Author Archives: admin

Prison and Waiting!!!

Went to prison again! Waited, waited, waited! Wondered and asked am I here just to be all alone? Well a great benefit am I with no one but myself to talk to. Then when I finally gave up – well kinda went to sleep – they started coming! Why did you come said I. Why are you here? What are you looking for? What is your name? Are you catholic? Well 50% is not so bad!
Oh how long ago was that you last went to church? Oh you were ready for the ceiling to fall! What did you say drugs did to you? Say that again! The folk’s just aren’t paying any attention!
Say that again! Oh you got in serious trouble! Hummmmm!

Prison Visit – Who Shows Up?

Well yesterday wasn’t finished with me! I mustered enough discipline to force myself to go to prison like I am actually committed to do!?! You just never know who you might encounter there? Two inmates – new to me show up!


You Catholic – nope – just came to discover! Discover what? What you looking for? For some reason Jesus Christ and suffering came up and the possibility that talent and giftedness are discovered through suffering! One young man said he found he was gifted! After a couple questions he reveled he was an orphan – a foster child moved from family to family. He said he learned to carefully observe = pay close attention to the people around him! God gives us all a soul with automatic survival instincts. Many don’t recognize our nature – we just adjust – sometimes it’s healthy – sometimes not so much!

Modern man is so occupied with selfie stuff – observation is replaced by technology that distracts ones focus from reality to unreal imagery.
So how does one find oneself? Well this orphan moved again and again discovered his survival instincts and began to pay attention. The wounds of suffering penetrate the soul causing one to search for answers hidden deep in a valley of tears where suffering leads a soul! I learned to pay close attention said the young and it is a gift!

The story of the cross if only we have the wisdom to carry the gift hidden!

Modern Man as Non-Bianry:

But modern man seeks to eliminate suffering with a pursuit and promise of a image that only covers the surface of a soul! Observation – is our world being turned upside down with the pursuit of replacing God’s design with modern man’s non-binary image as in just who can now recreate himself into what?

Modern Truth – Man is God and Love is Self Gratification!

Seems modern day truth and love is whatever one wants it to be! Shut up if you disagree – each is god don’t you see?

And just what is love – happiness right? There was this guy who claimed he came to testify to the truth! He told stories that made people have to listen before they could figure out what the truth in the story was? Some seethed with anger and vowed to find a way to shut him up! He told them the truth will set you free! Many would have none of his message and to shut him up nailed him to a tree!

Who is willing to show that kind of love Today and speak the truth!

The world is opposed to the truth and many have declared themselves god – and redefined God’s design as tough they can recreate themselves into anything they want to be! And gone so far as to call God’s teaching hate language!

Gosh I am amazed at how easily so many people today have accepted the world view of love rather than the guy they are nailing to the tree and then claim I am a good person & I am a Christian!

God didn’t make a mistake when he created people in their mothers womb! Recreation begins when one begins chasing happiness rather than truth and love!

That guy nailed to a tree he sure was mean – how dare he speak of truth and love!?

Which Prison has Stronger Bars – A Prison or the World?

I have been visiting a State prison for ten years now. Anything I bring in I am required to carry in a clear plastic see through bag. I am searched at the guard gate. I can only carry in my ID, car key and clear bag which is also run through a scanner along with my shoes, belt and glasses. Then I must walk through a scanner, pull out my front and back pockets and pull up my pant legs. Only then can I put myself back together again. Even with all this – bad stuff happens in the prison. It is not uncommon for the prison to be in lock down and I would not be allowed in. If lock down happens while I am there I will not be allowed to leave.

Do we really want to model our schools after a prison? Do we still have the ability and courage to ask the deeper questions about the failure of those in authority whose primary task it is to protect and teach how to navigate the real world of emotions, feelings and balance them with the courage of wisdom willing to search for the cause of the human breakdown and failure so our children may come to understand the lessons taught by Cain and Abel?

Emotions run high in a prison and they are running high in our land! I wonder what we are teaching our children? Emotions are a gift and serve a vital purpose -> send us on a search for wisdom and understanding!

We have an awful lot of unanswered questions about leadership failures of adults in authority! How can a gun law work – when responsible adults knowingly do not report serious problems, if known could have prevented the problem in the first place. And why do we refuse to allow well trained brave people willing to sacrifice themselves defend themselves? When will we ask these questions with equal intensity?

I wonder if modern man has the capacity to use the gift of logic and wisdom or has our modern world of reality TV world of instant gratification and answers over ridden our capacity to search the depths of our soul?

I wonder if we are being manipulated by those who support an agenda to make a “Change we can believe in” without clearly defining the “Change”. Are we going to let our emotions trap us in a prison?

I am a Father and a Grand Father. It is my God given duty and responsibility to protect and defend my children. Our founding Fathers were wise men who understood the lessons of Cain and Abel.

The New God – Head Down and Leading?

At Heart Dr. Regular appointment – waiting – waiting! Sunday Good Shepherd! First reading about who healed cripple? 1st question who is cripple? Usually we think someone with physical deformity! But could be mental or spiritual! So who is leading us around by the nose? I think most are being led by a smart phone. Head down, unaware of surroundings and sometimes on the brink of danger! Modern day wisdom give your kid a smart phone and it will them to green pastures right! Who is the Good Shepherd modern man looks to these days to hear his voice? Ever wonder why our world is in constant crises? Look no further than arms length and the hand holding the device is a cripple! Modern man has replaced the Good Shepherd with a non living device. Will ever recover?

5000 Year Leap –> Does Anyone Know?

I am proud of this Nation! The first in history to stand up and fight for Freedoms, Liberty and the ability of it’s people to discover who God created them to be (the place happiness is found). All of this in spite of human nature’s weakness to seek self gratification above the common good! Being United always requires a fight to protect the dignity of human beings, holding the right to life sacred while holding firm to God given values and truth’s constantly under attack from the spirit who seeks to divide. Happy 4th of July! Pray with me that the founding treasures of wisdom that by God’s design were used to form this Nation and must be discovered anew by every generation so the American Dream remains alive in the hearts of we the people! God Bless America!

Gut Level Reactions – The Spirit is Talking to the Brain!

Gut level reactions! They are a gift from God. It is God’s way for the spirit that lives within to speak to the body – to tell the body a treasured value has been violated. Some conclude the treasured value must be correct and can not be challenged. However, God gave us the story of salvation history to teach us the truth.

Our values are set while we are children. Just how mature are we as children? God understands our humanity and knows we can not examine our values again unless a gut level reaction takes place that sets us on a serious journey for the cause of the upset!

Jesus Christ came to testify to the truth and told us the truth would set us free (from the constraints of our humanity). Jesus traveled about preaching, teaching and healing. Ask yourself!!!!!!!!!! What was the reaction of the people of his day??? When they came to understand the Good News message he was spreading what did they do???

They plotted to shut him up! They plotted to trick him! They plotted to use the laws of their day to have him shut up by destroying him! We know the gut level reaction of many in his day was to crucify him in a way to shut anyone else up who might dare to speak the Good News he was sent to testify.

And what did his best buddies do? They abandoned him and hide. But hidden in the story is the gut level reaction that took place even in those who failed as a result of his faithfulness. The gifts of the spirit hidden within his friends ultimately worked it’s way to the surface and transformed them! The Spirit touched them and they immediately embarked upon a journey to spread the good news in the midst of a culture that thought it had shut him up!

We are living in a culture that is the midst of an upheaval of gut level reactions. It might just be wisdom to reflect upon the story which communicates cost and price of true freedom brought by one willing to die that we might have the hope true freedom and life everlasting!

P.S. last night in prison, one of the inmates was informed just before he came to the Catholic service, he was unexpectedly going to be set free the end of August 2018. Now I have to tell you that triggers the spirit hidden in the words “Lord Have Mercy”!!!

Pray for our Nation and our people, especially those so caught up in a gut level reaction that the spirit of wisdom and healing is tied up so tight the ability heal the brokenness of humanity is blocked. Remember the words – forgive them father they know not what they do! Lord have Mercy!

1968 A Very Big Year for one Unaware!

Where were you in 1968? Okinawa on my way home to the USA! Wife and first born son preceded me! Back to college and figure out what I would do to support my family! I was not aware the USCCB had granted approval to restore the permanent diaconate in the USA. Today we are in New Orleans at the 50th anniversary of the permanent diaconate of which I became a part of in 1995.

Proves things are happening that we are not aware and God’s plan may overtake us in the midst of a busy life!

If you can escape the chaos the world seeks to inflict upon in our upside down world – well just maybe some magic is being brewed beyond sight that has long been being prepared for you!

Hope Springs from Clouds of Pouring Rain!

Rainy day in Georgia! Cloudy days can be discouraging. But days like this are the necessary gift to remind us Nature is working on replenishing and renewing the earth in preparation of new life! Hope lives in the drops of water even those that pour from our eyes. They are the source of the creation of new life as the breath of God passes over! If sadness or distress has wrapped it’s arms around you – listen to the sound of raindrops the very source of hope for new life.

I watch today as so many have surrendered to anger, emotion and negativity that serves as an anchor which pulls them into a fire that evaporated the new falling rain. I pray this day the spirit of hope and renewal hidden in the clouds of rain washes clean the glasses of despair we have the freedom to remove!

Crises – Through my Bed leads a Road to H___! Yet Hope Persists!

The news of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is the latest Roman Catholic story to cause the spirit of my soul to cry for all those whose faith is scattered and some shattered! Who am I and what can I possibly do?

But the voice of the one who loves me whispered in my ear! Remember and give thanks that I am always with you in the midst of any fire and storm! I called you by name and sent you where you didn’t want to go. I was always at your side! To the bowls of Atlanta in the midst of the HIV/AIDS crises where I reveled to you the depths of the valley of fear and the tears of so many fooled by the desires and ways of the world enamored in it’s own self glory!. Yet in the midst of the fire, my love of the unlovable was manifest from the souls of the sinner that you might see!

Now this day as I travel to prison, I will encounter throw away humans whose souls search for the hope of redemption – though many cannot articulate the voice that cry’s out from within. A world that stands by with a hardened heart that cannot see the sin that hides itself in the trenches of a facade of mercy, tolerance, compassion, justice and love while it releases upon thirsting souls a spirit of division and chaos on a world bent on self gratification and power rather than the dignity of the man as created by God.

Yet it is precisely for this day that I was born! To not only speak the words no one wants to hear but to proclaim the truth is being reveled in the midst of the fire that the promise of hope shall not be overcome to ears open to hear!