Category Archives: The Tea Party

Tea Party

USA Culture Change We Can Hope In – The Unborn are Responsible

The USA Federal government is borrowing .39 of every dollar it spends.

Lets examine this question.  Do the American people who support his policy have eyes that can see or ears that can hear?

Oh yea – this President and his Democratic Party want to spend yet even more!

At least he acknowledges someone has to pay for the debt he and his party with an assist from republicans have are creating at an unprecedented rate.

His answer is “lets be fair”.  So let’s examine that logic!  – 50% pay nothing – yes nothing – and many demand the rich pay much more.  So he wants to tax the rich – scarily that includes those who make $250,000 & less – the engine of job creators.

Lets see if our brain works and we can side step emotions for a moment?  If the rich are taxed more the nation will borrows only .37 on the dollar.  What kind of logic is that?  Don’t forget he also wants to increase spending – so wouldn’t that logic put us back to .39 on the dollar or even more.  What kind of logic is that?

Well it’s not logic – it’s about something else and not in the best interest of the people.  And it depends upon and based on emotions that over ride logic of those who are unable or unwilling to use logic or are simply self centered!  Take care of me and the heck with the future generations they will just have to fend for themselves.

The People of the Land of the Free and the Brave have Decided

Let’s Hold Children, Grand Children and even the Unborn Responsible

Those who support he president are using the following justification – their children, grand children and the unborn are to be held responsible for this fairness of debt!

Disregard our founding principle of no taxation without representation – they have no voice nor a clue they are being saddled with this enormous debt.  Apparently this is not a problem to the supposed grown ups because for these youngsters that WILL JUST BE THE WAY IT IS WHEN they GET OLD ENOUGH TO FIGURE OUT they have been taken to the cleaners and may well lose the founding values and principles that made this nation a light unto the world.

To be continued ……….

Gradualism – The Death of the Soul of the Republic

Are American Core Values Dying?

What do we mean when we say the words “American Values”, “the American Dream”, “Life”, “Liberty” and “the Pursuit of Happiness”, “Fairness”, Fair Share”?  Do we believe that these core concepts and principles where spelled out using  Christian – Judeo philosophy?  An ancient philosophy whose foundation is based upon the existence or a creator God from whom all rights originate?

Do we recognize erosion when as it occurs or does it take place so slow and low key we can easily be duped?  Do we recognize when untruth replaces truth just because so called powerful and educated people say an untruth is the truth?

The word “Gradualism” is very reflective of the erosion that has and is taking place in America during my life time and has accelerated with the advent of Mass Media technology supported by propaganda agents who seek to convince citizens wrong is right!

Gradualism seeks to break down individuals conscientious rendering the concepts of right and wrong, a lie and the truth, sin and as nebulous and no longer relevant.

We are in the midst of a great battle to define what the core values and principles of traditional American family, the definition of life, liberty, freedom, the pursuit of happiness!

Will the people of American allow the government to act as the sole source of our God given freedoms and help destroy the foundational guidelines

Polsters and Pundants can’t See!

Slow Minded Pollsters and Pundits:

The pollsters and Pundits think the Tea Party has gone to sleep.  What they can not see is the Tea Party people clearly understood and recognized the current President was not openly or objectively vetted during the last presidential campaign

The Tea Party folks know they can not depend on the main stream media for open and objective vetting.  So multiple debates hosted by multiple media outlets has resulted.   The Republican Party and candidates will not escape the intense glare of the Tea Party folks as they insist the Republican candidates go through the most thorough vetting process ever seen in the history of this nation.

Tea Party Folks are not behaving like the Pollsters expect:

The Tea Party folks are fooling the pollsters as well by being non committal about who they will support.

Tea Party folks realize the longer they wait to make up their mind the better the vetting process will work.

In fact 60% say they might change their support at a later time – don’t hold your breath cause this is going to take awhile!

Authority Church and Government

In light of the United States Bishops position on Illegal Immigration and Person-hood Amendments coming out of several states and reflecting upon the proper “Authority” to address these issues would be appropriate.

The Authority of the Federal Government and the Church

Where does authority originate?  Jesus told us the Authority of the Church comes form His Father, The Lord God Almighty, the Creator.  He also told us the authority of the government also come from His father, the Lord God Almighty, the Creator.

John Chapter 19,  Jesus answered Pilot, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.

The Authority over the Church and government comes from the same source from above.

All Authority comes from the Highest Authority – God

So then who owns the line between Church and State since the authority for both comes from the same source above.  One could say, The Lord Almighty owns the line and can walk on the line anywhere and always.

What about the authority of the United States of America Federal Government whom the Bishops have stated by, stating the United States Bishops do not support State laws addressing these issues?  Well can the authority with which they speak be challenged?  Have they built their argument on rock or sand?

A Guiding Document – The Declaration of Independence

Have the Bishops or any of us read the Declaration of Independence recently in regard to where government authority comes in this nation?  The “Rights” of the people come from an “unalienable” authority, greater than any earthly government, president, congress, senate or judicial authority.  I would call that “Authority” = “God”.  I think it is pretty clear.

The Declaration of Independence doesn’t stop there however.  It goes on to clearly state and the authority of the government originates from “the consent of the governed” – the people!  Then with even stronger language it emphasizes that when such government violates the rights of principles of the people they not only have a just “right” but a solemn duty to take action to modify, amend or even abolish such government.

Are the Bishops of America aware of the peoples “right and duty”?  Are the Bishops implying in their position trumps that of the people and we the people must rely solely upon a Federal government clearly demonstrating an inability to listen, respect or honor the right of the people or the church”?   A Federal Government which seeks to equate the difference between right and wrong while actively supporting political correctness.  Are the Bishops unable to see a government lusting and seeking power and control over the people by supporting corrupt and corny capitalism?

The words of Jesus in the Gospel of John 19 come to mind – “Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”  By taking a position favoring the federal government’s authority over the right and duty of the people to take action at the local, state and federal levels is guilty of handing the people over to a system lacking the leadership or faculties to protect the foundational rights of her people.

Whoever, in this country supports handing the people over to the power of a government that has been increasingly violating the sacred rights to “Life”, “Liberty” and “the Pursuit of happiness”, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is suffering from misguided judgement and short sided spiritual discernment?

The Role Model of Authority

While Jesus was on earth He modeled the role He wanted the Hierarchy of the Church to follow.  Who did Jesus tell His disciples to serve and how did He most clearly demonstrate that act.  At the last supper he taught how His authority should be demonstrated.  Jesus, the Son of God got down on His knees and washed the feet of His disciples – the original people of the church.

Who did Jesus command His disciples to serve?  Was it the none living entity of the government of the people or the people of God?

Circling back, the government gets it’s authority from God through the people.  The Church gets it’s authority from God to serve the people.  Both by design are called to serve the people in the spirit of the Creator God.

Could the Bishops of America have their position in regard to the United States government and the people of God upside down and backwards in regard to the peoples right and duty?

Authority Comes from the Consent of the Governed

The People Have the Necessary Authority

The People created the States, the States created the Federal Government and the 10th Amendment reserves all “rights” not delieniated to the Sates and to the People.   The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Would it not be appropriate for the Sates to call the Federal government back to the Constitutional principles upon which this Nation was established?

By supporting the Federal Government as the single avenue to address these serious issues, could the Bishops be unwisely telling the people of God the problem of Illegal Immigration and the sacredness of life is not their right and duty to address and can only be solved at the Federal level which has long been unable to take any appropriate action.  Are the Bishops missing the servant leadership skill to nurture and encourage the people act at every level local, state and federal which is their right and duty.  Could some Catholic’s and other conclude from the Bishops they have no individual right or responsibility to listen to their conscience, use their spirit and answer the call of the Lord God Almighty simply because the Bishops have provided them an ready made pass?

Do the Bishops of America not see what is clearly before the eyes of the people?  A nation in the midst of it’s greatest war between the flesh and the spirit.  A war being fought at every level of society to knock the Lord God Almighty off the block and replace Him with a New American idol secular progressive politically correct nonliving God – a pagan idol.

The Building Blocks = Living Stones

Further the Church through it’s Bishops have been clearly taught that “the Roman Catholic Church” is made up of living stones and not structural non living entities.  That “The Church (all the people of the church) is in need of constant purification” including the hierarchy and magisterium.

That the family serves as the foundation building mini church foundation upon which the lager church is built.  Not a single bishop or priest or deacon receives life without a mother and father and a home.  Destroy the Home the foundation of the Home and the Church is weakened.  Destroy the father and with him the family and the foundation of the church is weakened.  Destroy the father figure and the mother figure of the Church is weakened.  Weaken them sufficiently life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will be the domain of a pagan idol.

Serve the People with Truth

The USCCB Bishops insistence they can not support the issues of illegal immigration and the sacredness of life being addressed at other than the federal level revels gross misunderstanding of what made the United Sates of America a Light Standing of a Hill to the World.  Worse it denies the rights and responsibilities of every person, the very dignity of every person called to action by the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the sin of the hierarchy of the Catholic Bishops is intrinsic to the age old human nature relationship with authority.  We all want to play God, even Bishops are tempted to play God.  When any of us get caught up with our own authority and forget we were called to serve the people of God big trouble lies ahead.

Lord God Almighty forgive us, save this nation from itself, self centered interest and from placing ourselves upon a high and mighty pedestal from which there is no graceful way down!

Please if you made it thus far, Pray for us!

Common Thread Occupy Wall Street Protesters and Tea Party Patriots

Gut Level Instinct

The Occupy Wall Street Protesters are reacting to something that is troubling them.  Tough many wall street protesters would not admit the phenomena is the same which triggered the Tea Party Protests and marches around the Nation.  Something powerful is driving the Occupy Wall Street Protesters to action.  Fact is the same “Gut Level” reaction drove their parents and grand parents to begin the Tea Party Protest movement.   The main difference between the two movements is a more than a two year delay in reaction.  On many basic points concerning corruption both movements are upset with the same basic basic failure of human to avoid becoming corrupt.

The primary difference between the two movements is the Tea Party protesters due tho their age, experience in life and wisdom gained through failure and multiple wars against enemies from every sector of society, government and the world.  The Tea Party Protest “Gut Level” reaction happened much quicker and due to having been around the block more often the Tea Party detected and addressed the cause of the “gut level” reaction swiftly and succinctly.  The Tea Party folks instinctively they had to keep the solution to the problem simple and  clear while avoiding highly divisive issues.

The Occupy Wall Crowd is simply an unorganized crowd of young people with abundant energy that has to discover the secrets to effective articulation of their purpose and how to create leadership within a leaderless group.

The Good News is the Occupy Wall Street has awakened to the reality this Nation is on the wrong track and their future freedoms are in jeopardy.  The downside for the occupy Wall Street group is they do not have the worldly or spiritual maturity to recognize their greatest enemy lives within.

Waking Up is Critical to Beginning to the Beginning of Identifying the Problem and it’s Seriouness

The Occupy Wall Streets folks, as the Tea Party folks know, will begin to learn the people of this great nation, including themselves have long allowed corruption at every level of our society to flourish and grow.  They will also learn their own actions, belief’s and values have contributed to the decline.  The hardest lesson to learn – the enemy is looking directly back at you in the mirror.

Ever so slowly the Nation has been waking up the nightmare that is leading the nation down the pathway to self destruction.  And at it’s core is the acceptance of corruption by placing self interest above the Golden Rules and Principles upon which this nation was born.   The Wall Street Protest and Tea Party Movement were triggered by the same human instinct.

Yes something is seriously wrong which makes my gut upset enough I have to do something about it though many may not know exactly what initially.

Corruption, Corruption, Corruption to Obtain Power and Control

Wall Street, Main Street and GOVERNMENT

And what is Amiss???

A mirror image is what is amiss and the fact we have duped ourselves into thinking the problem is with everyone else, especially any without a face!  Look in the mirror and what do we see?  Denial!!!

Wall Street looks like Main Street, Main Street looks like the Government, the Government looks like Wall Street and on every street corruption has been accepted as the normal way of life.  We have lost our way when it comes to moral judgement, justice, sin, values and the core building blocks upon which this nation was built.

For years there has been a secular progressive movement in this nation to remove all of the above from the law of the land.  If it feels good it must be good regardless of the outcome or consequence.  Each human is their own God lies at it’s core.  father, family and religion must be sacrificed at the altar of the secular progressive humanism movement.

Have we and are we cutting off our own legs as we grope about in the darkness of our self created and centered mess?  Have we compromised the most sacred and valued principles for which our founding fathers were willing to sacrifice blood, property, wealth and life?

Ask yourself!!!!!!  What are the values I am willing to sacrifice my life for?

Ask yourself!!!!!  Have I been willing to compromise the values of my family, my own values, those of my religion or those of the founding fathers of this Nation where I am supposed to be free?  Am I really free or does my government own me?

Perhaps many no longer even know the values and principles which made this Nation a Light unto the world!  Ask yourself – do I know the values and principles of the founding fathers?

The 99 versus the 1.  People not Corporations.  Anyone know what a Corporation is?  Does a Corporation exist without people and laws created by people before it an exist.

Is this a nation of the People, by the People and for the People?  Could it be the secret to solving the crisis of 2011 resides in an awakening of the people that they have rights which must be balanced with responsibility.  When responsibility is passed on to some other to take care of us we place our rights in their hands.  Who is ready to hand their rights off to a government or corporation obsessed with political correctness?

People have God given rights and with those rights come equal or a balance of responsibilities!

The Wall Street Protesters are protesting the greed of corporations as if corporations do not represent regular people and impact lives!  Has anyone asked who or what a corporation is?  Could a corporation be a group of factory workers, school teachers, private persons, retired persons who worked all their life, fire fighters, police, people who fought in wars, civil servants local, state and federal????

Perhaps what folks are really upset about is who, why and how are the winners and losers in life decided.  A better definition might be corruption at every level of society.  On Wall Street, on Main Street and yes in the Government.

Look in the mirror of truth – one might find corruption there!

The founder and framers of our constitution understood well the power and influence of corruption.  So they worked to create and yes they prayed for guidance to create documents, statues, laws and a constitution that would balance corruption.

Is anyone awake in 2011 as cries go out across the nation complaining about greed which is more accurately and clearly defined as corruption.  Corruption that will take up residence at every level of society and will `.

To solve the self made crises we encountering in 2011 this nation, as a people must begin the task of looking back at the principles which bring corruption back in balance.

Want the answers to our Nations self made crises?  One will not find it in Political Correctness.  Where does one need to look?

Perhaps the founding documents of this nation hold the secret formula we are so desperately searching for?  When is the last time we the people studied those documents?

Could the solution exist within the people, particularly a people willing to balance their individual rights with their individual responsibility.

When responsibility is removed from the equation, it is replaced with an entity that begins to operate as King and Lord over all.

Wall Street Protestors

It is very interesting to watch the Wall Street Protesters.  The good news is they are out there because something does not seem right to them and they know it is time to do something about what they sense is not right.

In fact I would say the cause of their unrest comes from a reaction taking place in their guts that something is very very wrong and doing nothing will not satisfy their gut level unrest.  Human natures gut level reaction is a result of one’s mind sensing one’s true values in life are at risk of being lost.

A Gut Level Reaction = a Gift from the Creator Himself

This gut level reaction demands attention and causes the human being to begin searching one soul to determine what it is that has so upset the apple cart of their life.  As such, a gut level reaction of this sort is nothing sort of a gift from God.  It opens the door for a person to dig up their core values and examine them again as if for the first time.  It offers the possibility one can decide which values they want to retain and which values may not have been founded upon solid truths.

This may not sit well with Wall Street Protesters but they are delayed reaction and are following the foot steps of Tea Party Patriots who are essentially the Wall Street Protesters elders and maybe parents or grand parents.

Long ago the Tea Party Patriots went through the gut level reaction of questioning why their level values where yelling at them.  Something was amiss and needed to addressed quickly.  Perhaps because the Tea Party Patriots were older, wiser and had developed more problem solving skills the cause and solution to the Gut Level Crises was asked, articulated and the primary values and principles that were triggering the reaction where addressed in an unprecedented method which opened the doorway to all citizens who were willing to take the time and participate.

Hence the Tea Party Movement with millions of participants articulating simple and clear Principles mushroomed almost over night more than two years ago.  The Wall Street Protesters needed the crises to begin to effect them personally before the Human Gut Level to begin to kick in for them.

There many gut level issues the Wall Street Protesters have in common with the Tea Party Patriots though this may upset some members of each group.

Who are we as a nation?  Who do we say we are?  Who did our founding Fathers say we were?  Who have we become?  Are we happy with who we have become?  The answer to this last question is “NO” for Wall Street Protesters and Tea Party Patriots.

There is Hope We Can believe In — The Wall Street Protesters are Awakening !

It is clear listening to the Wall Street Protesters that they do not have or share a common principled action plan for the turmoil taking place at the Gut Level.  Further they demonstrate far less maturity than the Tea Party Movement which is clearly demonstrated in behavior and cleaning up after oneself.

Not to despair, their is great hope because the most critical and essential human step has begun – they are opening up.  They have awakened and know there is a major problem and have now begun to struggle to articulate an answer and begin to reach unity of purpose through consensus.




Mr. President Are You a Uniter or Divider????

Dear Lord – Help us hear the “truth”!

Barack Obama ran on a platform of being a new kind of political leader who somehow would bring the left and the right together and reunite and transform the Nation.  “Hope and Change we can  believe in” was his motto.  “Hope and Change” words that mean nothing when they stand alone.  Yet words that human beings can easily translate into the hope and dreams that live in ones heart but not necessarily in the heart of the deliverer.

The word “Hope” when it stands alone is proving to be false “Hope”   And even the uneducated are beginning to learn one needs a description what chnage means when they use the word “Change”.

But let’s look at the words the supporters of the President are using to describe his “Hope and Change” motto!  The people who do not agree with the president are routinely referred to and called Racists (though many are black, Hispanic and have supported EEO), Homophobics (tough many have ministered to those with HIV and AIDS), Terrorists (tough many are veterans of war – Viet Nam & the Gulf Wars), Astro Turf (tough many assist in cleaning up the mess they make when they gather),  Teabaggers (tough many didn’t even know what that term meant),  Barbarians at the door (tough many are or were members of unions and participated in strikes), the Rich (tough by today’s standard $250,00 is the near minimum profit a small business can earn and still stay in business), Corporation are evil and should be taxed (Yet the CEO of GE is the presidents right hand man, GE pays no taxes, is on the presidents job committee while GE is actively moving jobs and building it’s business in China), oil companies are evil (while the president has shut down the nations off shore oil exploration while simultaneously encouraging and funding off shore drilling by neighbor nations to the south.

What kind of “Hope” and “Change” does this president have in mind for “We the People”?

This president has created a new technology – it is a technology that uses modern day imagery and language to divide in an effort to destroy the very founding principles this nation was built upon!

The question for the people is really very simple!  Who are we as a nation?  Who did our founding fathers say we were?  Who have we allowed ourselves to become?  Who do we want to be?  And finally are we willing to make the sacrifices our founding fathers made to to stand for the fullness of truth in our day and our time?

Will the people of this nation rekindle the fire to remain the land of the free and the brave with liberty and freedom for all or will it fall to division being propogated by an elite ruling class interested in entenching power and control into huge central government?

Every generation must confront the truth and decide the future of it’s children and grand children.

My choice is clear.  Restore God and the nation will be restored as a Beacon on a Hill, the Land of the Free shinning for all the world to see and follow.



Leadership “or” Not

Do we have any humor left at all?

Let’s imagine there is this huge corporation that is in the midst of it’s worst labor and financial crises.  Not only is the corporation in trouble but the people, whose lives depend upon the decisions of the corporate leadership, are scared and have become alarmed.

Now the CEO (a politically savvy person) has been telling the people for the last couple of years his priority is to address and resolve the financial labor crises.  “Let me makes this clear” is one of his routine statements made to the people – of course to assure them their great CEO leader has a handle on the problem and is on the job!

During the past two years, altough the CEO has supported unprecedented spending while running up the corporation debt, nothing the CEO has done has resulted in an improvement of the financial or labor crises.  In fact the future for the corproation as it was founded is in doubt and the crises looks worse.

Now to assure the people, the CEO provides them time and again images using prompters that the labor and financial crises is his highest priority.  Usually this done just before he participates in a golf and team game outing with his groupies.

The CEO does recognize the people have grown more skeptical and so to demonstrate his concern, the CEO announces a redoubling (a really interesting word that means nothing) the focus on solutions.  In fact the CEO will personally give the people an update on the new plan to resolve the current labor and financial crises.

In fact to demonstrate the serious nature of the crises the CEO will address the people immediately after he takes another long needed vacation!  And Oh by the way, at a luxury location most of the people could never afford to visit.  And Oh Oh Oh Oh, he doesn’t tell the people, he will be taking this expensive, lavish vacation at their expense.  After all the CEO position is the “Leader”!  Golf and recreational games for the CEO obviously are a high priority – the current labor and financial crises will just have to wait.

Oh Oh Oh Oh, I almost forgot and so did the CEO, to top things off, the CEO calls the Board of Directors to hold an immediate meeting so the CEO can address them with his plan.  And to add spice to the CEO’s demand to the Board of Directors, the CEO calls for the meeting to be held on the same date and time has long been planned for a Board of Directors debate of the corporations labor and financial crises situation and what kind of leadership was needed.  No savvy politician could let that opportunity slide!

Surely this will convince everyone this CEO is on top of things????  Yes????  The image of leading is everything????

Could it be the CEO who has had over two years to address the crises, granted every wish by the former Board of Directors, and say what – now the CEO needs a vacation, could it be the corporation, Board of Directors and the “peoples” worries are secondary????

Let’s see if we can articulate this circumstance!  If the CEO walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, leaves droppings like duck droppings, and the droppings taste like duck droppings one could conclude the CEO must be a duck!?!

TRANSLATION” = If it drops like shit, sounds like shit when it stops falling, has smells that permeate the air when it first hits the air like shit, yuch yuch and tastes like shit, – a reasonable person could probably figure out one is being fed a line of shit!

“Yes Mr. CEO let’s try and make this clear — bull shit is still bull shit – no matter how pretty words are you wrap around the shit – careful where you step Mr. CEO”!  Chances are increasing you will step in your own (*#*#)  cause you sure are able to manage spreading it around like one who continuously campaigning for the position of the first “American Idol”.

Imagine for a moment the effort the CEO is willing to put into feeding ones own ego!

How’s that saying go?

You can fool some of the people all of time.  You can some of the people all of the time.  But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

Time’s up Mr. CEO, our sense of smell is overwhelming us and the stench you have created put us in a position where we must ask you to vacate the premises soon!!!!

Can anyone explain what the word “servant” means.  Then perhaps, by golly we will have an idea who would make for a good CEO replacement.





What Lies behind the Words Balance & Compromise

Should we compromise on the truth?  Do we balance slavery with freedom?  Do we compromise away our children’s future to bail our selves out the mess we made ourselves?

Has this nation lost all sense of discipline and the meaning of the word Budget?

Our nation is in the midst of a crises created by politicians and the people who elected them unable to say “No”.

Do we suppose in our thinking we should be searching for the truth in the subject matter where in these words are used?

To save themselves from the truth, our Politicians are beating various words to death.  Why are they doing that?  Could it be to create an image if being responsible when the facts suggest the opposite.  Could it be to lay blame at the feet of others while creating an an escape from accountability?

They seem to hide behind and love using ambiguous words like; balance, balance balance, and compromise, compromise, compromise.

Anybody awake?  Like somehow magically repeating those words enough times will cause people to want to drink their brand of coolaid?

Somebody must have pinched me awake, cause I no longer accept their words at face value but search to discern the agenda they are trying to hide by using those words.

Want Freedom and Liberty for ourselves and our children?

It is time for the people to exercise their right to restore constitutional balance to our nation.  In truth, the politicians are crying out for the people to save them from their lack of understanding the principles that made this nation great.

Elected officials who understood the concept of civil servants are the hope and change that can save this nation from self appointed elite rulers .

It’s time to restore servant as the descriptive word for politician.


Priorites Healing or Gaming

Late one hazy evening Meuso, Thibodaux and Boudreaux were headed home in a boat on the bayou.  As they approached land Meuso saw what appeared to be a man walking on water.

He headed directly for the man to check it out.  As they approached he hollered out.  Who do you think you are, Jesus?  The man replied.  “I am Jesus”.

I don’t believe you, said Meuso.  You probably think you have healing power.  “I do said the man”.  Your going to have to prove it to me.  So the man asked Meuso.  Do you have any physical pains.  Yes said Meuso,  my elbow and shoulder are stiff and aching.  The man reached down and touched his elbow and shoulder.  Sure enough, Meuso felt immediate relief and could move his elbow and shoulder all around without pain.

The man then walked to the middle of the boat and asked Thibodaux the same question.  Thibodaux said, my neck is stiff and I have to turn my whole body to look at anything.  The man reached down and touched Thibodaux neck.  Sure enough, Thibodaux could turn his head around like a owl without pain.

Then the man walked to the back of the boat where Bourdruax sat.  Broudraux immediately stuck out his arm and said with alarm, no Lord, please don’t touch me.

I just got approved for workers comp and don’t have to work.