Category Archives: HIV / AIDS

Steps Made of Rock

One of the things that impressed me most was how Deacon Alfred Mitchell’s (Jose) wife was treated at his vigil and funeral!!!

Honor a word missing in the Secular World:

Honor is a word not always fulfilled! All of the good Alfred accomplished was time his wife graciously supported his calling!

My Rock: Lynn

As a married Deacon my spirit can’t do much without the support of my wife!!
Thank you Lynn, my unseen partner, as I travel to places were so very few people ever venture! Unselfish love are the stable steps my feet walk upon! Unseen yet made of “Rock”!

Speaking in Foreign Tongues:

It appears to me after a dozen years I speak in a” foreign tongue” to modern man.

My description of the on going current “Spiritual War” unfolding in the modern world is to describe it as a “War against God’s Design for Humanity”!  I get essentially zero “0” comments or feed back.

The Devil’s Agenda:

The Devil’s agenda can best be described in modern man’s attack against God’s One Flesh design as articulated using the letters  “LBGTQ +++”!  Yes exactly!

Why I ask can no one respond to my description positive or negative?  Do I exist?  Could I be missing the mark or is it possible the “Truth” can not be controverted without risk or a lack of courage exists among so many to take the risk necessary to stand up for the “Truth”?

Recent Example:  Harrison Buckner’s Speech

CNN bulwark of Truth – says who?

Reminder Jesus Christ constantly and continually calls each and every individual by name.  The sinner is not condemned.  Perhaps in the sinner’s mind something more difficult is asked of them?  “Turn around“!  Oh my!  “Come back to me says the Lord“!  With your whole, mind, body, soul, spirit and yes – “all your being“!  Yes a confrontation takes place as “In the Beginning“!  Yes, yes, yes and yes, the original flaw of humanity revels the stubbornness of the human heart and the stiffness of the human neck!

I ask myself?  Harrison Buckner’s Speech was far more extensive than, my to the point description and he is being attacked relentlessly!  Hot hot hot topic among those who support humanities replacement of God’s design with modern man’s “Selfie Individual Truth