Author Archives: admin

The Need for the Unspoken Word:

I am an Old man on the mend! Took on task of replacing floor boards on 18’ trailer. Lots twisting, pulling, lifting and wiggles to get those boards free. Leaped up on the trailer to find the bolts still holding! Old man twisted left leg – oh oh! Pain overtook the day – kneeling and praying Lord have mercy on this old man who hasn’t bought into = on sneaky aging! Now what am I gonna do???

Can’t put weight on that leg and in the middle of part done mess! Well one advantage an old man has – is go slow – think every movement through – go slow – don’t be in a hurry – got all day – we can do this!

Memory of an Old Man who did What by himself?:

It helped that I remembered my dad move a double garage all by himself and connected it to his house in his sixties! Leverage is an old man’s friend – just need to think how to use it. Lean on stuff to ease the weight – got the lose boards off so I could drive home and begin “RICE”.

Sitting in my chair, watching TV, leg lifted with Ice under knee, blanket on so I don’t freeze haha! Picked up knee compact will put it on after minimum 30 minutes On ice! Was able to almost walk normally late yesterday! Just have to remember I am old and go slow giving my body time to heal! And give thanks for what my dad taught me without ever saying a word! You can move mountains if you open your mind avoiding those who seek to lock you up in doubt and dependence!

What a way to start the New Year!
Ham pulled, PCL strained, aches and pains smothered by hope the Good Lord already gave me what I need to continue this adventure another day and eventually get those new trailer boards installed!

Thanks to my dad who suffered with early Parkinson’s – I have a vision to sustain hope even when I am down!

No politician can do this for me! Yep, thanks dad! I still remember him climbing the steps to St. Joe Church in Mishawaka, Indiana – there was something at the top of those steps worth every single step!

So I ask? – who gave you a treasure without speaking a word?

Happy new Year – Hope is birthed again! May the one and only God Bless You!

Time = Treasure – Give it Away:

Went to prison today. It has become a routine event for me. I always wonder what do I have to offer?

Can’t take my cell phone or wallet or keys and such into prison. Pretty much all I have is me and this spirit hiding in a small piece of bread and somehow talks to me. Real presence is really real!

Time: A gift: A Treasure:

Yep! All I can say is I have something for you and that I believe! Hope and grace are transmitted without speaking a word! Love is communicated in the gift of time!

Finding Truth is Hard Work – Tools are Needed:

Truth is found when a search begins in earnest to find the depths of ones soul! It hides itself from automatic detection – one needs a pick, ax and shovel to dig into the muddy mess below the surface!

What News Media Do we Look for Truth?

A thirsty soul can detect the smell of water hidden below the misleading chaos of the earth. And when one finds it they will roll for joy in the mud of freedom found in the truth! And amazingly they will be ready to die as they proclaim that truth! So what News Media do you think I depend upon to help me find truth???

We have gone to the Dogs:

We have had at least 8 dogs that are and were not our dogs! Wolfgang was a black lab puppy my oldest son brought home when he was a freshman in college! Wolfgang would bite your feet (it hurt let me tell you) until you played with him – he did not run out of gas!!! Before we knew it he started running the neighborhood and – he was hit by a car breaking a hip and slowing him down! Nursed him back / he became my traveling pal! Hyper hyper hyper. Hip injury took it’s toll!

Then came Winston – Australian Shepherd – same son – after college! Dog got on the back of someone’s truck and got lost. Winston had our name / number on Veterinarian rabbies tag! Someone called Vet – Bet called my wife. She wouldn’t let our son have the dog back! Winston became my pal too – walk – walk – bounce up walk walk walk – Just like herding sheep – bounce up to look over sheep = me! Winston just got old! Made me cry the day he died!

Well then there was Scarlet – bad habit Russel Terrier – loved chasing cars – found her in the street one morning – sad. With Scarlet came Mick – bull massive – big boy – my wife managed to find Mic a loving home with kids! Both from – you guessed it the same son whose mom set down the law!

Whew! Thought I was finally free! Neighbors sold home and left dog behind – wife fed him – another pal – Brownie was the name we gave her! Unknown to use a hound dog must have been watching – cause little by little he came closer and closer! Brownie’s pal. I called him Little Bit becuase he won’t get close enough to touch! But Inch by inch- day by day, week after week Little Bit moved in. Unfortunately, Little Bit also loved to chase cars – not good!

After a time the Vet discovered found Brownie had had heart worms for a very long time – oh my! A few more tears!

Let your hearts not weary! Bailey, the other neighbors dog had obviously been watching and found an opening – another pal! Bailey was already old and soon began having trouble getting those hind legs to follow! Lots of consulting with the neighbor and the day finally came!

The cold of winter is here – but the signs of new life surround hidden in the wet cold ground around! It’s kinda like some how I managed to learn I can smell nature cooking a brew of nutrients from what appears as all the dead stuff that surrounds!

Took my tractor for a ride in the cold! She fussed a bunch and blew smoke as I started her up! But you know she started to purr as she warmed up to the chore of pulling a harrow in toe! Magic all around if one just open eyes and ears to listen for sounds – new birth mixed into the earths brew! Hills and valleys lie ahead for sure and treasures await for those open to search! Wow! The wonders of the spirit of life – Not for a single second did I think I’ll of anyone – not once did I encounter a trace of ill or hate!

Get it together folks – we are called to be in one spirit = united! The dogs figured it out – just say hi – I wish you a blessed day even when all I can do is only negotiate an inch at a time!

An Orphan longs to Discover the Path that Leads Home:

There was a man who grew old only to discover the God he trusted and the church he dedicated himself had turned him into an orphan. Funny, I know, an old man becoming an orphan? Gosh, the good Lord sure finds strange ways to teach lessons!
Well, when one grows old you would think they would have things figured out! So how come this old man studied Theology of the Body – St. John Paul’s teaching about marriage! The old man was way way past prime time for making babies! We are supposed to know male and female were created to become one flesh and such – the source of new life = a child! The old man wouldn’t trade anything for that privilege! Heck, the old man’s old man told him when he was a young man – if God created anything better He kept it for himself! Did my dad tell me that? Yep!
Now, in God’s design every man has an instinct to protect and care for his family! Wanna find my fighting side attack my wife and kids! It’s the nature and design of a father.
Hmmmm! One flesh! God’s design! So what do you suppose might happen when God’s design for a Father is outlawed? What happens to the one flesh when the father’s design is over ridden and the father In the creation of new life is declared nonexistent. The father has been effectively murdered and the concept of one flesh over ridden by man! Ever wonder what has happened to so many men in the world today?
The old man walked through the bowels of Atlanta in his mid life and wondered why? HIV/Aids and God made me this way! The real threat of death brings out great thirst for answers! But man’s cocktail silenced the questioner!
The old man was a slow learner! So God sent an old man to prison to discover the design of father had been radically removed much like an abortion destroy’s a child. So many Young men full of anger and rage bouncing off walls crying out that something was amiss and having little idea how to articulate the outrage emerging from the cries and no one seems to hear!
How to speak truth to a world in a race pursuing me happiness without a clue where happiness is hidden in the first place! Everybody is happy right? No suicide among the young right? An orphan by nature begins the journey seeking to find the unknown something that lies securely hidden from the me emotions of the moment!
When the orphan finally surrenders to the spirit of one called Father, the designer of nature, one begins to become an orphan on a journey toward home though a soul can seldom see the purpose of the steps taken long long ago or now!
An orphan you see has a hole in his soul and forever longs to fill that hole! The question is what will the orphan choose to fill the hole —> ME?
Every child Long’s for the unity and completeness of the one flesh – three in one! Mom and dad and who?
There was this other man, stripped of every earthly thing, abandoned by all his best friends forever, rejected by those called to be his church, lead to a place of abandonment, cursed, spit upon, crushed with weight, whipped, humiliated with a crown, given sour wine as his body cried out in thirst all because he spoke the truth on how to fill the hole!
But he didn’t stop – He sent the spirit who calls – come follow me, I know the way to the Father who created the one flesh gift you Are in yours mothers womb! No mistake was made in the beginning before the journey began! What lies ahead is finding the key to the doorway hidden within drawing one to search to find the creator of all!

Blood the Connecting Thread!

Pestering, Ornery Issues and People

Went to prison Friday 1 PM. Needed to get skid steer in for maintenance, spent too much time at church on way where ornery old woman I know was working. Gave her a hug and told her so! Worked up a sweat on a hot day trying to start skid steer! Finally forced to give in and do what I planned to do at start of day! Thought – Oh I could skip – but sensed the spirit was pestering me! Gave in! Took shower – got dressed – presentable – clergy! Went to prison!

Divided – so what do we have that links us?

No one was there! What do you have in mind for me today Lord? No one in prison comes until the “count” is complete and every inmate is accounted for! Then they came! A Georgia Tech grad, a drug runner, a Mexican Father and a boot camp young man. We talked the many issues of our day and the division! So what do we all have in common even those most radical- so what is it? Everyone bleeds the same red blood – without which life ceases to exist! And it is the willingness to shed ones blood for others the secret and mystery of new life lives! The life blood of the water of life changed into the finest wine – the only medicine with the potential to wash away causes of division and bring healing to wounds buried deep in the bones where blood is created!
We changed to Friday in hopes the boot camp juveniles could attend. We got our first one to attend and as we parted he said – please make sure they announce your service so I can come again and some others!

So now I understand the persistence of the voice that spoke to me as I debated all I wanted to get done!

War – Hate – Cost – Blood – Healing:

Our nation is divided and broken by a language of Hate! We are in a war without bullets – a war against God’s design – attack & destroy anyone who disagrees with self declared design – who among us is willing to shed blood to heal the many self inflicted wounds human nature’s willingness to listen to the voice of the one who seeks our ruin ?

Hearing the Unspoken Word:

Load – Ready Aim Fire – Hold it!

The God Lord sent me on a journey as per the stories in scripture so I might gain eyes to see and ears to hear the unspoken word! Like many, my canon’s were loaded and ready to fire in regard to kneeling during the National Anthem and the burning of the flag. Somehow I managed to hold my fire and cool my jets!
So many people today are being fed the fuel needed to poke wounds long ago suffered often early in life before understanding, knowledge or wisdom in God’s design could penetrate and begin to heal wounds unseen!

Translating Groans with Discipline!

Again and again I have listened to the cries that can only come from the bottom of soul calling for someone to love them. It is the kind of love the world view can not provide. Healing love comes in the form of discipline! Weird right?
The human condition requires stroking (human touch)! Don’t get silly on me! I am not talking about sex! Yet do not underestimate the intensity of the cry and the lack of knowledge or wisdom of the crier who may very well confuse sex as love.
No no no! I am speaking of real love = discipline! Instinctively people, even little children demand disciple tough they haven’t a clue it is the medicine they need to heal deep wounds unseen they can not articulate!

So what was the source of this theory I have arrived at?

Uncomfortable and Powerless:

For ten years I listened to so many young men with HIV/AIDS cry out as they shared their grief through the story of questioning – why me & a secret being reveled they wanted kept hidden. But the stories exploded on me as I listened to parents of adult children speak of the love they had for their child and the anguish unfolding where the “Truth” could not be dismissed! It was a fast forward journey to a most serious mid life crises was thrust upon then and death was starring them in the face! I cried every trip! I wanted to run away – why did you send me here Lord? I am so uncomfortable and I am powerless! All I seem able to do is listen to what I really don’t want hear – groaning and cries without words and helpless! I was unqualified – yet the Lord in his wisdom sent me to teach me what I didn’t want to know!

Oh Man more!

Sorry, but like life this was not enough! Ten years in prison was to follow – again so many young men angry and crying out in upsetting way! A voice crying out from the depths of the soul asking – is there anyone capable of hearing the sound of my cry speaking in unspoken words! Scripture speaks of the groaning’s coming from the earth. The Lord was teaching me to listen with my whole being not just my ears.
Envy and jealousy are so much more powerful than most human can begin to comprehend! These are the sins rooted in the humans to crucify Christ! Ironically Jesus offered them the Truth – the way to freedom – love one another – not sex! Discipline – not individually decided – but the kind of discipline that can only be communicated with unspoken words reveled through the groaning that comes from enduring a cross!
So many in our nation no longer encounter real love, while porn and sex has exploded in every form while live births are dropping at an alarming rate. In some communities 70% of our babies are aborted. God’s design for men as Fathers to protect their children is voided by man’s law which legalizes a second abortion of the Father In God’s design of the one flesh.

Losing Our Soul

The older I get the more I cry for a nation losing it’s soul, while it engages in more and more sex, dismembers babies, consumes porn, is envious and jealous to the point of God’s design and natural law is hate! Propaganda has replaced truth, agendas override human dignity, emotions assassinate logic as the groaning increases and almost no one is willing or able to hear to make the trip and spend some quality time that uncomfortable place where the crying stretches ones soul to look into the mirror of truth where one can not hide!

Enough – Come with me!
And to those who wrote “No more sermons from the Deacon” Come with me and I will introduce you to the Gospel!

Adventure Hot and Sweating for a Dream –> Listen

Yesterday’s adventure! It was hot – took corn out to feeders in woods – 50 lb bag – oh what fun – used to curl 50 lb in one hand – oh my I must be getting old walking through woods, stepping over logs, down the hill, up the hill – Feeder! Made it! Put down the bag, take off the lid, lift the bag – oh oh over head and pour! And this is just the first one, check the clock & battery , test- done! Onward to next station. Repeat grunt grunt, notice fallen tree with limbs blocking shooting lane! Get hand saw, cut cut cut, throw branches out of way, step over cut limbs and up my leg yellow jackets give me a greeting that remind me for the rest of the day – an ouch ouch breaks the silence in the woods followed immediately by run run knowing it’s not wise to look around for the greeter swam!

Am I sane?

Finally at a safe distance I pause to examine my sanity? Am I too old for this??? Then I remember why I am inclined to take this risk and will always be!! Unknowingly a grandson and son will venture out into this same woods on an adventure on a much much cooler day with high hopes they will encounter the dream dreamed this day! Yes I saw a nice buck – nice rack, pretty tall, foraging before my interruption.
The journey to the Already and the Not Yet only require an open spirit willing to take the necessary risk one may encounter bumps, bruises, and pain no one will ever know about!

I am gonna dream!

Yes a Father dreams a dream long before the dream begins to unfold! The pear trees were planted and now the limbs bending downward loaded with fruit! The persimmons are dropping and saw tooth oaks growing a harvest. The fields still need cutting, harrowing, fertilizer, planting followed by rain and sun.
The formula is nature’s brew and man must always wait and trust the magic of God’s design is not dependent upon the fickleness of man to recreate himself into something other than God’s original design!
I pray this day that every human encounter God’s design and learn to wait and trust God doesn’t make mistakes and God’s nature will lead humans to stumble all over themselves especially when they seek to redefine God’s design with a selfie design which one day will encounter yellow jackets to remind them his plan will win the day!

Turn yourself Off and Listen:

Yes Lord – so just what is it you have in mind for me today?
Oh Gosh Gospel for today! Make the better Choice! Turn your selfie off and Listen to Him speak!

Mercy and Justice a Marriage

Mercy and Justice – one can not exist without the other. They are a couple that require a balance and cannot be separated without taking the life of one or the other. Mercy and justice are the opposite ends of a scale, a pair, like a married couple of one man and one woman. The difference is what makes possible a proper balance. The creation of new life body and soul depend upon the hope of redemption which is only possible when mercy and justice are balanced. One can not exist without the other. Mercy and Justice a marriage.

Yet humanities fallen nature and weakness to sin leads many to seek self gratification and self glory which ignores God’s scaled design between mercy and justice resulting in the elevation of man to creator of self.

God’s wisdom created a scale to be balanced that humans cannot escape without running the risk of creating chaos, heart ache and a real mess! Will humanity turn to the spirit of the one who said these words? “Forgive them Father they know not what they do!” In those words lies the secret to humanity finding the pathway out of a self created darkness into the real possibility of hope! Mercy and justice resting on opposite ends of scale yet operating as a the power source of new life and spiritual health.

Can we overcome the magnetic field of the worlds selfie agenda to chose and worship self interest that seeks to isolate us as it strips away the prerequisite intimate balance that draws and holds mercy and justice woven together? The secret ingredient is the voice of truth which speaks even when there is no sound! Mercy and Justice a marriage.

Fire – Prescribed Burn – California?

Yesterday, I ordered pine trees to be planted in places clear cut last year. Yep earth ministry at work using the tools God provides unseen to many concrete dwellers. Many of them demand no trees be cut down! Go figure what happened In California where concrete heads scorched the earth killing every living thing and assured the birth of new life is delayed and the waters of new life create mud slides to extend misery far beyond eyes blinded by man’s power grab to replace the one who created it all.
I will be using fire 🔥 in the next few days to prepare the earth to receive the trees. Can you see? The ground is saturated with water. Most of fuel for fire removed and only dead trash covers the ground. Fire 🔥 consumes whats died and converts it to ash – a magic formula for replenishing nutrients needed for the birth of new life of every form! Trees and wild life will rejoice when the new garden leaps from the earth.

Oh did I forget to tell you I must wait for the right wind so the fire battles itself until it extinguishes itself! Yep it’s kinda the breath of dying in preparation for a new rising! Lord have mercy on those who seek to replace God’s plan with pride, sin and self!

When these human sins thrive the land is covered with dead fuel of sin and if repentance (a controlled burn) doesn’t occur soon a scorched earth not capable of sustaining life will bring a muddy mess when the waters come to renew life!

Man oh man do I have a lot of work to do! I am just an old man hoping some how my children and grand children will encounter the breath of new life more abundant that arises from the ashes of dreams unfulfilled so when the design God dreams for them appears they can enter the garden prepared they discover the true gift they are and love embraces them so tightly it radiates where even the blind can see!!

Hidden in the Prison Story:

I never know what I will encounter or learn when I visit the prison. 5:30 nobody shows, 6:30 nobody shows, Well Lord why am I here today? I guess I am here so you can teach me to wait and wonder why am I here? Some special am I with no one to share and fewer who care! So what is it you have for me today? 7:10 PM and arrive 2 inmates I have never seen before. One so nervous he couldn’t sit still! The other stumbled all over his words. Are you Catholic I asked? Maybe, said the stumbler, but I don’t remember much, I have done so many drugs! So I asked and listened! What are looking for? Words jumping out of a frying pan I began to discern he was looking and searching to find in a mixed up puzzle who the heck am I? So many gather in big groups in religion but are unable to get answers calling from within the scrambled mess life, drugs and people, especially those who profess faith yet unreachable from the whirlwind holding the mind captive! A fried brain cannot stop the spirit within from crying out – who am I, why am I here, and what am I searching for? The image of God, no matter the darkness surrounding cries out as it seeks to be reunited with the source of it’s creation! The nervous one could not stop wondering around as in a search for a place to rest! Lord Have Mercy – who am I to even hope somehow I penetrate a darkness consuming those who seek escape, freedom, and find a purpose formed while traveling through the fire which seeks to extinguish the flame of life more abundant! Hidden in this story is the hope hidden in your soul with the saving power of love as you wait for the opportunity to set love free to heal wounds unseen!