Category Archives: Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual War from In the Beginning – Today



What the Hey!  So lets start!  Just what are the four cardinal virtues?  And just why should I try and figure out what they are?

Darn – all of this about having “Courage”!  Having the courage to do what is necessary both right and good!   Do I have too?

Hmmm!  Four Cardinal Virtues!!!  Fortitude (hang in there), Prudence (foresight?), Justice ( not just about old selfie), and Temperance!  Yikes each word is packed full of spiritual meaning!

So just who decided to identify there?  Hmmmm!  Some old ancient guy – Thomas Aquinas of Hippo!  Do I need to know this?  And does “Hippo” mean the guy was “Hip”?  Maybe he was!  Is Hippo a part of this world?

I just got a new fast computer!  The mouse thinks it can read my mind!  Not so fast you little blipper!  Get back in your mouse hole!

Not Another Saint!

St. Thomas defines virtue for us as “a good habit bearing on activity” or a good faculty/habit!  Oh my the word faculty!?!   Awah shucks another funny word – I am just a red neck country boy!  Faculty?  Do I have to exercise discipline again?  And just what the Hey is discipline?  Oh yea -> snippet -> Discipline = Love!  Short hand that takes many words to describe such a complex spiritual reality demonstrated while handing on a cross!  I guess eyes can see and ears hear better when one encounters the well hidden secrets only a cross can reveal to the human who encounters the word suffering!  Oh man no body wants to do that!  Come follow me rings a bell!  Who said that?  And oh yea like a virtue one must choose to enter into the story!  Do I have too???

Where was I?

Gotta take a break before I kill this mouse — to be continued . . . . . . . . . . . .

Seven  —>  Oh Man another Number!!!!????

Seven Virtues!  Chastity, diligence (Concord vs Discord), Faith, Good Works, Humility, Patience, Sobriety:  Yea I didn’t kill the mouse!!!

Check out:

The Four Cardinal Virtues:  Cardinal a Hinge that hold up a heavy door so it can open and close.  A Cardinal a very very red bird.  The Color of life sustaining oxygenated bright red blood.

Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance:  == Hinges:  That which hold up a heavy door so it can open and close.

Prudence:  (oh no not that word Discipline oneself, to use reason to discern good versus evil / know the Ten Commandments – and we are creature not God.)

Justice:  (giving / treating people with dignity because they were created in the image of God.  Dignity is hidden in work – working enable one to discover gifts and talents.)

Fortitude:  ( persistence -0 hanging in there when it is hard, Courage to continue unabated – set one face like Flint)

Temperance:  ( involves all the senses – touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste)

Who is the first and best teacher of the Cardinal Virtues????  Mom & Dad!


Chastity (oh my!  not in this world!),

Hearing the Ache Coming from the Heart

December 2022.  Visited today with a home bound friend.  All in a tizzy over his encounter with women!  Heck, he isn’t telling me anything new – I am married!  Ha ha on both of us!  Sometimes we get so very worked up and serious we can no longer see beyond ourselves.   So in the middle of tonight I woke up!  Hey I am now legitimately “WOKE”:!   Oh man – trouble brews!

My mind was working over time of the lament of the day!  I was witness to and how we humans struggle with grasping our diverse perspectives while stumbling all over ourselves that prevents us from being able to communicate!  Part of the problem is we lack courage to ask and courage to criticize one another!  Fear Fear – How to without destroying a relationship!  Love one another is not an easy task!  Taking the necessary risk to try seems to be our Achilles heel!  Hello There!

Life’s journey through the bowels of Atlanta during the early HIV / AIDS days was the doorway to the discovery my spiritual ears and eyes were being trained.  It was that very uncomfortable place I traveled to be and sit in the presence of mostly young men who were pouring out their souls in the accelerator lane self debating themselves and the others present.  They were in a self grappling match with themselves, questioning life’s purpose and meaning filled with a deep lament in regard to the very serious life and death circumstances they found themselves.

Why am I here?  What can I do?

I myself am probably not yet fully aware of just why in the heck was I present their with them in the first place?  What qualifications did I have?  My only answer that makes sense is – “I was called and I answered the call”!  I didn’t know it at the time, but I had worked through the Air Traffic Strike of 1981.  11,000 controllers walked out that day.  PATCO was the union and had negotiated the first contract with the Federal Government and pretty much had gotten everything they had asked for!  Why Strike??  It was part of my preparation to listen and hear to human cries that rise up out of the soul!

A 3rd Party AFLCIO Hidden Agenda:

The AFLCIO had control of the Trucks and Ships!  Now if only they could control the airplanes they would have the Power to shut down the Nation’s transportation system.  Funny how this event had prepared my spiritual ears and eyes to see and hear!  Yes, this is the deadly sin hidden in the Garden Story in the Book of Genesis.  Yes hidden in the symbol of the tree!  Yes the tree that belongs to God holding the forbidden fruit!  Fruit natures lure of good taste and healthy food – yet hidden within lies “choice”, “free will” and the consequences = “death”!

Why did 11,000 Controllers Go On Strike?

That is the precise question I wanted an answer to!  Fortunately I was not alone!  A number of Leadership and Human Behavior courses were rapidly opened up and I was able to participate.  I used this training today December 2022!  Morris Massey’s video “You are who you were when” hit the nail on the head.  It takes a significant emotional event to open the doorway of the human heart and mind to begin to search and ask why am I upset?

  Thus the Beginning of Lament:

A short few years later I found myself in the bowels of the HIV / AIDS crises amidst genuine laments!  Why me!  Why I asked myself was the word “Lord” missing?  Another treasure missed – created in the image of God within -= ones soul!  The battle in the beginning continues today!  Within in this battle I was unknowingly being prepared oh so long ago to see and hear with spiritual eye and ears!

to be continued . . . . . . . . .




Life Sentence, Hope for Parole, Rejection, New Life

Silence:  The Doorway for the Spirit of God to Enter:

Went to prison on Friday as usual.  Changed my game plan since one inmate indicated he needed silent time.  He told me in prison there is no silence unless:  Something not good has happened or is going to happen.  Tension exists when silence permeates a prison.

Adoration:  Worshiping the Eucharist – The Body of Christ:

Yep that was my game plan.  Light a candle and Expose the Eucharist on a small table in the room so the inmates who come can worship and adore the Body of Christ!  Not so sure all Catholic’s let alone Christians understand the Eucharist, Silence let alone Adoration?

The Real Presence:

For twenty minutes in silence we sat, kneel ed, and prayed!  Then I broke the silence and asked them to reflect upon their individual sins.  After another fifteen minutes I again interrupted and asked them to join me in praying as perfect an Act of Contrition as we possible could!

Act of Contrition:

Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,  and I detest all my sins because of the loss of heaven and the pains of hell.  But most of all because they offend Thee, who are all good and deserving of all my love.  I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins and amend my life.  Amen.

Since these inmates are and have been confined to prison and no priest has visited for over 3 years – this is the best we can do!  I tell them the next time a Catholic priest is available, grad them by the arm and ask them will you please hear your confession!

Communion Service – Outside Mass:

After the Act of Contrition, I ask them to join me in celebrating a Communion Service.  We begin with the Sign of the Cross, an opening prayer and the Penitential Right.  Next we begin the Liturgy of the Word from Scripture.

At the moment I begin to proclaim the Gospel, a young man knocks at the door.  We invite him in and ask how we can help him.  We discover he is looking for information regarding the Catholic Religion.  So heck we ask him to stay with us as we celebrate and briefly explain what we are doing.

At the conclusion of the service we ask him to stay and ask whatever questions he has for us in regard to his queries!  Lord Have Mercy!  He is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and the difference between the protestant and Catholic Religions.

“Alleluia Alleluia”

In my book is timing is perfect.  One of the older inmates was recently turned down for parole and it was clear to me his disappointment took a spiritual tole on him.  To my great delight, this inmate took the greatest interest in answering this young mans questions.  It was a perfect opportunity for him to share his faith journey and in depth learning during his many years of incarceration.  Lord have mercy!  I sense the excitement in his manner and voice.  A rich opportunity to share his faith and journey to discerning the word of God.  Holy Smokes – sure appeared to me the Holy Spirit had set this even up.  It was uplifting!  In fact I would say both the young man and the veteran inmate were lifting each other up as words and explanations were exchanged.

to be continued …….






Still Under Development? Yep!:

Hey – What’s this all about?

Hey All:  I have been working on “” web site since 2011.  I am sure it is messy!  Many transitions / upgrades etc. etc.  Started this for my grand kids so maybe one day they could check out what I thought about things I posted here!  Was never intended to be perfect!

Reality is many improvements have been made to “” and all the associated plugins etc.  This is a learning by doing exercise!

Please Holy Spirit protect my back – Well I made it through a Knot hole!

But perhaps most important to me is to try and write according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  In 2011 I underwent my second open heart surgery.  My description was “I was pulled through a “knot whole”!

As a result I began to pray constantly why did the Good Lord kept me around?  Later after many weeks and months the Good Lord gave me a Vision to reflect upon.

The Birth of “”

Ah Ha – “theideacon” was born!  In this web site somewhere the reader will find a description of my vision and interpretation!

Forgiveness is found at the foot of the Cross:

Please please forgive me my human failures when it comes to writing, spelling, sentence structure, etc., etc..  I am a two finger typing and my mind are not in sink!  My mind does not think about what I just wrote in regard to correct writing discipline.  My mind frankly is racing way ahead on what might be written next!

Perhaps there-in Lies the Secret Message – Life Struggle with me Please:

If you struggle – well perhaps if you struggle – then perhaps we share the same spirit of struggle together!  It is the spirit hidden in the message I pray and hope to reveal!  God Bless anyone willing to enter the spiritual war I am attempting to put into words!

Just say “YES”:

November 26, 2022 – yes 11 years living a calling!  The key word is “YES” Lord!  He didn’t call me to be perfect – no he called me to seek perfection by taking the risks the Yes demands!  I am a work in progress – no apologies!

Wanna Help?  Am I crazy or what?  Oh Yea – open the doors and let the Holy Spirit in!

The One Flesh Under Attack:

For many many months I have posted about the mean spirited War against the “One Flesh”! It is a basic teaching of scripture and the Roman Catholic Church articulated through the teaching “Theology of the Body” of Saint John Paul II!
Jesus Came to???
Jesus told us he came to testify to the Truth! The powers of his day were so happy they plotted and finally crucified Him.
He taught us through His willingness to suffer. he spoke the whole time from the cross!
Our eyes are blind and our ears deaf in 2022!
Politics and Truth Not:
Our Political leaders have abandoned and in fact have been seeking to destroy the “One Flesh”! The last election reflects the great deceivers success!  Image is all that matters in our modern selfie world! Polished, Slick, and Confident is the great deceiver’s followers!
Forgive me Father – I have Failed:  It is Clear:
I have failed to be effective in opening the eyes and ears of people! Lord have mercy of me! Here in Georgia just who do our Senators represent? It’s not Christian values and principles! An informed conscious is required if this nation is to defend its original principles and values!  Oh so many have been lulled to sleep and in reality consumed by hi technology!
Yes Babies:
Literally babies are handed a smart phone without any parenting in regard to the good and evil present!
Really Are Our Ears and Eyes Open?
I remind those willing to listen! I have been visiting prison for over 11 years! My first day I walked through a room of washed out looking 17 year old men. It caused me to ask numerous questions! The old inmates told me about these young men! They are mad as hell!! What I didn’t expect is what they are so angry about?
Oh Mom and Dad – Yes Truth and very Basic’s of New Life:
Mom and Dad and no discipline! 3 in 1! The spiritual ideal of marriage! Mom and Dad do you love me enough to stop / discipline me? The answer in our modern selfie world is no!! Burn, loot, tear down, set on fire are all cries asking if anyone loves the younger generation ? Do we stop them – politically = NO!
Everyone Needs a Handy Mirror:
Everyone needs a mirror to look into! The enemy is looking back!! My worst enemy

Where Oh Where is Raphael?

I discovered my Baptismal Patron Saint:

Help help help!!! I cry out with all my soul! I am calling to the wind, the spirit and breath of life to carry my plea to the ends of the earth! Help help help. My name is Michael given at birth yet delayed to this moment to recognize my calling. In the midst of the night my kin Gabriel I heard the hark as coming through my many intercessions to the Virgin!  Make haste our kin Raphael has been taken hostage by the spirit of “trans” seeking to detour souls on their journey home to the promised land.

Deception Evils Doorway:

Deceptive is that Spirit kin to the deceiver articulated in the story – “In the Beginning from which “original sin entered the world! Ah ha – yes luring souls including the tender vulnerable very young ever so slowly leading to the great abyss. Oh Raphael, Oh Raphael where oh where have you taken up hiding Raphael?

Bowels of the Earth – My Classroom:

Oh my cries my soul; For years my ears have heard the cry from the souls of men seeking the answer of just who they were created to be? To the bowels of the earth I traveled. My classroom of the spirit of creation is where few travel! Have you forgotten Raphael you are pure spirit created to lead and join prayers of souls crying out from the deeps of the their soul inhabiting earth seeking profound healing only found in the truth of God’s design in the beginning.

I need help! Yes I need help of souls with spiritual ears and eyes! Yes the spirit hidden within People – oh so often people who earnestly wish to follow the good shepherd yet seemingly blinded by the imagination and lure of the great deceiver to replace God’s tree with self! Imagination now used as a serious weapon of war seeking to fool and conquer the spirit of logic with selfie Truth! Hi tech has opened a new door diverting focus and attention away from ancient truth luring man’s nature to own the tree of good and evil! Today this weapon is placed in the hands of the very young and vulnerable!

The Walls of the One Flesh have been penetrated:

Oh my, oh my and even the old journeying on, separating truth and Creations design from reality. Oh so many have been lured by greater and greater numbers, especially the young holding in their small hands the newest device that has invaded the domain of the one flesh and stealthily seeks control over ones imagination – an imaginary Disney Land where all things are possible including the desire to extinguish the one flesh few in the modern world understand.

Thick Clouds cover the earth:

Hark – I cry in desperation! Can anyone hear my voice! Have the images of the deceiver world placed a thick layer of clouds over souls so thick eyes can no longer see and ears can not hear! Has this spirit of imagination been deceived leading souls and putting them to sleep? The Battle from the beginning has always been raging. But today it seems to have accelerated taking Raphael hostage! Has anyone see the great archangel?

Hidden Power of Imagination and Emotions Joined:

Oh so many others have been taken hostage as well by the power of imagination and emotions even penetrating and overtaking so many leaders of the good shepherd’s church!
Yes even some holier than thou followers cry in protest to the proclaiming of truth and are offended by any Rebuke. Rather they protest – seeking rather a voice that will entertain the imagination and speak to the spirit within a message the new born selfie god wants to hear! Oh my even some Cardinals, Archbishops and Priests tremble at the volume of the voice of imagination and emotion! Purse strings influence truth! For who exists in our modern world that is qualified to testify to the Truth reveled “In the Beginning”? Rather embracing Pilot’s words! Truth – what is truth! Spoken to the face of the one who came to testify to the Truth and was ultimately willing to be crucified in silence for speaking the message of truth clarified from the Beginning! Yet while hanging His spirit spoke volumes to the eyes open to read the discipline of love communicated through suffering! The secret doorway was reveled to spirits open and willing to enter the story!

I am Michael created to drive the demons of heaven and earth into the great abyss to save souls of man from following! Yet in this modern selfie world even I am in desperate need of human souls from the so very very old through the very very young to join me in prayer to save Raphael. And to pray to save those suffering from the delusions of the imagination driven by and embedded in the upheaval of emotions seeking free reign over the spirit of logic defining the very battle of this day – the war between the spirit and flesh that began in the very beginning of time.

Who will step forward and help me? I call upon angels, saints with wings and souls of pilgrims of earth on the journey home to kneel down this day! Pray I ask for the spirit and source of healing of the “trans” disease inflicted by the great deceiver, that seeks to destroy essence of the innocence of life from the cradle of the womb of creation and now targets the innocence of youth designed to be protected by the very spiritual nature of the one flesh!  I plead – am I alone? Who will pray with me for the healing of souls walking in the crises of the unseen war seeking the ruin and extinction of man, woman, male, female, boy, girl, mother, father, husband, and wife all the while taking dead aim at dissolving God’s design for – “the “One Flesh“!

Am I Michael walking alone? Is there a single soul who with the courage to support the creation of a spirit lead animation as in God’s spiritual creation with the potential to penetrate the imagination in spite of the great deceiver’s thick clouds that covers the whole world seeking lost souls!  And where oh where has Raphael been taken hostage?

The Truth will set you Free — Who spoke those words?


The Rights of the People: The Choice:

The Potential of a Blank Piece of Paper:

A blank piece of paper is empty.  It openly awaits and serves as pure potential to inscribe a message yet written to communicate thoughts hidden in ones mind.  It has no history, values, principles, rules or guidelines.  It is an opportunity to sort through ideas, hopes, and dreams while entering the battleground of discovering  and engaging with the spirit of Truth!

Modern man and America are at War with the Truth!  It is a War between the creature and the creator.   It is the War explained “In the Beginning” and just who owns the “Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil”!  A story that precisely provides a God given basic Truth called “Free Will”!

Spirit and flesh who is in control?  Emotions and logic who is in control?  Yes it is the War between the Spirit and the Flesh!!  Who is winning in 2022?  Yes it sure looks like the Flesh – yes the Flesh appears to be winning!

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

Oh yea and then there was this Declaration of Independence and Constitution paper thing!  And just what does it say?  Not your opinion or mine!  At what cost were those words written on a blank piece of paper? Just exactly what do the words placed upon a blank sheet of paper say?  And and does modern man have a clueBlood the cost humans were willing to pay – real blood and real tears!  Hearts torn not just a little!  Should we even pay any attention to these words in 2022?  Or do modern humans have insights sufficient to throw away the words written on a blank paper many years and generations ago?

One Flesh – United – Do we any longer have any Idea what it Means:

Are all people are created “Equal”!  Are we confused?  The word on the Blank paper is “Equal” not “Equitable”Endowed by the “Creator” not manIndividual Rights No Government may infringe upon!  Am I allowed to speak these words today which were long ago written on a blank paper?  Does our modern government now support a new religion based upon the creature versus creator?  Seems so!  The “Pronoun” Religion — Prohibited by sacred words written long ago!  Who is being sacrificed at the altar of the Pronoun Religion?

The Pronoun Religion has been Elevated to the Status of Law:

Some assume this was written for the reader, when in fact the written Word carries the Spirit of Life / Truth for which I was created in the first place.  It’s desired destination is the eyes and ears of those who I love even tough many may demand that I not speak!  No more sermons from Jesus Christ was clearly communicated through His crucifixion long ago!

To my Grand Children:

My spirit cries out – sometimes in real tears!  Before you were born and even as you were formed in your mothers womb the God of Life was shed to assure that the spirit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were birthed as well!

Least Understood is the Pursuit of Happiness:

Life provides the opportunity to search and discover ancient Truths.  Your spirit cries out from deep within searching to discover the gifts buried within your body and soul!  Precisely and Uniquely your own at the moment of conception – the implantation of your soul hidden in your body.  A closely guarded secret by to those who seek to replace the creator with self.    The secret of happiness is found in the creators spirit of Truth!  It was for this Truth I was destined to reveal!  I would gladly give my life so you might encounter the mystery of life and the fountain source where the the thirst for happiness is found!

The War of Good versus Evil from Antiquity Continues

From this formerly blank paper leaps hope the tears I shed from the collision of God’s Truth with the demons who sought from the “Beginning” to lead humanity to replace the owner of that Tree in the Garden with Man himself.  If Man owns the Tree then the Spirit of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness lead mankind down the road to hatred and division – clear symptoms of the Satan’s War is being successfully waged against the creator’s Plan for the Salvation of man!

Where Hope Hides:

Yes it is!  It is buried in your soulYou were born for this day and this particular War.  As Jesus told His disciples every time he encountered them — “Do not be afraid and Peace be with you“!  Turn your Spirit to me, I am at your side always and yes faith and trust are the gifts freely given for you to find your way Home!  Yes God loves you and yes He does – He calls you by your most beloved name!

While Waiting = Time = Opportunity for the location Key :

A people in Waiting:  The Roman Catholic Church:

August 2022.  Went to prison.  Arrived on time and arrived in my designated room.  Waited.  I have been getting acclimated to waiting.  When I arrive I advise the guard who calls the dorms to notify inmates I have arrived so they can be released to attend.  The men I visit are in dorm M.  I put my stuff on the table and sit down to wait.

A time to just Wait – What to do with a Wait- Spiritual Sharing during a Wait :

As I am waiting, a young man sitting in the room ask me a question?  For the next hour I begin explaining who I am, why I am here and ask him a few questions about his situation.

Suffering – any suffering?  Suffering can be a non verbal method of communications for those with eyes to see.    Could Jesus have been speaking the whole time he was nailed to the cross?  Was there blood coming from his head and into his eyes?  Could it have been very painful?  You bet!

Holy Smokes an hour evaporates:  Then the young man tells me the inmate I am waiting on is in dorm K!  I go to the guard and provide the name and dorm.  Lord have mercy – the inmates shows up in less than 5 minutes.  What you been doing?  Evangelization is my description.

I change the subject to what has been going on with the inmate since I last visited?  Oh boy did he have a story to tell.  He checked out of his dorm signing out with the guard.  Another three guards where near the exit and talking.  One of the guards was assigned to his dorm and advised him to sign out.   He responded that he had signed out.  Apparently a misunderstanding took place resulting in some confusion and triggered human emotions for both men.  Well bottom line it didn’t bod well for the inmate I came to visit.  He ended up in a place called the hole.  When he first was incarcerated he frequented the hole.  But several years ago after finding his way back to practicing his faith – his behavior changed for the better.  He shared although he was not happy about being placed in the hole he was calm.  In fact he said the warden, deputy warden, chaplain and three other officers came to visit him in the hole.  They wanted to know what’s up since this was not his recent behavior.

What to do with a Wait – Spiritual Sharing follows:

My question?  I was there an hour before the young inmate reveled to me he knew where the inmate was I came to visit.   Then the inmate arrives and tells me the story of his waiting in the hole and while he was waiting the visitors who came to check on him.

Waiting can be Spiritually Productive:

Seems to me the Holy Spirit was working through all the encounters that took place.  And if I hadn’t been willing to take a risk and share my spiritual ministry with a stranger who does not attend church – well the Wait would have been just a Wait and then go home.


The Devil and his War Entered Our School!

What’s Up with the Kids?

Sadness found a way into my heart! Again, I have failed to be brave! Ten years visiting prison the training grounds of the Holy Spirit. Oh so slowly yet surely teaching me the lessons hidden from the view of so many! Do you love me enough – the question in hiding! Walking through a room full of washed-out-looking young men! I could hear their cries with my eyes. The Spirit in inquiry took me on a journey! I began to ask older, long-time incarcerated men what’s up with those kids??? WHAT’S up with those KIDS???
“Can anyone HEAR ME” is the cry!!!????
Story: when these young inmates first arrive they put them in a padded room for the whole day! The description is they bounce off the walls all day long. Explosive is the energy held deep within the suffering youth!
Only late – yes very very late – does anyone enter the room and try to speak to these young men! The brave crusted, tough old inmates know instinctively to leave the kids bounce till they bounce no more! Only after they have worn themselves out is it safe to try to speak to them! Maybe – yes, maybe they will listen??

Hard Incarcerated Men Lead me to the Truth

It was the hardened, old journeyman inmates who told me these young men are mad as hell!!!! I wonder does anyone have ears? What are they so angry about????????????????
They are MAD as HELL at mom and dad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emotional Anger!! Oh yeah, I am a deacon, so I am supposed to know something about mom and dad!  What’s are we missing?  Yes, one can find it “In the Beginning” God created man, male and female, he created them! God’s design was summed up using a spiritual concept using the term “One Flesh”!  One can find it in the Book of Genesis.

Oh No!  Discipline?

Discipline is the hidden secret that unites mom and dad, and a new born baby is supposed to change mom and dad for life! The definition of intimacy – not the one most people think of!!!
Children know instinctively that discipline is love! They will demand it and if they don’t get it they will demand it in more outrageous ways. “Do you love me enough” is the question. The kids know when mom and dad fail to the answer their question!!  Do you love me enough to discipline me?
Yet, “discipline” in modern America is what? Let them raise hell and bounce off walls??  Whether in the prison or outside the prison the kids know and are asking the same question. Does anyone have eyes to hear? Have you watched the burning and looting on TV?

Where oh where are the Mothers and Fathers?

Where oh where are our Fathers and Mothers / moms and dads?  Where oh where are our politicians?  Oh gosh – yeah, they drank the modern cool-aid!  Am I to speak out where people can hear?
Are you calling me, Lord? Have I failed, Lord? What am I to do, Lord?
I went to Mass yesterday – couldn’t understand a word of the Gospel nor the homily! Is this what our children are having to listening to?  Exactly what is being taught?  Dare we even ask the leaders of our church?  Yes, Catholic children are being taught to day dream?  Where oh where is the Shepherd?  MIA!  Am I all alone?
Use technology to draw our young people to hear and listen – yes to use their God given spirit.  Big Screen TV and voice to Text conversion software.
It is long past time for real Fathers and Mothers to surround the Bishops castle and not allow any food in until the Bishop repents and begins to insist the Gospel (Truth) of Jesus Christ be preached so our children can actually hear it for real – (discipline/Love).
Jesus did! He came to testify to the Truth – to set us Free. He was killed by those who knew Him – NO MORE SERMONS FROM JESUS CHRIST!
Where oh where are our Catholic Leaders?
I hear there is at least one in the heartland of LBGTQ land – San Francisco! Thank you, Lord, for a man/Farther/priest/bishop/archbishop who is not a coward!
Angry young man – 19 4th grade children – dead plus the teacher! It hits home hard! My grand daughter will be teaching middle school next year! Lord Have Mercy on this nation – please please help us restore the one flesh and recognize we don’t own the tree! Please make haste and send us someone with the courage to speak the Truth again!
Am I all alone?  Amen!

Chicken Houses – Gender Truth:

Years ago an old farmer built 3 chicken houses with an outside pen attached to each. Yes, the old Farmer wanted to teach his modern world children a lesson in TRUTH.

In one house, the farmer put all roosters. In the second house, the farmer put all hens. And in the third house, he put both roosters and hens.

Now the farmer’s children were being schooled in left-leaning schools, so he decided he could teach his children a real life lesson in Truth. He told his young, athletic son and his buddies could eat all the eggs that came from the rooster house. Then, the farmer told his daughter and her girl friends that they could eat all the young chickens that hatched in the hen house but not the eggs (you know, so the eggs could hatch).

To drive home his point further, the farmer stopped stocking the rooster and hen houses with new chickens. So what do you think will happen in those two houses? – Hmm the truth? What happened to the roosters in the rooster house and the hens in the hen house?

Many months and a few years passed as his children grew older. The Farmers asked his son, “Why is the rooster house now empty? What possibly could have gone wrong?” And to his daughter he asked, “Why is the hen house also empty? What could have possibly gone wrong there – we know they laid plenty of eggs?”

Thankfully the 3rd chicken house was still going strong producing eggs and plenty of chickens for the family and friends to eat. Imagine that in 2022!

Anyone WOKE up yet?