Category Archives: Marriage

Traditional – Male + Female = One Flesh, Man + Woman, Husband + Wife, Father + Mother, Difference the prerequisite that defines marriage:

The Greatest Gift of Getting Old

The very best part of getting old is watching children and grand children discover the beauty of the Christmas spirit. We live in a world that seeks to sterilize young people and worships at the devils altar of self pleasure luring folks to believe selfish pleasures will sustain the young into thinking they found happiness while forsaking the greatest gift and adventure a human can ever give – the birth of a child who will teach them again like it was the first time about the discovery of new life everywhere!

Gosh I wish I could penetrate hearts bent on a purposely chosen baron relationship with no possibility of participating in the greatest artistic gift – the creation of a baby that draws one outside of self into an adventure with the possibility of forgetting self for a greater cause and finding where true happiness lives when one gives oneself away to the possibility of new life!

2016 Pagan God Ba’al

Ba’al is the pagan god of the old testament. Ba’al seems very much alive in our world today. It is strange that Ba’al would attain a title as the god of fertility because the worship of Ba’al was accompanied by the sacrifice of children by their parents. The altar for Ba’al worship has become the place where fertility takes place in the creation of new life and exists within the mothers womb. Ba’al repeatedly revels what kind of god he is as the practice of sacrificing children is being perfected in the dismembering of a babies body parts only to be outdone when a baby is delivered whole so the body parts can be dismembered more efficiently thus becoming more valuable. Ba’al loves that people pay the price to destroy new life for it is the price we pay to keep Ba’al alive who cannot live without those willing sacrifice ones own soul.

Ba’al has created another non living being to trick and distract those who might begin to recognize Ba’al is really a god who stays alive by bringing death to the living. We call this device a smart phone which seizes it’s victim and takes them for a joy ride through a new reality of cyber space which often excludes an encounter with any other living being. Ba’al has created and has claimed a new nick name – in fact it made it into our national dictionary = “selfie”. For Ba’al knows as long as people stay occupied with the inner space of self they volunteer to disable eyes, ears and spirit to see beyond selfie. Keep them on inside time and entertained is Ba’al goal. Avoid any suffering real life brings so the story of the true God never reaches the ears of worshipers. Avoid at all costs the search for the truth and the purpose of life. Ba’al knows suffering and hardship lead one to dig deep which can result in crying out and thirsting for answers. Worse it could lead to the possibility of committing the mortal sin of becoming open. Spread lies over and over and over to detour people from opening ones critical thinking capacity and cut off the spirit which can lead one to beginning to seek to find the purpose for which one was really created – to encounter life more abundant by reaching out beyond oneself and giving the gift of oneself away to someone else – which just might spread loving and serving others who are struggling through the journey of life.

Ba’al will do anything to avoid and encounter with the story of the first born son who on the cross said – “Forgive them Father for they know not what they are doing!”.

Marriage – Theology of the Body

In scripture The Lord of Hosts makes reference to the motif of spousal love and marriage. Where Christ is the bridegroom or male and the church is the bride or female. From the beginning the word spousal has a singular meaning which can only be satisfied when two people, one male (husband) and the other female (wife) marry. God the spokesperson of this truth, speaks as Creator of new life and Redeemer to new life. The marriage relationship in scripture always assumes the one flesh potential for the creation of new life. The terminology used is designed to help the people of faith know how to respond to God in faith. To destroy the meaning of the word spouse as male and female serves to confuse the fullness of truth and who the source of life is itself.

The marriage of a man and woman is a primordial building block (from the beginning) that serves as the defining mystery and pathway to salvation. One is called to give the gift of self in a manner that creates new life. That which can be seen yet remain hidden.

My feeble attempt to grasp St. John Paul II teaching on the Theology of the Body.

Aunt Hope

I had an Aunt Hope! She had seven children – I lost count because I left home. She was a wise woman and really knew where “Hope” resides. She was Christian and Catholic – obviously she had a bunch of beautiful children. Hope knew where hope lives! It lives in the spirit of truth, revealed in the life of the one who came at Christmas. Hope can abound in each and every person willing to open themselves to the risk of loving others.

Those searching for hope – please search your heart for the doorway placed there at birth! You will know it when you find it – it looks like a mirror reflecting the image of God and can only be detected in the twinkle of ones eye when they have found it!

A Star is Born

Today is January 6th, 2017. Epiphany – an extraordinary “Ah Ha” moment. Little did I notice when my oldest son was born on January 6, 1968 at Kadena AFB Okinawa. We lived in a second floor apartment off base near Naha AFB. When we brought our son home, my wife got out of the car and went upstairs to the apartment. I got my son out of the car. I looked up and it was a crystal clear night with a million stars shinning brightly in the night. I lifted my son high above my head and offered him to the creator of life more abundant. I will give back to you what you gave to me this night! I carried a vocation card in my wallet for 27 years remembering my son and the dream of that night. God is tricky – he called my son to be the most independent rascal I have ever known. A gift to the world and willing to walk on his own two feet. And to me he gave a calling that floated on the wings form the spirit of that night and continues this day. In 1995 I no longer needed to carry that card any longer for I had been captured. Yep He sets us up long before we begin to detect who we were called to be! I wish all an “Ah Ha” gift to all – – ponder life’s precious gifts and the creative trickery of a God who reveals his spirit in the breath of the wind upon ones cheek!

God made Men and Women

God made women to be superior at being a women. God man man to be superior at being a man. God made men and women with free will so they could freely chose to enter into the most intimate relationship where one could simply not do without the other – become one flesh – from which God’s greatest treasure to the world is created – a child – new life – hope for the future which depends upon the love of creator mom and dad one spirit!

Marriage – One Flesh?

In this world today can marriage be discussed without being called homophobic if one supports traditional and a religious marriage?

Those who honestly seek objective truth these days is hard to find these days.  Not a single person walking the face of the earth was created without having a female mother and male father.  Not a single one!  Sex without the potential to create new life is not a marriage in the eyes of God – all it is without the open possibility to create new life is fulfill self gratification!

Further marriage is a contract that unites a male, a female and the intimate act that creates children into the building blocks of something greater than self.  We call it the church and civil society.  Change this formula and what results is sex for self gratification without the potential to create new life and at that point it doesn’t who one partner is.

The Christian concept of marriage is not confusing – it is clearly laid out “In the beginning – Genesis”. God made man – male and female he created them. He didn’t make a mistake – it was good. Bone of my bone and flesh of they were to become one.  The two were created to become one flesh and only united together can they create new life. They were called to enter into an intimate and vulnerable encounter – one flesh cooperating with the spirit of God entered into a partnership with God with the real possibility of creating a new life in the image of God and then with the commitment to nurture that new life for years to come – a child.  A third human being was not required.   That’s what a Christian marriage is – a man and a women open to the creation of new life – it is procreative. 

This truth is not prejudice or bigoted – it is simply the truth.

Every human person is a gift and each is called to give themselves away for God created them for a purpose and that purpose is to discover God’s will and purpose for which they were created.  Always to testify to the creation of new life – the truth and to live life fully to testify to that truth.

Christians know it didn’t take the first humans long to get into trouble with the desire to play God. Things got messy fast in the garden so we should not be surprised that humans in our modern day society approach the tree of knowledge with lightning speed and some even think they own the tree and can redefine the truth any way they want and change the truth anytime they decide.

God created men and women different on purpose. So they would be dependent upon one another and their survival would be dependent upon the mutual gift of self = through an intimate act of love that would require sacrifice.  Every human has a mother and a father. Unfortunately our modern day intellectual society – tough many are well intended people – well society seems to be making bigger and bigger mess.  We seem blinded to the self destruction taking place all around us – we have many who appear to be throw away people especially those who are old and the unborn who have no voice.  So many say life matters but do nothing to address the war taking place in the womb of mothers the soul of our future nation and the world. Many seem hell bent on destroying truth our only source of salvation, rather than marching into the mess created by broken families and those communities at war within themselves.  Who is working to heal all the brokenness being created by self truth?

If you would like an eye opener come with me to prison – I will introduce you to many young people who are angry as hell because they know deep inside their spirit they are supposed to have a mother and a father who were called to love them and every child knows discipline is love.

Sorry it’s not all about you – it’s not about the selfie generation of today. It is and has always been about about God’s love and truth from which we can hide but never our spirits can never escape.

When are we going to grow up spiritually and ask what the hell is our society doing to mothers and fathers who are supposed to form families and what have we done to the one flesh concept God gave us that every life is sacred? We seem more interested in setting free the one who seeks to destroy us – the one who says it all about me – my world – my life and come with me on a trip to hell?

Look at what humanity is doing to itself – we have declared war on the safe haven of the womb of mothers.  We are invading it with tactics designed to destroy the gift of the one flesh union and take the life of babies while dismembering their bodies for profit.  We have divided the house of marriage against ourselves and our future.  But we are not done sinking into hell as some are seeking to take the body whole for the profit margin tempts us to ignore God’s truth.

When a woman alone, has the right to destroy an unborn child alone, what must also dieGod’s plan for creation of one flesh, the father, the marriage of male and female must also be sacrificed by the female the one who God created to be the single source and birth channel for new life and the future of humanity.

Who have we become?

Time to Recover Our Voices and Language

The War (against God) is growing more intense.  The Secular progressives got the taste of blood, the world wide news of defeating Christians at every level has emboldened them.  To make matters worse Christian have been waking up to the secular progressive agenda and the confrontation has begun.  The threat of losing power has them frantic to shut up Christians by any method – the end justifies the means is acceptable.

The right to worship versus the truth = Freedom of ReligionNot what one does in church but how one lives ones life is at stake.

The attack on Religious Freedom in our day is alive and well.  Secular progressives call religious freedom discrimination and bigotry.  Shut them down and if that doesn’t work shut them up is the battle cry!

The redefinition of the use of Christian language and lets expand it on the idea of marriage.   Freedom of Religion can be used to discriminate!  Yea that’s the idea.  Lets depend upon Christians not knowing what is marriage is all about in the first place – it’s all about love — RIGHT?  Lets confuse what love means and truth has nothing to do with it.  It’s all about how it feels – it’s emotional – no logic – no restrictions – that’s not progressive.  Let have it our way – the human way – let eliminate God from the conversation.  The best way to do that is attack the oldest Christian Church – the Catholic Church.

Let’s see – what does the Catholic Religion teach about marriage?  Oh yea — two people / humans / who are open to the real possibility of the creation of children all by themselves – well with God’s help of course.

If these two people / humans are not open to the possibility of creating children themselves then marriage is not a possibility.  Well the secular progressives don’t want anyone ( especially the young who think it’s all about love)  to know that truth – well just shut your mouth.  Could it be it’s the children who have the right to the marriage and not the adults after all?  Let’s try and remember these are supposed to be mature people and they are making a life time commitment to each other and to the children they may create without a third person and it’s for life.

Let’s see – what does the bible say – In the beginning God created man.  Male and female he created them and it was good.  Together they became one flesh – they have reciprocal parts made to fit – bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh and it was good.  So again the basics – which set of two humans can create children without seeking the help of a third party?  Yep that would be a male and a female just like God said in the beginning –> the required pair needed to form a marriage.

So if in practicing ones religion takes place in every day life outside of worship services, one would find oneself in a scandalous situation of being forced to support the marriage of a man and woman that are openly opposed children oh what must I do?  That would be based upon having arrived at informed conscientious.  I should decide I can not support or participate in such a marriage.  This is not discrimination or bigotry – it is freedom of religion as is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

So if two people of opposite sex can create a scandal could two people of the same sex do so as well?  Lets examine – can the two of them alone create children?  So heavens name then why would the government find it necessary to require people of faith to honor this odd arrangement of marriage?  It would force participation one into scandalous behavior – God created those who claim to be gay and lesbian as male and female and it was good.  The have every right a straight couple has!  But they want more.

We Christians need to recover our courage and defend the language (words) of faith.  The Secular progressives are not God and do not have authority to change the meaning of words to fit their progressive self driven agenda.

The battle had just begun and we Christians need to wake up to the stealth war raging in our culture.

We are called to love one another and we do so by being truthful with one another.

Contraception – Decption – Wrap Your Arms Around This:

Contraception and the Freedom of Religion

The War on Women – oops – maybe this is really a War on men!!!  Maybe it’s war against survivability of the human race?

In the 1960’s when I was growing up contraception – the pill offered great hope for woman who wanted to decide when to have children and have a better way to avoid pregnancy during various family situations.  Contraception a good – right? .

Well What Has Happened Since?

Today the divorce rate has sky rocketed to over 50% of marriages and is closer to 80% for second and third marriages.   Today over 50% of the babies being born are to single unmarried women and increasing!

What does Contraception do the Natural Woman?

Contraception fools the women’s hormonal body into believing she is pregnant and therefore she enters a fertility sleep induced state.  Her body no longer manufactures and sends out normal hormonal scents and messages.

Now I admit to being old, so am willing to take the risk to admit in my life time I have discovered my masculinity has a built in automatic capacity to detect and sense a woman who is sexually ripe to be impregnated.  This male capacity is not dissimilar to that a Buck deers ability to detect those does in estrus from those that are not.  It is built in by mother nature and a deer requires no lessons or study.

Those non contraceptive women who enter into a peak fertility period change visually as well as secret hormones one cannot smell yet is detectably by a human male.   Frequently in my life I have noticed women, who normally I did find attractive to one day capture the automatic attention of my eye.  Over a period of years I became aware these women who caught my eye soon were obviously pregnant.  As a result of my observation I began to question this conclusion.  Could it be true?

I could also see this phenomena in young girls as they reached sexual maturity which is long before they reach social maturity in today’s world.  But I noticed another phenomena – when those same girls began using contraception a few years later my instinctive attraction to them rapidly declined.

Contraceptives fool the body of a woman a fertility dormant state which a man automatically can detect and has consequences for the woman as well.

Contraception has stealthily changed the natural attraction chemistry and hormonal reactions between males and females.  In other words contraceptive women are now chossing their mates without the benefit of mother natures instinctive guidance.  And the difference in the choices they make open the possibility the circumvention of natures non contraceptive attraction is not working out so well!

Mother natures plan seeks to match a female with a male who can protect, defend and procreate children who will one day replace the male and female.

To counter this unintended consequence, woman realized something was amiss – cause the boys attention had drifted.  So what have they done?  Less cloths and tighter clad cloth that reveal more and more while the use of augmented enhancement facial and breast surgery has escalated.

One could conclude contraception has stolen humans natural attraction between male and female and substituted artificial stimulus.

So the government has taken the position women have a right to contraceptives!  And we know how insightful and politically correct the government is!

So what does this have to do with religion – well at least the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on contraceptives.  Abstinence is a free will choice that enables a woman to avoid contraceptives and all the unintended consequences.  Mother natures natural attraction is facilitated through the release of a women’s unimpeded hormones and her ability to use that of the opposite sex as uninterrupted criteria to select a life long mate.

With contraception the male instinctive senses are over ridden and we have an increased state of confusion among males.

Studies with monkeys have been undertaken which suggest contraception confuses the work of mother nature and the impact to males is equal to that of females.  Perhaps leading us toward the further confusion and the wussification of men!

Emotions or Logic – Which is America Operating On?

Emotions – The Creation of the Perfect Storm

Let see the National Debt has now exceeded the Gross national Product – meaning – if every cent make from production & prophet in America were applied to the National Debt it could not be paid off in one year!

No Problem no one has any intentions of paying off our debt!

If every cent made by those ambiguously defined as rich and corporations were confiscated by the government the National Budget would not and could not be balanced this year!

No Problem!

So lets be fair by everyone contributing their fair share.  But almost 50% pay nothing and we can’t change that.  What was that logic again?

No Problem!

Oh and by the way there exist an empty safe / file cabinet in Washington D.C. that contains $$ paid into the Social Security System.  And since I paid in the government owes me – so pay up!

No Problem!

Proof exists the Social Security and medicare System’s are “Ponsi Schemes”.  But it’s the government running the scheme so it’s OK!

No Problem!

There is a “War on Women”!  Sure there is – it has to be true because we have all seen the Women’s Right movement say so while remaining silent as the media is attacking in an effort to destroy women whose opinions differ!

No Problem, women are grown ups too!  How dare they put children first and then speak up publicly!

The unborn – they can’t speak – they have no rights and besides one day those who manage to live will make excellent candidates we can hand our debt too!  We will love to present them with such a magnificent gift!

Could you just try and remember it’s about my “Rights”

Gay Marriage is just like a marriage between a man and a woman!  What was that about children?  Children – come on it’s about my rights stupid!

No problem!

We the people who operate on emotions have decided it’s the children and the unborn who should be held responsible for the debt we create.  After all they don’t speak up for themselves and no right minded politician would ever risk their political position and power for someone unwilling and unable to speak for themselves.

Yep – we have decided taxation and debt without representation allows we the mature to support all our various self created “Rights” and there is no such thing as a creator who may one day hold us individually “Responsible”

Dam it, your not supposed to use that word – don’t you know we simply do not refer to that “R” word – we have decided we will not be held “responsible”.  Is that clear!