can still remember the the grace of flow of Judy’s skating – I observed a kind of sparkle that radiated from her as I observed Judy skate. Oh Yes, I saw it in Judy’s kids. But so much more than that. I see it today in Kim and Kelly’s kids – the grand kids and great grand kids. It is the sparkle of new life sparkle that is enhanced by surviving a struggle and a trip through the valleys of tears. It is a sparkle that shines ever more brightly where the one who discovers it finds strength, courage and yes grace that can only be found after surviving life’s trials. Abundant blessing if one can only open the spiritual door.
Catholic – A Call to Service – ND Hats:
I am a Roman Catholic and was Ordained a Deacon in 1995. Funny how John who shot baskets with me on the play ground across the street from St. Joseph School eventually went to work for the Sisters on the Hill in Mishawaka. And then he became an regular usher at the University of Notre Dame. Is he Catholic? Do you know catholic means universal? John would send me Notre Dame baseball hats – really nice hats. He may not know it but I wore those hats until my wife secretly threw them out.
Spiritual One Flesh – the Family:
Things one remembers! Judy and John were the symbol of the “one flesh” found in the book of Genesis. Their children are gifts of new life and they themselves have created renewed life. Precious beyond imagination are those lives. Sparkle is the word I use. Yes I see sparkle – in the midst of the sparkle I see Hope beyond imagination. It is a spiritual thing that requires eyes and ears that have traveled troubled rocky roads to the depths of ones bones where one finally encounters gifts and talents hidden from the view of human eyes and ears.
To be Born Again – Death necessary to birth New Life:
To be born again one must die. Death is not an end! A grain of wheat must be crushed and broken before it become flour and only then has the potential to birth the bread of life. A grape must be crushed and broken as well to give up the precious juices with the potential to become the finest of wines to drink. Both must die in order to birth abundant New Life.
Crushed and Broken Open the Hidden Door:
Life is about small deaths necessary to create the potential for new life and life ever lasting. Hidden in the story of life are crushing memories and moments necessary to open the only doors where one can discover talents and gifts planted and hidden in the beginning.
Tears – the Water of Baptism – Cleaning ones soul – Rejoice:
Tears are a sign of being born again where the waters of baptism wash our spirits clean to refresh our souls preparing us to continue the journey on the road to new life. As hard as it is this day might be! Rejoice and be Glad
Death Opens the Doorway that sets one free:
Death can not swallow up Life. Death can only set one free to soar on the wings of dove.
Yes, no matter your struggle, God really does love you!
I wish you a very Merry Christmas December 25, 2021 and a Happy and prosperous New Year 2022 with new adventures in growing into young women!
Hope Came into the World During the Longest Night:
In every life time darkness invades life from time to time. Hope always shines forth in the midst of darkness. This Hope can lie hidden for years! Love is communicated through the gift of Free Will we call choice. The great difficulty for humans is the freedom and willingness to be open and actually begin to search for the spirit of Hope buried in the crucifixion story. Love is communicated by surrender to the spirit of Truth. Truth serves as a mirror and one can not escape the image of the one looking back. Humanity choose to crucify the one who came to testify to the Truth.
If I was the Devil and wanted to transform the United States of America from a Republic to a dictatorship what would I do?
The Spiritual War Against God’s Design:
Declare War against God’s Design by attacking man’s original weakness and deceive so thoroughly man becomes convinced man has the intellectual capacity and power to replace God’s design.
What Are American Vales and Principles?
The devil recognized long before Behavior scientist Morris Massey who articulated a fundamental truth in regard to how human nature selects essential values and principles regarding what is right and wrong. Between the ages of 9 and 11 young people’s values are essential set without a complete intellectual understanding or knowledge of the consequence’s and influence or impact they unconsciously have on their life circumstances. In other words human’s are setup to view the world through these values as normal for right and wrong.
We forget the devil was present in the beginning and was successful!
Free Will and it’s impact has been the test from the beginning.
Perhaps equally as important is the fact the devil knows, as Morris Massey articulates, the only way humanity can reevaluate these values and principles is to encounter a significant emotional event. Not just any emotional event but one severe enough to cause the human to drive deep into ones soul in search of the cause of the upset. This is one powerful reality and long term consequence of the human condition through the ages. It explains man’s roller coaster ride with temptation and sin throughout the ages.
The Devil had Man’s Number In the Beginning:
The devil knows full well human natures design and the development process and seeks to use it to bring about greater temptation knowing many will sub come to temptation. Addiction and focus on self sets one up to many diversions which may appear to satisfy their values while in fact true critical thinking paired with the formation and maturity of an informed conscious would reveal an image purposely created to appear to meet ones values actually is a diversion to keep them from recognizing the hood wink agenda being purposely perpetrated to change the value system and principle they hold dear.
This is not easy for humans:
This is not an easy concept. It recognizes the complexity of the human condition and the nature of man to fall to temptation and be deceived as in the Garden the place of the first fall in the beginning.
Further Morris Massey concluded on average it takes a minimum of seven years for humans to adjust and change their basic values and principles.
So the devil knowing the nature of man what his game plan be?
How about Legalizing a far more powerful form of marijuana to hook American youth on which will cause them to focus on self while acquiring an addition so over time they will be less and less able to focus on what is actually going on in the nation they live with regard to values and principles. Truth is distorted by a growing need to satisfy this powerful addition. Another human being disarmed of critical thinking with a conscious disabled,
Infiltrate the School and Cancel Parental Influence:
Infiltrate the school system with stealth programs using words that appear to be addressing legitimate concerns and issues while in fact they are simply a diversion away from objective, reasoned and ancient truth. Among these are Critical Race Theory and the LBGTQ agenda. Both are imaginary straw men that defy objective truth of the creation of human in the beginning. Launch multiple attack against God’s design for humanity the founding values and principles that were articulated in the beginning in the Book or Genesis.
And much later on the War for freedom and liberty which generated the Declaration of Independence which outlines the founding as well as the timeless truths that are unaffected by time and the advancement of technology.
Modern Man has Joined Ranks with the Devil:
Modern man uses image to create a diversion to cause one to think their values and principles are being enacted when in fact they are being undermined. The End Justifies the Means is the devil’s principles. Rationalization of the truth to justify the sin of replacing God with human pride, greed, power and control over others. The Devil is alive and well in the United States of America in 2021.
Crafty, Seductive, Prideful, War Against God’s Design:
The Devil is not dumb. The devil knows the power of Jesus Christ and his church on earth. The devil has a game plan here as well. The devil knows his weakness is the Truth Jesus Christ came to proclaim. Any diversion to stop people from attending and participating in Church is a high priority goal.
Threaten people with the image of a real and not so real pandemic to cause them to avoid the replenishment of spiritual discernment by severely restricting the proclamation of the Gospel and Truth. The devil knows humanity so very well. People form habits and tend to follow them religiously. Find a way to break that habit and some and sometimes many will allow themselves to lose their commitment to attend church where the message of spiritual discernment is taught to find objective and timeless truths.
The devil he is no dummy!
Debacle – Cluster what?:
The image created in Afghanistan! We must save our allies, especially the translators and others who supported the American War effort. Rescue our own American Citizens. Chaos was created – on Purpose? How to move thousands of people whose value system is almost contrary with American values while creating an image enacting Christian principles. Is the End Justifies the means in Play?
There Exists No Law of the Land – A War Against the Citizen is the New Standard:
Simultaneously for months Chaos is the standard employed at the Southern Open Boarder to any and all comers! Who are these people, what countries are they coming from, what form of government did they live under and what are their value system? No one is asking! Do we know whom is coming through the Southern boarder? – NO!
The Purpose of Chaos – Division:
Is this chaos an accident? Is the American President being used as a decoy to hide the End Justifies the Means agenda. Use a crises and chaos to create an opportunity to get the American people to allow what would have never been allowed if truth and discernment which take time to reveal would have been supported. It is with great haste these event s are unfolding.
Hook Winked!
Are we being Hood Winked is a very serious and legitimate question. Honesty, integrity, freedom, liberty, truth, values, principles are all at stake in the midst of we don’t have to answer questions power grab. Is the United Sates of America still a Republic?
Any Illegal Stuff Going On?
Any Drugs coming? Suicide Increasing? Any Children being Trafficked? Just what is the New Modern Day Standard? – Authority now claims power over self-governess to change the rules and values and principles to meet the goals of WHO? The one who seeks to replace God! Modern humanity seeks to replace God as the owner of the tree in the Garden / Truth!
That which God created humankind began attempting to control “In the Beginning”. The story about God’s creation and the gift of “Free Will”. The fruit from “Tree of Knowledge” represents the original sin of humanity to replace God with self.
Climate Change: Simply put – Climate change is God design for the earth as it slowly rotates as on a 24 hour bases while continuously orbiting the Sun.
LBGTQ essentially provides a short list of sins against God’s design for mankind. Male and female he created them. God is creator. Man is creature. Procreation is the greatest gift God gave man. LBGTQ is in itself a war against God’s creation and specifically procreation where the difference of male and female opens the possibility of man to create another human being. Man can imagine many things but cannot recreate himself. The “Q” in LBGTQ is represents the height of humankind’s arrogance seeking to replace God with self.
Hey, this is TC Meuninck a Convention of States Volunteer veteran who has been involved since sometime in 2014. I suspect I have acquired a rocky road reputation among some. I have been dismissed a second time from the COS Georgia Team.
Why was I fired / dismissed.
We all wear tinted glasses – Values Unseen. Let me begin by asking for forgiveness should I trespass on one of your values. And I express thanks to those who will read this letter! And I even thank those who dismissed me. They served as the necessary motivation for me to begin to address the emotions hidden and the root cause of the upset among the people with-in the Convention of States Leadership. Confrontation is not without hardship and misunderstanding. Yet it is confronting misunderstanding that controls the key to opening Truth’s door.
Generation Gap:
There really has always existed a generation gap of understanding and the maturity of human individuals that affects what is taking place below the surface in this nation.
Scripture offers help and hope humans can open a doorway to better understanding. I need a divine miracle as I attempt to explain the complexity of God’s design of humanity. To gain the greatest benefit of this letter, I suggest a minimum of three people from three different generations read and then discuss its contents. Haha what a test! Each generation wears Tinted Glasses – Values Unseen.
In the 1980’s I didn’t have clue what the hidden forces that were driving the upheaval taking place in our nation way back then. My most difficult task is to make an effort to avoid triggering and tripping all over the hidden mine fields of emotions and values buried within each human person. Every human has values set long ago that serve as automatic triggers. Yep, tinted glasses – values unseen. This is a test of maturity for the reader and for myself. Please don’t throw this message away. It may very well be the most valuable and greatest contribution I can make to the Convention of States Project.
In the Beginning:
The starting point was in the beginning. If man had never sinned, we would not know God as loving, just and we would never know him as a merciful God. Oh necessary sin of Adam! Without sin forgiveness and mercy are unnecessary. This does not mean it is better to sin (Rom. 6:1), but it does mean that it is a great mystery of love in which we are get caught up (Rom. 8:28-39).
Attempting to wrap one arms around mystery is perhaps what this nation is all about in the first place. We are all set up. While Jesus was still hanging on the cross before he died he spoke these words. “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves.
Those passages are indeed hard to grasp and explain. They are spiritually woven together into a single threaded garment and that can not be separated. Everyone wears Tinted Glasses – Values Unseen.
In the Beginning tells the Story: There were powerful symbols used to define the original problem. God created man, placed man in a perfect garden where there was a single rule. Do not eat from the Tree of knowledge. Later we hear this snake shows up that played a central role. Yep, Temptation entered the story in the beginning.
Who owns the tree – God or man? Humans throughout history have never escaped the history that took place in the beginning. In 2021 ownership of the tree defines the War taking place in our nation!
Am I really the problem?:
Some might conclude it’s obvious, since I have been fired twice. I must really be a problem person without hope. I expect there exists numerous negative adjectives and perhaps volumes of written snippets, perhaps even my own words without context, used to describe me and perhaps my behavior as a member of the Georgia COS Team. It is highly probable “Team worker” is not one the adjectives used as a positive in regard to me individually. One of my personal characteristics is I don’t give up easily. That is the only explanation why I am spending my valuable time addressing a seemingly hopeless objective. My experience has been many people simply do not share that ability, maturity or wisdom.
If you check my Social Capital record there must be someone in COS who would recognize I have been a worker / supporter even when local / regional leadership was at best indifferent. This letter should be proof I didn’t quit, rather I was ostracized. Unfortunately, much of my time in Georgia was during a very long period of few volunteers due to failed leadership. Extremely few people who know me to stand up for me. That is a hard pill to swallow! Yet it serves as the necessary incentive to dedicate the time to respond with this letter.
What are the Values of the Convention of States?
What is contained in this letter is perhaps far more valuable than all the SC points accumulated in my profile. I am guilty of taking risks. Yep I can dream someone with an open mind and heart might just read what I have written and even respect and reflect upon it?
Seven Years: Scriptural Reference:
Seven years serving is kinda a magic number if one is open to scripture – maybe? I pray someone within the Convention of States leadership will be open and take the time necessary to read and try to digest what I have written. The human condition described within is not simple theory and it has an ancient spiritual nature that is well hidden from the view of those unwilling to take a deep dive into God’s design of humanity from the beginning.
Background and Baggage –> No one Escapes:
So it is with this background and my human baggage, I begin to try and address the Convention of States leadership failure. Hiding within the management design structure of the COS role lives a natural human trap for people, even people willing to work hard to fall into. Yes a designed in trap for Humanities original flaw few can see and many cannot escape.
My experience with a limited number of Convention of States leaders is many have very sensitive ears. I spoke up and encountered rejection! Well to begin with, I acknowledge I am not perfect! And because of who I am and what I have been through the following statement could easily be applied — Who the hell do I think I am?
The Structure Design Flaw Empowers the Original Human Flaw within:
To be clear, it is the organizational structure itself (tinted glasses) that lends a hand to the original human flaw, I seek to address. It stands on the associated original flaw in humanity that trips us all up. It is not and has not been or intended to dress down individual persons. Oh boy is that a hard one to avoid! Many or even most are unaware of how humans get setup for conflict from the beginning.
Every human created structure is subject to unknowingly being set up with the potential to create human conflict and failure: Yes it does! And some COS leaders get my criticism easily confused with the Vision of COS, i.e. Michael Farris or Mark Meckler.
I was one of the first people to begin posting on the first Team Party web page Mark Meckler setup years ago. That is when I first was really beginning to struggle with the question what is the upset? A vision is not an organization structure. Organizational structures are the definitions / limits of roles, teams, the who and how to manage them etc. A vision is rather a hoped for destination, a goal or even a dreaming the structure is setup to achieve. A vision seeks to address the tint in ones glasses.
Self Governance Assures Human Conflict:
Oh My!!! The definition of Self-governance in and of itself assures and creates potential conflict between people who actively participate. Our founders struggled themselves and butted heads often. We so easily forget that reality. It wasn’t until they began to pray the miracle of the 5000 year leap happened.
The local COS leaders people I have spoken with have not able to follow the message I have and am attempting to deliver, but rather trip over what I can only guess is a perceived personal attack or a challenging voice they are unable or unwilling to grasp or understand. Heck to be sure I am not perfect. Oh so many before me have tried to explain the why’s of human nature! Please do not stop here!
Further the reader should know I am tired and worn from working so long almost alone and the recent rejection I have encountered. Equally I am worn out for personal family health issues. Being frustrated by local COS leadership in and of itself creates intrinsic human road blocks. I acknowledge when I am tired, I am particularly capable of short circuiting my own message delivery. At times my words serve as a hook to others emotions which can cause others to over ride their won ability to use logic.
So Here, we go – How easily do we get pissed Off?
Let us begin! Does COS really believe in self governance? Why then does it have a system that it created to work as Command and Control of Roles? Where is the balancing mechanism as the framers created to balance humans natures weakness to fall into corruption, power and control — human natures desire to rule? The tree – the tree!!! There is no room in self governance for a ruler – yet the way the structure is set up and applied – probably not so much on purpose, (My way or the highway – is not a Team!) I hope this rings a lot of bells. The Three branches were chosen as a method to balance corruption. Corruption human natures original desire to rule, seek power and control require a balancing mechanism.
There is no room for me in the Georgia COS Team! Much of my most recent time with COS there were a very limited number of volunteers. I took ownership for multiple roles. Finally followed by a surge that created a natural tripping situation that has lead to the idea of staying in your lane.
Almost in the blink of an eye the one I trained is demanding a conference call with the leader. Obvious to me immediately is the idea of a Team is in trouble! Seems that the ownership I took and the roles I had were just a facade by my leader. Not your turf! Not once but twice this same leader participated in the door being closed! I am SOL – Balancing – where is it for me to go?? I must be crazy for I am still trying to communicate. But maybe it’s not just for me – could it be possible I am speaking for all those who silently left long ago and those yet to do the same?
What does it take to get a person to take the Deep Dive
Scripture: In the beginning – in the perfect Garden the first of humans sought power, control, and knowledge hidden symbolically in the tree in the garden. The key word here is hidden / unseen / a deep dive is required to discover it. Well in today’s world it has been surfaced and we can all describe it using many terms without making the association to our human condition. Deep State, WOKE, One Party Rules, Socialism, Communism and on and on.
To think it does not exist within COS Leadership is to be Naive:
The structure of roles I am referring to can be described as a military command and control. In the military the people who lead and serve – FIRST are first sent to school where one could say the person is broken down and rebuilt to understand the how, why and when it is necessary to lead.
Such a process is simply not practical with volunteers who show up with tinted glasses and values that are hidden even from themselves. Who knows the background each person has? It simply set up a tripping stone for many. Volunteers come with all sorts of hidden expectations. COS U can not uncover these expectations. Relationship building is where the secret is hidden path to uncover them. And that is no easy task for humans. Command and Control can easily drive a wedge of silence. How unusual it is for one to speak words the leader doesn’t want to hear. Everyone can get offended! And many are simply unaware of the impact of the original flaw.
“I am a good person” most people say & no deeper thought is undertaken!
How do I get someone in COS Leadership to listen??? So far I must conclude I am a total object failure. I am not writing this to get anyone fired or removed from a role. I recognize the original flaw that exists is in every human and exists in me. My track record should suggest I am not afraid to work and I am not afraid to speak up. Am I a fool to persist??
So who is going to shut me up and shut me out next?
Isn’t that what our founding fathers confronted in themselves – human nature’s original flaw? They were an extraordinary group of people with a very broad knowledge unparalleled in history. They instinctively recognized the original spiritual flaw in humanity to fall into corruption we call power and control. How did they overcome it?
Oh my Prayer! The necessary reflection needed to reveal the tint! Dare I say it? Can you bare with me — I am a trouble maker – bad boy! Explosive is I!
Human values hiding in tinted glasses can not be easily seen. They are more like mines hidden in a field and you don’t discover them until you step on one and get a reaction. At that moment the strong human emotions react ones ability to think logically evaporates.
Who was Jesus?
Forgive me. The Story of Jesus Christ comes to mind. The good and gentle Jesus who wouldn’t hurt a flea – right? He told us he came to testify to the the Truth. Oh my, the people of his day where so happy with him they had to find a way to shut him up! We should know the story.
Then from the cross he spoke these words “forgive them Father they know not what they do. With those words Jesus takes us on a trip back to the very beginning hoping we the living might revisit the symbolism of the tree.
Forgiveness is where the secret answer is buried! We are watching a spiritual war take place between in our nation – the “WOKE” and the “AWAKE” – only after the emotional upheaval runs it’s course – is forgiveness – the answer to finding where unity lives. Dare I say this? Not everyone will find it!
I am seeking to open ears so they can hear more than the words, but the spirit hidden within every human – we call it the image of God – ones soul!
The Valley of Tears:
I must admit I could not have written this the letter as a young man or even when I was 50. If you can bare with me, My life’s journey has taken me through ten years of ministry to people with HIV/AIDS in the 1990’s. It was the period we simply did not know how the disease was spread. We now know, needles and annul intercourse were the two primary methods of transmission.
This ministry took me to the place I call my discomfort zone. I would even say I had to be tricked by the Lord to start this journey. It took place in the bowels of Atlanta where few ventured. For ten years I listened to what I would describe as the cry’s coming from the depths of the speakers soul. So many young people were fast forwarded to mid life crises and facing death. Mostly, younger men, homosexuals and drug users.
Abruptly around the year 200, this ministry disappeared. I watched people with AIDS get up off their death beds shortly after they started taking the AIDS cocktail. After which the people in crises became stealth again. Yet the incidence of AIDS / HIV has not diminished the least.
One Flesh – Unity Broken -> Cry’s of the Soul heard in Prison
Well the good Lord wasn’t done with me and I was tricked into going into prison for one reason only to discover over time the Lord sent me there to teach me another. I had to be taught because I was slow of learning and hard of heart. You might just hear that description of me today.
For the next ten years, I listened to the cry’s that come from the souls of men incarcerated. Upon entering the prison I walked through a room full of young men – juveniles – kids (70-80 of them). This experience prompted me to begin asking lots of questions to the old inmates about what was going on with these young men.
Simply put, these young men were described as being mad as hell and bouncing off walls! Who are they mad at was my question? The answer for me was 50% expected and the other 50% ya gotta be kidding me. #1 Dad and unexpected was #2 Mom.
Forgive me again. This took me back to the story “in the Beginning” and the concept of one flesh! This spiritual one flesh concept is not simple to digest but young people’s spirit get it! Somehow the soul of young people without the guidance of a unified one flesh understand something is amiss and has failed them.
Discipline = Love:
When Dad and Mom are together / unified discipline works. More discipline communicates the hard to grasp word love! Do you love me enough to stop me is a cry coming from deep down in the souls of young people in the USA. In 2021 young people across this nation are (burning, looting, beating people up) screaming the same message and the answer so far is? “NO”. Same kids – just some are incarcerated, some released and some just out on the streets!
Race or the color of ones skin has no bearing on this cry! This spiritual “one Flesh” design simply has escaped modern man’s intellect or attention all the while the kids are acting it out.
The One Flesh is MIA and is under siege in a spiritual war taking place below the surface of everything! Please open your ears! The cause of the upset was just described.
Woke or Awake?
The “WOKE” folks want to fix the problem by destroying the family! Man seeks to recreate God’s design with man’s design which will only make things worse.
Gosh, I really do hope someone in leadership in the Convention of States can hear the spirit of voice crying out from within American kids today – the future America. There exists a multitude of colors and tints the seer can not see.
Come back to me with all your heart requires a trip through the desert! Do we still believe in the freedom of religion which exists every hour of every day?
My Hope:
My hope is the Convention of States Leadership can find the courage and wisdom to look in the mirror of Truth so COS doesn’t fall into exactly the same trap we are trying fix!
Another Voice – A Secular Voice:
More to consider: A secular teaching nails the subject: and our founders had to understand it because they had a set of broad / rare experience knew it had to be addressed.
Morris Massey is a behavior scientist and taught at Colorado University. I encountered his teaching in a Video titled “What you are is Where you were when” after the Air Traffic Strike of 1981.
In my words it address’s the stealth method human values get set in concrete – if you will the built in reason in God’s design a generational conflict is assured. Woke versus Awake 2021.
Before the Air Traffic Strike strike of 1981, I heard and observed leader and after leader say, I have addressed it, it is taken care of, I have it covered. From the lowest level to highest level – I worked in the busiest ATC Facilities in the world. The people who worked there were indeed dedicated and very sharp individuals, yet we all got caught. I can not forget. It dramatically impacted and changed my life, especially the next 20 years.
I spoke these words to a COS Leader and I got fired. Who the hell I am?
For the most part the American public was not fully aware of what the primary objective of the Air Traffic strike in 1981 was really all about.
Power and Control:
It should ring loud in our 2021 ears. PATCO the controllers Union had affiliated with the AFL/CIO. The AFL/CIO hosted meetings for controllers families prior to calling the strike date so as to prepare families for the political war. It was done so well some controllers and even wives were persuaded (essentially what’s the News Media & social Media doing today?).
The stealth objective of the strike was about power and control. This should strike a raw nerve in the leadership of COS. The AFL / CIO had control of trucks / ground transportation and the shipping industry. Now if only the AFL / CIO had control of the aviation system they could shut down the whole country.
Luckily for America, Ronald Reagan was president. He did not fire them as everyone thinks! Instead, Regan used their oath such that they fired themselves to prevent the question from being decided in the court system.
A Question is neither positive or negative:
When a COS leader tells me regarding a volunteer’s activity, I have addressed it, I have handled it, it has been taken care of it – I listen with perhaps unique ears! Any question or skepticism on my part is viewed as a betrayal, lack of support and a gross violation of trust. I am indeed a pain – how dare I question! Yep I got fired again! Yes I did – and I ask who has ears and is COS leadership Open? But I doubt that was the only reason.
I got into trouble because Team requires Team building! During the recent surge of people in Georgia not a single discussion took place regarding how to build a Team. Instead creating lanes where one shall not trespass was the focus. Lanes don’t create a Team. I suspect this letter is way outside any lane the structure of COS has set up. Writing this letter is way outside any role I have seen. Just who the hell do I think I am writing this letter? Get back in your lane!
Human Stinky Pride:
Who ever the reader is. I thank you for hanging in here with me this far.
This is not easy stuff, human stinky pride lies below the surface and like values is so very hard to see – including within me! I persist against a stealth woke invasion that seeks to divides our nation. It didn’t begin yesterday. And it lies hidden within human’s if COS can be honest.
How can I know this? Listen to Morris Massey who created a video “You are who you were when“. A very long time ago I had my children watch this video.
He is an unusual teacher. Speaks at three times the normal rate in an hour video. He has hit the nail of the human journey to truth on the head!
Here is a link where it is possible to obtain / watch this video and others he created. Cost to view Video (year 100 plays = $425, week 30 plays $295)
Morris’s observation is the human person’s values are set during the period a child is roughly 9-11 years old. By the time a child is 11 years old they are wearing “Tinted Glasses – Values Unseen”! Then we become adults who look at the world through the eyes of an eleven year old and are unaware of it.
What does it take for a human to revisit their own values set? Morris Massey – values can only be reviewed if a significant emotional event takes place. An upset so significant it sends the person on a deep dive search into one’s own soul for the cause of the upset = values!
When are Values Set Again?
Between the ages of 9 and 11. The Schools dummy – the Schools, are operating mostly outside the influence of parents. Change children’s values at a young age. I still remember Bill Ayers. The effort to change young peoples values started while I was a still a young man. How many people have woken up to the reality a war has been underway in the class room for ages. Add to this mix, rapid deterioration of the family unit, parents who are either separated, divorced or so focused on a career no one is paying attention to the values American children are unconsciously choosing.
Significant Emotional Events are assured in the years to come. School Boards control this most critical thinking part of future generations.
I have been fired – I created a significant Emotional Event:
My way of describing values is they are like putting on a pair of tinted glasses through which one views the world and using that tint to judge what is normal and right.
This is such a powerful reality. In prison young men are mad as hell at their parents who were supposed to be teaching and disciplining them during the ages of 9-11. Parents who have been largely MIA during this critical period 9-11 and many for years after. This one flesh impact is largely ignored in 2021! Are we surprised we have such an upheaval in the whole world today? Are we surprised that even people who mostly agree still encounter a conflict of how they see the world? Should are we prepared for the future? It is going to get far worse before it begins to get better?
We should not be! But largely many modern America leaders especially political ones don’t seem to have a clue! Or worse maybe some do and they are using it against us.
The objective of the tempter is for man to take ownership of the tree.
Gosh I hope someone can follow me!
When I question or criticize a leader I am deemed a betrayer, not a team player, and get out of my lane – I own the lane. Am I surprised I have been fired / dismissed / removed from association with COS? No I am not! Is that how I want it? No it is not!
If some writes I am offended shouldn’t we conclude they were? Wouldn’t it be better if we understood somehow we tripped over a value. And is one a betrayer if they have questions?
At this point what options do I have? Write this Letter! I continue to take risks to open individual doors closed. Currently, I am powerless. I have no authority to cause anyone to listen. I can’t help or assist in fixing a problem when I am judged a betrayer! Just how does one open the door of one whose emotions that have been hooked and another has chosen to close the door.
Twice now, I have been successful at getting the door shut on me. I am on the outside – who cares?
Do COS Volunteer Leaders have the ability to accept criticism?
Not so much in my experience! Is there a role for someone like me COS? Perhaps not?
We are in the midst of a surge of new people signing the COS Petition and volunteering! Why??? What was the cause???? Can the reader be honest???? Was it COS Leadership????
Or was it the Significant Emotional Event the far left Democratic party folks created? Morris Massey nailed it!
If one can watch his video to the end, he provides the basic building block solution! Love which is largely misunderstood in our nation. Discipline is love!
Just how to discipline is the trick hidden from the view of most. Part of the answer is hidden in The principle of Three: Leadership roles need a balance of a minimum of 3 to balance human weakness if sufficient volunteers exist. Balance the hidden values and human natures tendency toward original sin we call power and control.
A 5 Thousand Year Leap for humanity:
An unusual group of humans from many nations were thrown together in a new land. This group of people had acquired an assortment of knowledge of history and governance few people in history had mastered. They were living in the midst of a significant emotional event. The essential necessary incentive to take the deep dive occurred which ultimately created a new form system of self governance.
Fast forward, they managed to articulate timeless principles upon which this nation’s foundation was set to serve it’s people. Humanity throughout history can not escape the history that took place in the beginning. The new form of government recognized this reality and created a system to balance human nature’s flaw.
Am I finished:
The current leaders for Georgia – are not open and are unable to listen to me! Their values have been hooked and only great maturity and wisdom can change that. I would encourage being cautious at this moment. At this time, I see no role in Georgia for me without the support of someone outside the three people working in Georgia. The reader is the first person with potential to discern what I have written and what future if any might exist for me.
Is this letter complete? Not at all! It’s just the best I can do at the moment. It’s intent is to open minds and create an awareness COS cannot operate as our current political system does, as political correctness and parties do, or as unaware humans do. A greater understanding of how self governance works within the human condition.
Can the reader look at the COS structure and recognize the flaws of the human condition do not have an adequate – balancing of corruption design? A method to balance human natures willingness to unconsciously drift into the command and control flaw sought and found.
It can be found in the process (never ending process) to build Team relationships of people with an emphasis on being open, aware, having ears to hear and aware of the original flaw. It is at great risk when individual people are unwilling and unable to listen and who seek to run the show! Stay in your lane can exclude the spirit of Team!
I am Guilty:
Now I am locked out of the Team! Who can I talk to? And just why should I persist?
The surge / the recent out pouring of interest in the Convention of States Project was not triggered by Convention of States Leadership – rather it was triggered by a Significant Emotional Event caused by those whose VALUES do not share in the spirit of Freedom and Liberty.
Please let that reality sink in! Thankfully, many volunteers had prepared the Convention of States Project beforehand to provide a channel that outpouring of energy and emotions could flow into a logical plan. Please tray and grasp – the driving force is emotions and energy. We must convert it to Logical Team Building!
Hidden Values Violated- Red Flag Missed:
I created an emotional upset for at least three people. How do I know? I trained one person, assigned them every role I had, and empowered them. Then one day they stopped communicating with me long before I created the most recent upset. We were in equal roles. A Team work concept was not the objective when people stop talking. That was a RED FLAG missed by my leaders. I understand the idea of empowering people. Turn them lose. But what at what expense to Team work and unity? It was replaced with stay in your lane. That’s just not a Team. Forgive me for my candor but that is just another victim of the original flaw.
All the people I worked with have talent and are dedicated. I have two objectives. To try and lay out the hard to see problem below the surface and try to minimize the harm to the people who have chosen to remove me. I have no doubts the Convention of States people I have encountered are dedicated, hard working people who seek to do the right thing.
A New Leader was thrown into the fray:
Yes a brand new leader was thrown into the fray! This created a significant emotional event for him as well – he stepped into the middle of a mess that needed to be addressed and he got his value system hooked as well.
I do not seek the removal of any of the people who are so upset with me? Every effort should be made to keep them engaged.
So why the heck am I writing this response? Well it is the only path to achieving unity of purpose. There is no short cut. This nation and the world are at War! We are in a spiritual War. It started in the very beginning and continues. It is buried in God’s design for human’s and vastly complicated by modern man sub coming to the temptation to take ownership of the tree. The spirit of God’s design is not easy to find in the first place. Unity gets trampled upon and an effort to understand God’ design referred to as one flesh tossed aside.
What a Mess! Summary of Observations:
The Convention of States Leadership I have dealt is very sensitive and easily offended. More subject to emotional reactions than logical ones. Candor from me is not encouraged.
If we, not sure I can include me, are going to address and succeed at restoring self governance, we can not behave or become like the people who oppose us. We can not encourage people who seek to rule. We must find the courage and wisdom to reach out beyond ourselves – yep – if you can’t talk to me – I am not the problem.
COS must be willing and able to take the steps necessary to follow through with creating a significant em0tional event for itself that will cause people to look in the mirror of truth. It is the necessary path to review one values and open to door to the possibility to conversion.
Convention of States needs a Mirror:
I imagine, I have may have stretched the reader far beyond their comfort level? Welcome to my world of entering a room full of HIV/AIDS people not knowing how it was spread, and entering a prison hearing the doors slam as you walk in. And in both cases listening for months the cries coming from deep within the souls of people searching for answers.
Yes America is searching for her soul! Who are we? Who have we become? Is there hope for us? Are we willing to take the necessary deep dive into generational value gaps largely created by ignorance and years of silence? So many people left the Georgia COS Team without speaking up! Now you have one unafraid to speak up and I have been dismissed!
At the moment I am a COS supporting dead man walking, locked out, yet still working / writing, and wondering if anyone cares or has ears?
Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to reading all the way to the end! Lastly forgive me the many trespass’s inherent in my human weakness and associated human flaws!
God Bless you! I hope somehow I may have helped you understand you too wear a pair of tinted glasses. Not sure at all the Convention of States Leadership can find a role for someone like me who is not afraid to question!!!
The great disrupt er is necessary to create the necessary mixture to convert toxic material into a breath of fresh air for new life.
Conversion – Toxic to New Life
My son installed a air pump system for our lake. It includes a pump on the shore line, a long hose that reaches to the middle of the lake, an anchor with air dispensers attached.
Whats it Take – A Disrupt er
The design of the air dispensers to to disrupt material laying on the bottom of the lake which accumulated over the years. What I didn’t know is the water at the bottom of the lake becomes toxic over time due to lack of movement or current at the bottom. Fish and other life that requires can not exist within this toxin.
Purification and Conversion
The process of purification requires the material be disrupted and floated to the surface where the air combined with sun light magically gradually converts the toxin into life supporting nutrients. Warning the process must be done incrementally to prevent contaminating the whole lake and killing all the life.
Toxins – Hidden Within
Nature provides interesting analogies for the human condition as well. We humans also have toxin laying below the surface we often do not address. A great analogy is the story of Jesus Christ. He came to testify to the Truth. He confronted within authorities of the church and states resistance to a reflection upon the Truth Jesus came to proclaim. As it were, poison existed within the human family during Jesus time. The human natural resistance was so strong Jesus the Truth proclaimed was crucified for testifying to the Truth which contained the potential spiritual life giving nutrients humankind desperately needed.
Went to the dump in Crawford County this week. The man in the truck next to me had a trailer loaded with broken cement blocks and lumber all mixed together. The dump attendant advised him he could not dump the cement material at this dump. So he began to slow process of pulling the old lumber out of the bricks and throwing them into the proper container.
Promise Keepers / Fathers / Men
I recalled attending the Promise Keepers gathering in Atlanta in 1995. It was an event that called men to be men of God and Fathers to their families. Men of all races attended that event in 1995 and it was extraordinary to listen to these men sing. The term Father as no color, rather it is a title for men who lead. I will never forget. Missing in today’s woke culture is the role of a Father to his family with an understanding of how the family was created to be in the beginning.
Family Building Blocks:
It is the building blocks of civilization, society, community and the church. Not much talk about the role of Father or Family in the woke culture. So what does one do? When I dumped my load, I put on my gloves and when over and helped my neighbor pull lumber out of the pile of mixed broken cement blocks and lumber. He told I didn’t have to help. He had all day and wasn’t in a hurry. Yes I herd what he had to say and continued to pull lumber out and throw into the dumpster. Took another 30-40 minutes and we got it done.
He had another trip to another dump to drop off the cement blocks.
So why am I writing? Something struck home in 1995, and I want you to know we as a have lost our way! This is America, brothers and sisters are we. We can all do a little something to demonstrate we are family. Father is being dismissed in our culture today!
Father and Discipline:
Our young people are mad as hell about it. I see it in prison and on television in young people rioting. Where is Dad? What happened to discipline? We no longer have time to discipline or reach out to our neighbor. We have become isolated into our magic technology kingdom – a magnet that disconnects people from each other.
So I did what a Father should do. I did what Promise Keepers taught. This was my brother and I took time to help him with his load. Our so called very recent modern woke folks suggest because I am white I am a racist. That’s just plain BS! The word racism is itself being abused beyond belief rendering it’s definition ambiguous. The attendant at the dump was an old black man, the man with the loaded trailer was a black man and I am white! Not a word of race was spoken. I just helped – simple!
Please I ask, help me show the people of this nation the load of manure that is being propagated by so called pundits with a stealth agenda to divide this red blooded American people are full of ____. No explanation is required – just act like a father / brother / sister / family and lend a hand!