Category Archives: The Tea Party

Tea Party

How does one Stop a Charging Elephant?

Nature is truer than fiction – think about it a while and as you read on!

Maybe you heard this joke when you were a young man like me.

How does one stop a charging elephant?    Take away his “Credit Card” was the answer.

Not the greatest joke I ever heard!

But who would ever have thought it would really be necessary to stop a charging elephant by taking away it’s credit card?  Well who would think such?

Oh!  Oh!  Let’s put it another way.  Who would have thought it would be necessary to stop a charging donkey taking steroids by taking away it’s credit card?  Can you believe it a donkey is more efficient at charging than an elephant?

Somebody hit the reset button.  Can this be true?

Is it possible we are there!  The donkeys and the elephants seem to have lost the concept of being a civil let alone understanding their role as a servant to the people.  Respectful and responsible are words they avoid.

It appears they have over many years come to expect the people to tolerate their behavior as drunken sailors on shore leave.  But it’s really worse, these sailors don’t run out of money ever, they believe they have the authority to just keep charging and printing new money like there is no day of reckoning.  Accelerator to the floor –  but is anyone looking our the front window at the cliff dead ahead?

The real question is — are we just going to lie down and let them run over us and spend our grand children’s money or worse bankrupt the nation?

Or are “We the People” going to finally get off our butts and exercise the balance of power reserved to the people and begin acting like adults ourselves and take away the credit card of each donkey and elephant who lacks the wisdom of recognizing we have changed the rules of the game — No Credit Cards Allowed!!!!

Mr Donkey and Mr Elephant get your hand out of my pocket and no you can not use my credit card either!

The to re-balance power which will result in a rebirth of the concept of a Balanced Budget!

This one is playing as we breath!

To be continued ………….  while we are waiting pray to God discipline returns ……….


The Death of Freedom – the cause of death Journalism

Protect and Defend the New American Idol Created by MSM

During the past few years thanks to the rise of the current Democratic administration, it has become clear that words are used to confuse and hide the fullness of the truth.  If fact both parties are guilty, but the new (first American Idol) president has perfected and the democratic progressive secular party has embraced a new langauge art form.  This new Art Form depends upon party members sticking to the same language set or choice of words.  They carefully select uses words people want to hear like “hope and “change” so as trigger positive reception while craftily avoiding full disclosure of meaning and to avoid triggering people inner critical thinking defenses.  Hence a lie is not a lie.  The lie become the truth simply because it is consistently said enough times with the “Hope” the lie will be accepted as the truth

Who is there to defend the people from this new language Art Form stealth language?  Should not the major line of defense be those employed in the “Journalism” field?  Or has soemthing happened to objective journalism which threatens the concept of a “Free Press”?

The unfortunately reality of 2011 is that many “Main Stream Media” outlets have been bought and sold for a price!  What we used to consider a “Free Press” passed some years ago, certainly in this new century and given way to a power and control propogada driven mentality not at all interest in a free press or any other values concept that includes the words of creator, God, right to life, liberty, self governess, or any other values held sacred by the founding fathers of this nation.

A new kind of “Bondage and Slavery” has been substituted for the goal of self determination.

The concept and idea of a Free Press is a critical component that works to assure this remains a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.  An informed and educated people will remain strong and free.  A misinformed or mislead people may eventually submit to slavery.

The main or Lame (in my opinion) Stream Media has become a propaganda Machine with an agenda hostile to the people, truth and therefore is a great threat to America’s founding principles of liberty and freedom.

The re engineering of the use of Words – or Word Warfare as I call it is on the rise!  Clutter, confuse, hide, distort, rename and then repeat repeat repeat are the methods used to avoid reporting the objective truth! — The Kinetic War called a “Not War” we are targeting people to be killed as one would in a war.  The feminist movement does not include conservative women.

Those who claim to be environmentalist or conservationist are not all really interested in the environment or conservation.  The environment and conservation have been taken hostage by those willing to distort the truth to achieve and agenda unassociated with the truth.

Global warming is a fraude.  We do not tap into our own natural resources while simultaneously we import resources from unfriendly nations which are used to found wars and terrorism around the world.  We could kill multiple birds with this single stone.  Stop the funding of wars, terrorism, shorten the supply line risk of delivery, restore a major source of our food supply (corn) needed to feed a hungry world.

Racism is a word used entrap and hold bound people into a state of embracing unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness and continuing warfare against unity.  Those who nurture this new form of racism do so entrap and enslave this nation in a new form of bondage and slavery which is counter to the word of the Son of God.  Love your God with your whole heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself.

Class Warfare is alive.  Pit the rich against the poor without consideration to the dignity of the human person and the fullness of the truth.

To be continued ………….


The Forbidden Line

The “Line” between Church and Sate!  Who said we couldn’t walk on that line?

WWJD = What would Jesus Do?

I suppose Jesus would say – by whose authority does the Church have power and authority?  And by whose power and authority does the state have it’s?

Hey Dad!  Look at these folks walking in fear of stepping on the line of Truth!

Does anyone see a material barrier or is constructed of air?

While Jesus walked the face of the earth he walked all over that line like he owned it!

And how did the world treat him?  Better One Man should die than for the Truth be left standing!  Come follow me said the Lord!

Walking the Line — Are we ready to follow?


A Weiner Idol = An Image of what is Not!

Climbing up on a pedestal is a very dangerous act.  The a massacred human ego and self pride are the greaser facilitators who provide an ever ready ladder for those who climb to the top of a pedestal.

Problem is — there is no graceful way down once one has crested the top.  I can testify to this truth and the reality the landing from the fall is gonna hurt deep down in that secret place where ones decisions are made!

It can make one mad as hell!  That’s why we call it a significant emotional event!

Not surprised — are you?  Anthony the Weiner is trying to escape from the image of who he really is!  What better way than to create an American Idol image of what he thinks people want to see!  In truth some folks can always be fooled but thank God not everyone can be fooled.

Serious and meaningful examination of self is hard work and it takes a lot of time to overcome values unexamined for thirty years or more.

Yet such an event offers blessings that last a lifetime and bring freedom — Remember – who was it that said – The Truth will set one Free?

For significant emotional event to work it’s magic requires one to walk through the valley of tears and there is no short cut.  We humans are most adaptive creatures – Anthony has learned well and perfected the behavior of a little professor who is skilled at redirecting accountability for self and escaping being held accountable for the truth.

Behavior Scientist teach us “Little Professor” behavior prevents the development or adult relationships and short circuits effective communications.

Will someone please tells the members of the congress, the senate and yes the president!

In Anthony’s case, this current significant event must eventually threaten him to the core of his being if he is to reap the opportunity for spiritual and human growth!  It is only when one has cause to openly and honestly stare, question and look into the mirror of self truth that the possibility of God Spirit of healing and forgiveness can begin work it’s magic.

Anthony has spent a life time creating this image he has of himself, which has been nurtured and supported by those in his own party.

The Unfolding story of a traveling Weiner trying to escape the fire — to be continued ……….

R & R — Are they Balanced?

R & R = Railroad – could be?

R & R Rest and Recovery – could be?

R & R Rest and Recreation – could be?

R & R Rights and Responsibilities in Balance – Oh no say it ain’t so!

The Truth requires a balance between one’s Right and Responsibilities!

Oh no not that truth word again!

America the land of the free and the brave!  The land of I have my rights and I am free to pursue my Rights!

What is this Rights must be balanced with Responsibilities crap?

What is this consti9tution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights and the Balance of Power?

Me not wanna be responsible – me wanna you be responsible and take care of me.  Me demand my rights!  Me wanna eat the little red hens cake cause me have my rights!

Anyone notice the Federal Government is our of control – no limits on spending cause me not wanna be responsible – me not wanna lose power and control over the people cause it’s all about me – I been working hard to create me elite politician class with no respo0nsibility – just rights to take the peoples money!

Time has come for a significant emotional event for the elite political class!  Time to go to the “Wood Shed” where Rights and Responsibility are balanced in the shape of a board made especially for butt whipping!


Anthony Wiener – Congressman – what are his gut level values?

Notice Anthony Weiner, the US congressman to the House of Representatives from the 9th district of New York is having a significant emotional event in his life.

Truth is better than fiction – You can’t make this stuff up!

Anthony has been operating as tough he is bullet proof!  He has gained great notoriety and along came fame.  Anthony was elated and raised himself to such a level prestige he could operate above the moral values of the nation and do no wrong.  After all Anthony Weiner has been coronated as the go to TV personality spokesperson for so many in the Democratic progressive secular humanism is our God party!  He is literally the guy they put out front to lead – We can let Anthony do it — he’ll do most anything – he is a real Weiner!

Anthony is the best at insulating himself from the truth and avoiding real consequences for his actions .   Please don’t look children!

But then, full of himself Anthony, decided he could share his Weiner self to the cyber world without consequence and revealed his true self and with it his gut value system for the world to see and examine.  This going to take awhile!

Now Anthony is starring the truth mirror which he can not escape.  The truth is looking him in the eye and the truth doesn’t blink!

The question is – will this situation create sufficient emotional turmoil within Anthony that he can not escape an in depth evaluation of his gut level values?

I suspect he may not, as yet encountered sufficient fullness of the truth, to be spiritually opened up to the examination of his inner soul.  Self examination is the only avenue for  hope of being set free again to choose again a Godly set of values, first for himself and then for those he chooses to associate with.

We will be parying the Good Lord will give Anthony the answers to the prayers he needs and not the answers he wants.

The Weiner drama continues to unfold – Lord Have Mercy on us all – especially our children – close your eyes !!!!  ……..


Values – Uh? – By Two a Child must believe they are God

Values – we think when we use this word i.e. American Values, we are speaking of shared values.  Well this simply not the case.  Values is a word that triggers a positive indication of unity and agreement of thought when in fact could communicate a conflict as drastic as God versus the Devil and Good versus Evil.

Don’t let the word values fool you, especially when it is tied to another word like “Amercian”, “Family” or “Religious”.

Understanding how, when and where values are set and chosen is critical to discerning and grappling with the truth!  This is no place for the timid or those with a closed mind and heart!  Values is a word that lies in the essence of the meaning of life and death.

Unfortunately, many times the only way a human person can confront their own values is to encounter a significant emotional events of such magnitude they are left grappling and thirsting to discover the reason they have become so unhappy about a given set of circumstances.

Are you ready to go into the woods and try and cut down the impedimanets mother nature has placed in your path?

Want to understand how and why people possess specific political, religious and cultural values?

Where do our values come from?  When do we humans select our values.  How do we select our values?  And once chosen what does it take to change our value/s?

The human condition is an interesting and complex set of circumstances!  A child comes automatically equipped with both animal  and spiritual instincts.  An infant child doesn’t choose these instincts and has absolutely no control over where in this world it ends up.

There is an essential survival instinct every child is born with however!  What is it you say?  It is the built in desire and spirit of every child to survive no matter the circumstances the child arrives in! 

Without any conscious thought a child comes equipment with the knowledge of a behavior designed by it’s creator that will bring attention to itself.  A baby knows how and when to cry wiothout prompting!  When hungry a child cry’s.  When afraid a child cry’s.  When a child mess’s it’s pants the child cries.  When the child wants a human touch it cry’s.  When a child is sick it cries.  All of this activity requires no training or preparation.  The creator and mother nature prepared the child for this day from the day of conception.  

A unseen secondary inborn skill lurks in every child as their ability to perceive and encounter other humans develops.  A child comes equipped with the knowledge and ability to learn how to read body language.  In fact, this skill is so great, by the time a child is two years old the ability to read body langauge has been perfected to the point it has become an automatic function performed without thought or reflection.  In fact every human trusts this instinct to a point it will get them in trouble multiples times during their life.

Oh yea, we think we are that good at reading body langauge!  Ever heard “the spots on leper never change”.  Yep it comes from the belief we can read body lnagauge so well and an assumption the other person is like us and unbale to chnage what we think is their values.  Oh boy do we think we are great at this!  How could we be wrong?

Try and remeber a human is both anuimal and spiritual!  Which is in control?  Often times, especially while we are young, it is the animal instinct.  But the reality exists as we grow older we encounter failures where our ability to read body language fails us and we encounter some very upste people.  Some of those people we have come to love!  It is then we begin to search and seek understanding as to why we have caused hurt, anger, woundedness and even hostitlity from someone we trust and love!

It is when the spirit that dwells within begins to thrist and dig for the truth that we begin to grow beyond the limits of our animal instincts.   

To be continued …..

Elementary School Warfare

Ready to Stretch your brain!

Most haven’t noticed the war that has been taking place in our elementary schools for many generations.  Oh it started back in the sixties and it hasn’t let up.

Human Gut Level Values are Set at Age 11.

The reason for targeting elementary schools is based upon research that has shown we humans set our gut level values when we are around the age of 11 – generally when our children are in the 5th & 6th grades.  Once set these gut level values are not easy to bring to the surface and examine let alone choose to change them.

This is why choosing a school, knowing what is being taught and teaching children at home at an early and young age is so gosh darn important.

What are your children’s gut level values?  How do they match up with yours?

Imagine if you can for a moment.  Human gut level values are set when we are children around the time we turn 11.  For the rest of our lives we humans begin to view the world through the values we accepted when were 11 and do it without thought.

Now if someone could control and influence what is taught in elementary school one could gradually change a culture.

One would begin with school teachers, after all at age 11 they know everything in the eyes of a youngster.  Now teachers tend to join and support teachers unions.  One then could conclude a natural tendency would exist to support a left leaning social cultural point of view and would serve as an excellent targeting strategy to begin an effort to change cultural based and value based gut level values.

That is exactly what Bill Ayers and others Marxist leaning social agenda driven individuals began doing in the 1960’s.  They recognized the potential power available in the elementary school system combined with the natural tendency of the human creature to be developing almost automatically their gut level values which influence their outlook of the world for years to come.

This human characteristic to set gut level values carries with it the added difficulty for the individual to clearly and quickly recognise their own gut level values.  In fact, about the only way a human person can be made aware of gut level values to have them trespassed upon to the degree the individual gets pissed off sufficiently they begin to again earnest to search for the reason why they are so darn upset.  This is referred to and called a Significant Emotional Event!  It is the necessary upheaval that has the hidden potential to cause one to look at their gut level values for the very first time again.

Over the past several generations our American culture has turned dramatically away from religion in significant numbers.  Something has replaced religion for millions of American children.  A new gut level value set has been formed and we are dealing with it now.  What has replaced the teachings of Jesus Christ?  What has replaced the story of Love and Suffering and Forgiveness on a Cross?  What has replaced the social justice teachings of Jesus Christ?





The New Amercian Dream = Create an Image of Self Fulfillment

What is the Amercian Dream?  Are we living in an age where a new fairness Dream is being thrust upon us?  Is this the Dream I have believed all my life?  Is this the Dream I wish for my children and grand children?  What is the Dream your encountering in your neighborhood?  Is this the one we want?  Is this the one we would die for?  Or are we just dreaming?  Is this dream real?  Are we awake?  Pinch me!

Conservatism, socialism, welfare and the common good are words tossed about in the wind, especially politically.  Who is the decider of the Common Good? 

The Common Good must overide conservatism and socialism, but how do we know when the term the common good is being exploted by agendas willing to compromise the common good ofr power and control?

Any definition of the Common Good should not support corruption of the rich or the poor.  The difficulty is not in conservatism or socialism but in humans willingness to use corruption rather than seek the truth which is the objective of the common good.  Both sides can articulate legitimate arguments. 

The use of God given talents and the associated blessings enable one to prosper which is a fundamental Gosple value not to be overlooked.  It is when becomes selffish and self centered that one can go astry.  Likewise the social concept of redistribution that discouarges the use of ones talents especially is treatened with removal of the talents another Gospel value.  When redistribution is used to gain power and control selfishness  and corruption begins to trump Gospel values.

The poor indeed will always be with us for one simple reason.  God gave humanity free will.  To chose good or evil.  To use one talents or to waste them.

The purest Amercian Dream lies hidden in Truth and the Gospel reveals the truth to the spirit while the world reamins blind.  Values where one freely choses to make full use of every God given talents and when excess richs oveflow to recognise the cries of the poor who for reasons they can not control become poor.

However the gosple message of the use of talents should not also be overlooked.  Remembering the one who freely choses to bury their talents must be allowed the difinity of failure and the suuffering which offers hopes of conversion.

Do we know our History?  It wasn’t so long ago!  After freeing the slaves, the government and the land owners needed a way to get the freemen (previously) slaves back into the cotton and other fields to plow, harrow, plant, and harvest the crop.

For decades after Reconstruction tenancy and sharecropping became the way of life in the Cotton Belt.  Imagine as late as 1930 there were 1,831,470 tenant farmers in the South. What began as a device to get former slaves back to work became a pernicious system that entrapped white as well as black farmers.

How does Pernicious measure up against the Common Good and Gospel values?  A very descriptive word – I wonder does this social justice language go over the heads of many?   Perhaps those who are free but entrapped in a system of tenancy and sharecropping are least able to discern the truth.  This system altough better than slavery offered some hope of overcoming poverty but very few realized that hope.  It often resulted in a kind of jumping out of the fire into the frying pan depending upon health, weather and the success of the harvest. 

In it’s favor however was hope and the reality success or failure was directly connected and related to ones efforts or work.  When a system is establsihed without a connection to the use of talents, the self investment one makes through works – well then it becomes a deformation of work and undermines the creativity and dignity of the human soul.  

In the case of tenancy and sharecropping the land owners and political rule makers have the upper hand.  The ability to create an image of freedom and success based upon ones own effort served to encouarge many folks to sign up.  Only later many would find themselves in gut wrenching situations and losing everything they had invested. 

Has tenancy and sharecropping mutated in 2011?  Do we have a system where people are rewarded for making no investment of time, the use of talents or the investment of treasure?  And is the reward they recieve based upon their individual creativety and work yet being insuffcient for them to escape from the grasp of the rule makers.

Could we be experiencing a new more severve case welfare corruption in 2011.  The image of fulfilling the dream, freedom and opportunity to chose without almost no self investment was created.  The housing crises that literally exploded in 2007 followed the image of tenancy.  Little or no investment on the part of the land owner or the tenant was required.  The criteria, regulation and oversight were sacrificed by people of power who were far removed from suffering any consequences – the political elite and money changers have not suffered any consequences.

A new class of people has been on the rise for many generations in this nation.  A new ruling class exists in the USA, unlike the founding fathers they have worked to establsih an image, vision and version of a new gosple that seeks government power and control.  It is stealthy and seeks to establsih a tenancy and sharecropping system unlike any before in the history of this nation. 

Slick talking image making leaders used ideas and words to create the image of being freed all the while laying the foundation and snares necessary to entrap and enslave generations to be the new poor by appealing to their thrist for hope and change they could believe in without definitions realted to Gospel values.

The Little Red Hen

What do you suppose “The Little Red Hen” would do today in 2011?

Oh yea!  And if you find it necessary to add to the story, carefully write down the parts you add.  Those additions serve as a truth mirror to a point of view that lives in your soul alone!

You do know the story don’t you?

It’s an ancient old folk take – a fable if you will (originated in Russia) used to teach children  a moral lesson!  Perhaps not so simple or singular!

Hidden in the lesson is a secret rescepe for anyone who seeks to discover the human ingredients necessary to encounter the rewards of God’s plan concerning the talents one needs to achieve the potential fullness of the pursuit of happiness!

Didn’t you know the American Dream was hidden in histories dusty attic?

Wisdom is all around but ones eyes must be open to the simplicity of the story!

Oh my, Oh my how many find it necessary to add their imaginary bias’s to the story.

The Little Red Hen consistently and without bias invited everyone in the neighborhood to participate.  But despite her repeated invitations she encountered repeated rejection.  Amazingly, she opened the door of opportunity again and again to participate in the creation of a life sustaining and satisfying food.

What was the life sustaining hidden talent she possessed?

Was it her vision of what ultimately would be the fruit of her labor?  Or was it the labor itself which satisfied the dignity of her soul to know she was using her talents?  Was it the openness of her spirit to invite those in the neighborhood to enter into a task which offered the potential for unity of purpose?  What was her talent?  And is it a gift she can transfer or give to someone else?

Oh my, Oh my, so many take this story and add imaginary advanatgaes which are not cummunicated in the story.  They must then live only in the soul of the imaginer!  The spirit of Truth says look in the mirror of truth and reflect upon the additions looking back!

The seeds had fallen to mothers earth and anyone willing and able could pick them.  But only the Little Red Hen was willing and able to take the time and do the labor necessary to pcik up the seeds.

The earth is all around us and so far as I know it doesn’t normally move much.  The sun comes up every morning and does not deny itself to any living creature.  The rain falls faithfully without regard to the feelings or emotions of those below.  Mother nature is an equal opportunity environment without bias and every creature in the little red hens neighborhood had equal access to all her resources.

Could it be the secret ingrediant existed within each creatures freedom to choose and no where else?  Was the secret ingrediant an openness to allow oneself to dream and imagine.  Was the secret ingrediant the willingness to take a risk to succeed or fail while everyone watched?  Was the secret ingediant the willingness to work and labor?  Was the secret ingrediate using ones talents even when others rejected them and were unwilling to assist, help or encourage?

Matthew 25:  The gift of talents!

What was the secret ingrediant? . . . . . . . . .