

What the Hey!  So lets start!  Just what are the four cardinal virtues?  And just why should I try and figure out what they are?

Darn – all of this about having “Courage”!  Having the courage to do what is necessary both right and good!   Do I have too?

Hmmm!  Four Cardinal Virtues!!!  Fortitude (hang in there), Prudence (foresight?), Justice ( not just about old selfie), and Temperance!  Yikes each word is packed full of spiritual meaning!

So just who decided to identify there?  Hmmmm!  Some old ancient guy – Thomas Aquinas of Hippo!  Do I need to know this?  And does “Hippo” mean the guy was “Hip”?  Maybe he was!  Is Hippo a part of this world?

I just got a new fast computer!  The mouse thinks it can read my mind!  Not so fast you little blipper!  Get back in your mouse hole!

Not Another Saint!

St. Thomas defines virtue for us as “a good habit bearing on activity” or a good faculty/habit!  Oh my the word faculty!?!   Awah shucks another funny word – I am just a red neck country boy!  Faculty?  Do I have to exercise discipline again?  And just what the Hey is discipline?  Oh yea -> snippet -> Discipline = Love!  Short hand that takes many words to describe such a complex spiritual reality demonstrated while handing on a cross!  I guess eyes can see and ears hear better when one encounters the well hidden secrets only a cross can reveal to the human who encounters the word suffering!  Oh man no body wants to do that!  Come follow me rings a bell!  Who said that?  And oh yea like a virtue one must choose to enter into the story!  Do I have too???

Where was I?

Gotta take a break before I kill this mouse — to be continued . . . . . . . . . . . .

Seven  —>  Oh Man another Number!!!!????

Seven Virtues!  Chastity, diligence (Concord vs Discord), Faith, Good Works, Humility, Patience, Sobriety:  Yea I didn’t kill the mouse!!!

Check out:

The Four Cardinal Virtues:  Cardinal a Hinge that hold up a heavy door so it can open and close.  A Cardinal a very very red bird.  The Color of life sustaining oxygenated bright red blood.

Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance:  == Hinges:  That which hold up a heavy door so it can open and close.

Prudence:  (oh no not that word Discipline oneself, to use reason to discern good versus evil / know the Ten Commandments – and we are creature not God.)

Justice:  (giving / treating people with dignity because they were created in the image of God.  Dignity is hidden in work – working enable one to discover gifts and talents.)

Fortitude:  ( persistence -0 hanging in there when it is hard, Courage to continue unabated – set one face like Flint)

Temperance:  ( involves all the senses – touch, smell, sight, hearing, taste)

Who is the first and best teacher of the Cardinal Virtues????  Mom & Dad!


Chastity (oh my!  not in this world!),

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