The Gospel for Sunday – Catholic – April 3, 2022. John 8:1-11.
The Scribes and Pharisees brought Jesus a woman caught in adultery! Hey – where’s the guy? Oh heck darn – I have to remember it is the spirit hidden in the story that is the point. So what was it about the woman??? Well, women back in the day had no status or power!
It was a man’s world – right?? Oh, and today no change??? Ha ha we have a man winning the woman’s swim race in 2022! Testimony Truth turned Upside down? Modern man has set women back how many years??? Where did the feminist go? Is it safe to say the NCAA leaders are just like the folks we are speaking of in this old old old Gospel? Pretty much cowards I would say!
Just when are we going to see some real men and womanly courage arise? Oh yeah, the terms male and female not allowed to be spoken! Just who is it that will have the courage to stand up and speak up? Democrats? Joe the Devout Catholic? Nancy the say what Catholic? Oh my – who are they today? AND just where’s the Catholic Bishops hiding??
Bad boy – I am not supposed to be asking those questions!
The unspoken spiritual point:
Women in Jesus’s day had no status – indeed, they were the lowest of the low – well except for children! The people of His day confronted Jesus and thought they could trick Him into saying words that would get Him in real trouble! They thought they set him up wonderfully! Yep – just can’t fail!
So, what did He do when they challenged Him to reply to their setup question? What did they do? Maybe better said: what did Jesus do to help defeat themselves? Well, he defeated them without speaking a word. Yikes – silence is a deadly weapon! Instead, He bent down – lower than the lowly woman they brought before Him to be publicly be humbled! He bent down lower than she and said not a word!
He taught them by what He did!
And He made them wait! They had to begin to question themselves. What the heck is He doing? It had to infuriate their pious attitudes and challenge the spirit that lives within! Oh my – now what is He doing? Looks like writing in the sand.
The Sand:
Where is that? Oh – on the earth – yep, the earth! Darn – What? What was He thinking? In the Beginning – man was made from the what???? Do we know the answer? Does from dust to dust have any meaning in the modern world? He was silently yet powerfully speaking!
After a very very long and frustrating pause – He finally spoke up! You who are without sin – YES, that awful word “SIN” – can cast the first stone! Oh my Oh my Oh my! Yes it was the eldest who left first!!! Wisdom seems to be married to age! I can identify – yes I can! The elderly knew instinctively without a great deal of thought they were guilty of the modern day awful word “SIN”!
Then – yes even then the younger folks had to begin to ask themselves – what the heck? Why are they leaving? Yep, it took a little time – yes it did – silence speaks and penetrates pride! It is a spiritual thing, you know – it’s a spiritual message. Can you see it? Any chance your spirit works?
Finally, even the hardest of heart – you know, those with the stiffest necks – yes even they had to begin to depart from the presence of Truth!
Disney are your ears open and do they work – are you listening?
Talk about hard hearts and stiff necks – Oh my! People who use imagination to destroy Truth – consequently, there is this very special place reserved and set aside for them!
Only then did Jesus stand up – “Has no one condemned you.” He asked the lady with no power. “No one sir,” she responds! “Neither do I condemn you,” says the Lord! – Wow!
Now the punch line the modern world seeks to erase!!!!! READY?
Oh so very many miss the whole spiritual point! Yes, folks it is obvious the modern world misses it! “Go and sin no more.” Oh my – what the hey! What are some people at Disney going to do?
If I don’t go to Disney again – could it send a non verbal message? Yep, it could be powerful. Disney does not create or own children or the family! Keep on sinning and we are promised a proper reward! Hell and the Devil anxiously await our answer!