Archangel – Spirit – Messenger
Wings – Fly- Spirit
Choir Sings:
Oh Raphael, of Raphael, where art thou Raphael? Oh my Raphael has wondered into the darkness and been fooled by the Great transition deceiver! The most cunning and deceptive spirit who seeks to lead souls into the fantasy, illusion and imaginary world focused on owning the tree of knowledge and proudly claim the power of self re-creation.
I am Michael a voice created and called to pursue the fallen spirits roaming about the world seeking the ruin of unsuspecting souls in the land of the living.
I Michael am seeking courageous souls old old old and young young young to join with me in the great quest to save Raphael from the world’s most recent selfie version of illusions created by the most famous deceiver of all time. Yes the same great deceiver who got his start in the very beginning of creation. From nothingness into the mystery in the garden, the tree in the garden, all the while surrounded the essence of the spiritual breath of life. I am sent – a messenger of hope to call and set Raphael free of the earthly imagery and illusions that bond and hold him hostage.
The message is ancient and sings: Come back to me with your whole heart, mind, body, emotions and soul. 3-1 in one! One can not separate what was created at the instant of conception!
The Culture of Death
is the great deceiver’s modern day agenda – the spiritual reality and purpose of the one flesh and procreation the great deceiver’s targets!