Category Archives: Marriage

Traditional – Male + Female = One Flesh, Man + Woman, Husband + Wife, Father + Mother, Difference the prerequisite that defines marriage:

Innocence Followed by the Fall Leading to Truth:

“In the Very Beginning”

“In the Beginning” the original story man is born into innocence!  As the story unfolds quickly follows the original fallYes it is a setup opening the door for redemption and the restoration of innocence.

“Longing for a Return to Innocence”

Ever since man longs to return to a state of innocence .

In the Garden:

In the Garden Innocence

Man – male and female are defined A seed provider and a womb capable of creating new life as a pair.  Yet to be complete the expression one flesh receives it’s true definition wrapped in a trinity of 3.  One man, one woman and the two united in spirit with the creator of all life.  A definition under attack by modern man.  The gift of free will under severe attack by the same deceptive spirit against the original design of the creator.  Man was unable to escape the lure of the deceiver and consumed the forbidden fruit.  Way back in the beginning.

Every Generation:

No surprise humanity continues to fall to same deceptive voice that captures mans yearning to self proclaim themselves owner of the original tree in the garden. The ancient story that setup the necessity of the creator sending a treasured first born spiritual gift to save man from himself!  Oh my – through the torture and unbelievable suffering that non verbally spoken the very words where forgiveness, healing and salvation lie in hiding!  Man’s Free Will demands suffering in order that man will seek truth beyond himself!

Solitude – Self Searching for Self:

In the Beginning was solitude.  One single man alone encountering God’s design in himself and all of nature!  It is not good that man should be alone!  Ah ha from one man came the second a female.  Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh.  Company at last!  They were destined to before a trinity.  One man, one woman plus one God with the power to instill the spirit of a soul that formed the definition of marriage united to the spirit – the single source of unity = a trinity – each of gift necessary for new life.  No other combination satisfies the spirit of the soul within.

The War In the Beginning Still Today

Any other combination is laced with dismemberment, confusion, self appointment in direct conflict with Truth!

Yes the War rages within humanity which seeks to overthrow the creation of God’s designMan claim’s ownership of the tree in the garden and quickly loses innocence!

Hidden within the Body

Man has an awareness of self” – conscientious – hidden in the spirit /soul of the man’s body the hidden image of God within!  Only man can cultivate the earth and discover the purpose of body and soul.  This process when it reaches maturity is referred to in human behavior as self actualizationtrue human dignity is found in the process of work!  the process of work entail the use of gifts and talents which when used one discovers the “pursuit of happiness” which is never ends.   This discovery is equivalent to the the “Breath of Life” and being born again.

The Original Breath of Life Faces Death

In the Beginning God blew into the nostrils of man the breath of life!  Yet in waiting the forbidden fruit takes on greater meaning between Life, death and the hope of immorality.

In summary an analogy of the raw material used to make bread and wine define the process of man discovering self!  A grain of wheat must be crushed and broken in the process of becoming the unity of flour that gives birth to bread by being heated.  Food for the body and soul.  Grapes as well must be crushed and broken to release the juice necessary in the process of making wine.  In both cases each individual – the essence of each must die to give birth, merged into a necessary unity, a oneness of being, necessary for the birth of a new wine.  In both cases one must wait as the process of creation unfolds.

It is the process of suffering that opens the door necessary for man to begin to search and to use reason to discover the Truth that can set man free and discover the lost sense of innocence!

Nature, Natural Law, Reason – Lessons Speak

As with natural law and nature each generation must wait for an encounter with being crushed and broken as the necessary birth pains to encounter the birth of new life!

Only man can come to understand – he must begin to cultivate and subdue himself for this birth of the communion of unity with the spirit to occur within persons both male and female.

Truth Buried along the Journey to New Life:

Man created in the image of God in the beginning.  Communion, the Body and Blood of Christ sent to teach through suffering speaking and dying to open the doorway to the discovery of new life more abundant!

The Devil and his War Entered Our School!

What’s Up with the Kids?

Sadness found a way into my heart! Again, I have failed to be brave! Ten years visiting prison the training grounds of the Holy Spirit. Oh so slowly yet surely teaching me the lessons hidden from the view of so many! Do you love me enough – the question in hiding! Walking through a room full of washed-out-looking young men! I could hear their cries with my eyes. The Spirit in inquiry took me on a journey! I began to ask older, long-time incarcerated men what’s up with those kids??? WHAT’S up with those KIDS???
“Can anyone HEAR ME” is the cry!!!????
Story: when these young inmates first arrive they put them in a padded room for the whole day! The description is they bounce off the walls all day long. Explosive is the energy held deep within the suffering youth!
Only late – yes very very late – does anyone enter the room and try to speak to these young men! The brave crusted, tough old inmates know instinctively to leave the kids bounce till they bounce no more! Only after they have worn themselves out is it safe to try to speak to them! Maybe – yes, maybe they will listen??

Hard Incarcerated Men Lead me to the Truth

It was the hardened, old journeyman inmates who told me these young men are mad as hell!!!! I wonder does anyone have ears? What are they so angry about????????????????
They are MAD as HELL at mom and dad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emotional Anger!! Oh yeah, I am a deacon, so I am supposed to know something about mom and dad!  What’s are we missing?  Yes, one can find it “In the Beginning” God created man, male and female, he created them! God’s design was summed up using a spiritual concept using the term “One Flesh”!  One can find it in the Book of Genesis.

Oh No!  Discipline?

Discipline is the hidden secret that unites mom and dad, and a new born baby is supposed to change mom and dad for life! The definition of intimacy – not the one most people think of!!!
Children know instinctively that discipline is love! They will demand it and if they don’t get it they will demand it in more outrageous ways. “Do you love me enough” is the question. The kids know when mom and dad fail to the answer their question!!  Do you love me enough to discipline me?
Yet, “discipline” in modern America is what? Let them raise hell and bounce off walls??  Whether in the prison or outside the prison the kids know and are asking the same question. Does anyone have eyes to hear? Have you watched the burning and looting on TV?

Where oh where are the Mothers and Fathers?

Where oh where are our Fathers and Mothers / moms and dads?  Where oh where are our politicians?  Oh gosh – yeah, they drank the modern cool-aid!  Am I to speak out where people can hear?
Are you calling me, Lord? Have I failed, Lord? What am I to do, Lord?
I went to Mass yesterday – couldn’t understand a word of the Gospel nor the homily! Is this what our children are having to listening to?  Exactly what is being taught?  Dare we even ask the leaders of our church?  Yes, Catholic children are being taught to day dream?  Where oh where is the Shepherd?  MIA!  Am I all alone?
Use technology to draw our young people to hear and listen – yes to use their God given spirit.  Big Screen TV and voice to Text conversion software.
It is long past time for real Fathers and Mothers to surround the Bishops castle and not allow any food in until the Bishop repents and begins to insist the Gospel (Truth) of Jesus Christ be preached so our children can actually hear it for real – (discipline/Love).
Jesus did! He came to testify to the Truth – to set us Free. He was killed by those who knew Him – NO MORE SERMONS FROM JESUS CHRIST!
Where oh where are our Catholic Leaders?
I hear there is at least one in the heartland of LBGTQ land – San Francisco! Thank you, Lord, for a man/Farther/priest/bishop/archbishop who is not a coward!
Angry young man – 19 4th grade children – dead plus the teacher! It hits home hard! My grand daughter will be teaching middle school next year! Lord Have Mercy on this nation – please please help us restore the one flesh and recognize we don’t own the tree! Please make haste and send us someone with the courage to speak the Truth again!
Am I all alone?  Amen!

Nonverbal Communication – It Works

The Gospel for Sunday – Catholic – April 3, 2022.  John 8:1-11.

The Scribes and Pharisees brought Jesus a woman caught in adultery!  Hey – where’s the guy?  Oh heck darn – I have to remember it is the spirit hidden in the story that is the point.  So what was it about the woman??? Well, women back in the day had no status or power!

It was a man’s world – right?? Oh, and today no change???  Ha ha we have a man winning the woman’s swim race in 2022! Testimony Truth turned Upside down? Modern man has set women back how many years??? Where did the feminist go? Is it safe to say the NCAA leaders are just like the folks we are speaking of in this old old old Gospel? Pretty much cowards I would say!

Just when are we going to see some real men and womanly courage arise? Oh yeah, the terms male and female not allowed to be spoken!  Just who is it that will have the courage to stand up and speak up? Democrats?  Joe the Devout Catholic? Nancy the say what Catholic? Oh my – who are they today? AND just where’s the Catholic Bishops hiding??

Bad boy – I am not supposed to be asking those questions!

The unspoken spiritual point:

Women in Jesus’s day had no status – indeed, they were the lowest of the low – well except for children! The people of His day confronted Jesus and thought they could trick Him into saying words that would get Him in real trouble! They thought they set him up wonderfully! Yep – just can’t fail!

So, what did He do when they challenged Him to reply to their setup question? What did they do? Maybe better said: what did Jesus do to help defeat themselves?  Well, he defeated them without speaking a word. Yikes – silence is a deadly weapon! Instead, He bent down – lower than the lowly woman they brought before Him to be publicly be humbled! He bent down lower than she and said not a word!

He taught them by what He did!

And He made them wait! They had to begin to question themselves. What the heck is He doing? It had to infuriate their pious attitudes and challenge the spirit that lives within! Oh my – now what is He doing? Looks like writing in the sand.

The Sand:

Where is that? Oh – on the earth – yep, the earth! Darn – What? What was He thinking? In the Beginning – man was made from the what???? Do we know the answer? Does from dust to dust have any meaning in the modern world? He was silently yet powerfully speaking!

After a very very long and frustrating pause – He finally spoke up!  You who are without sin – YES, that awful word “SIN” – can cast the first stone! Oh my Oh my Oh my! Yes it was the eldest who left first!!! Wisdom seems to be married to age! I can identify – yes I can!  The elderly knew instinctively without a great deal of thought they were guilty of the modern day awful word “SIN”!

Then – yes even then the younger folks had to begin to ask themselves – what the heck? Why are they leaving? Yep, it took a little time – yes it did – silence speaks and penetrates pride! It is a spiritual thing, you know – it’s a spiritual message. Can you see it? Any chance your spirit works?

Finally, even the hardest of heart – you know, those with the stiffest necks – yes even they had to begin to depart from the presence of Truth!

Disney are your ears open and do they work – are you listening?

Talk about hard hearts and stiff necks – Oh my! People who use imagination to destroy Truth – consequently, there is this very special place reserved and set aside for them!

Only then did Jesus stand up – “Has no one condemned you.” He asked the lady with no power.  “No one sir,” she responds! “Neither do I condemn you,” says the Lord! – Wow!

Now the punch line the modern world seeks to erase!!!!! READY?

Oh so very many miss the whole spiritual point! Yes, folks it is obvious the modern world misses it! “Go and sin no more.”  Oh my – what the hey! What are some people at Disney going to do?

If I don’t go to Disney again – could it send a non verbal message? Yep, it could be powerful.  Disney does not create or own children or the family! Keep on sinning and we are promised a proper reward! Hell and the Devil anxiously await our answer!

Memorial Judy 2022

Indiana Shooting Hoops

When I was a teenager I used to shoot baskets on the play ground across the street from St Joseph grade school ion Mishawaka. Indiana the Hoosier Hysteria State, it was in my soul. I was a really good shooter. Won many games of 21 and “HORSE”. One day an older kid showed up on the playground to shoot baskets. I discovered he was pretty darn good at shooting hoops. As we played games I became frustrated because he could shoot as well as I did but just a bit better. Gosh darn it he would win. He lived in the house on the alley next to the play ground. I new John because we both had paper routes and paper routes teach work ethics. Later in life I would find this fellow John would find his way back into my life.

The Home Town Alley:

On this same alley lived another kid. His name was Orville McIntyre. His father was killed in World War II. We used to play a lot of hoops games during the summer months. Later during the school year he told me was working as a skate boy at the Bock Roller rink and wanted me to come with him. One day while we were shooting hoops, Judy Hartman walked down the alley to her home on another corner of the alley. Following her was another younger girl. Orville told me she was a daughter of the Bock’s Roller rink. Oh my what lies ahead?

Bock’s Roller Rink / Music Dance:

Somehow I managed to find my way to Bock’s Roller Rink. This is where I first encountered Judy Bock. She was an excellent skater, in fact far far better than that. She skated with a graceful flow and powerful. In those days the rink had an organist in the evenings. During each evening they had special couple dance skates. I still remember the Waltz and the Fox Trot. Every once in a while Fred Back would skate with his daughters. It was just beautiful. I can still see them. Yea Fred had another daughter. Her name was Lynn. We managed to become boy friend and girl friend. Everyone in the rink knew when we had a spiff. Lynn would sit in a corner of the rink and not skate. Oh boy am I in trouble now.

Life’s Rocky Road Fast Forward:

Fast forward, Judy gets married and before long she has her first child – Kim. Somebody put rocks in the road? I don’t know what happened but just it happened and divorce followed.
After high school and a couple years in college I joined the air force. After being assigned my first station I returned home and in January of 1966 we were married. Funny how things occur.

Military Service – Air Force and He’s Back:

While I was busy playing Air Force duties this guy John (from shooting basketballs) somehow came onto the seen without my knowledge. The next thing I know Judy and John are getting hitched in May 1966. Later another baby shows up – she is named Kelly.

A True Art Form handed Down:

I can still remember the the grace of flow of Judy’s skating – I observed a kind of sparkle that radiated from her as I observed Judy skate. Oh Yes, I saw it in Judy’s kids. But so much more than that. I see it today in Kim and Kelly’s kids – the grand kids and great grand kids. It is the sparkle of new life sparkle that is enhanced by surviving a struggle and a trip through the valleys of tears. It is a sparkle that shines ever more brightly where the one who discovers it finds strength, courage and yes grace that can only be found after surviving life’s trials. Abundant blessing if one can only open the spiritual door.

Catholic – A Call to Service – ND Hats:

I am a Roman Catholic and was Ordained a Deacon in 1995. Funny how John who shot baskets with me on the play ground across the street from St. Joseph School eventually went to work for the Sisters on the Hill in Mishawaka. And then he became an regular usher at the University of Notre Dame. Is he Catholic? Do you know catholic means universal? John would send me Notre Dame baseball hats – really nice hats. He may not know it but I wore those hats until my wife secretly threw them out.

Spiritual One Flesh – the Family:

Things one remembers! Judy and John were the symbol of the “one flesh” found in the book of Genesis. Their children are gifts of new life and they themselves have created renewed life. Precious beyond imagination are those lives. Sparkle is the word I use. Yes I see sparkle – in the midst of the sparkle I see Hope beyond imagination. It is a spiritual thing that requires eyes and ears that have traveled troubled rocky roads to the depths of ones bones where one finally encounters gifts and talents hidden from the view of human eyes and ears.

To be Born Again – Death necessary to birth New Life:

To be born again one must die. Death is not an end! A grain of wheat must be crushed and broken before it become flour and only then has the potential to birth the bread of life. A grape must be crushed and broken as well to give up the precious juices with the potential to become the finest of wines to drink. Both must die in order to birth abundant New Life.

Crushed and Broken Open the Hidden Door:

Life is about small deaths necessary to create the potential for new life and life ever lasting. Hidden in the story of life are crushing memories and moments necessary to open the only doors where one can discover talents and gifts planted and hidden in the beginning.

Tears – the Water of Baptism – Cleaning ones soul – Rejoice:

Tears are a sign of being born again where the waters of baptism wash our spirits clean to refresh our souls preparing us to continue the journey on the road to new life. As hard as it is this day might be! Rejoice and be Glad

Death Opens the Doorway that sets one free:

Death can not swallow up Life. Death can only set one free to soar on the wings of dove.

Yes, no matter your struggle, God really does love you!

To Lily and Molly:

Merry Christmas 2021:

I wish you a very Merry Christmas December 25, 2021 and a Happy and prosperous New Year 2022 with new adventures in growing into young women!

Hope Came into the World During the Longest Night:

In every life time darkness invades life from time to time. Hope always shines forth in the midst of darkness. This Hope can lie hidden for years! Love is communicated through the gift of Free Will we call choice. The great difficulty for humans is the freedom and willingness to be open and actually begin to search for the spirit of Hope buried in the crucifixion story. Love is communicated by surrender to the spirit of Truth. Truth serves as a mirror and one can not escape the image of the one looking back. Humanity choose to crucify the one who came to testify to the Truth.

May Almighty God Bless you both.

Hood Winked:

If I was the Devil and wanted to transform the United States of America from a Republic to a dictatorship what would I do?

The Spiritual War Against God’s Design:

Declare War against God’s Design by attacking man’s original weakness and deceive so thoroughly man becomes convinced man has the intellectual capacity and power to replace God’s design.

What Are American Vales and Principles?

The devil recognized long before Behavior scientist Morris Massey who articulated a fundamental truth in regard to how human nature selects essential values and principles regarding what is right and wrong.  Between the ages of 9 and 11 young people’s values are essential set without a complete intellectual understanding or knowledge of the consequence’s and influence or impact they unconsciously have on their life circumstances.   In other words human’s are setup to view the world through these values as normal for right and wrong.  

We forget the devil was present in the beginning and was successful!

Free Will and it’s impact has been the test from the beginning.

Perhaps equally as important is the fact the devil knows, as Morris Massey articulates, the only way humanity can reevaluate these values and principles is to encounter a significant emotional event.  Not just any emotional event but one severe enough to cause the human to drive deep into ones soul in search of the cause of the upset.  This is one powerful reality and long term consequence of the human condition through the ages.  It explains man’s roller coaster ride with temptation and sin throughout the ages.

The Devil had Man’s Number In the Beginning:

The devil knows full well human natures design and the development process and seeks to use it to bring about greater temptation knowing many will sub come to temptation.  Addiction and focus on self sets one up to many diversions which may appear to satisfy their values while in fact true critical thinking paired with the formation and maturity of an informed conscious would reveal an image purposely created to appear to meet ones values actually is a diversion to keep them from recognizing the hood wink agenda being purposely perpetrated to change the value system and principle they hold dear.

This is not easy for humans:

This is not an easy concept.  It recognizes the complexity of the human condition and the nature of man to fall to temptation and be deceived as in the Garden the place of the first fall in the beginning.

Further Morris Massey concluded on average it takes a minimum of seven years for humans to adjust and change their basic values and principles. 

So the devil knowing the nature of man what his game plan be?

How about Legalizing a far more powerful form of marijuana to hook American youth on which will cause them to focus on self while acquiring an addition so over time they will be less and less able to focus on what is actually going on in the nation they live with regard to values and principles.  Truth is distorted by a growing need to satisfy this powerful addition.  Another human being disarmed of critical thinking with a conscious disabled,

Infiltrate the School and Cancel Parental Influence:

Infiltrate the school system with stealth programs using words that appear to be addressing legitimate concerns and issues while in fact they are simply a diversion away from objective, reasoned and ancient truth.  Among these are Critical Race Theory and the LBGTQ agenda.  Both are imaginary straw men that defy objective truth of the creation of human in the beginning.  Launch multiple attack against God’s design for humanity the founding values and principles that were articulated in the beginning in the Book or Genesis.

And much later on the War for freedom and liberty which generated the Declaration of Independence which outlines the founding as well as the timeless truths that are unaffected by time and the advancement of technology.

Modern Man has Joined Ranks with the Devil:

Modern man uses image to create a diversion to cause one to think their values and principles are being enacted when in fact they are being undermined.  The End Justifies the Means is the devil’s principles.  Rationalization of the truth to justify the sin of replacing God with human pride, greed, power and control over others.  The Devil is alive and well in the United States of America in 2021.  

Crafty, Seductive, Prideful, War Against God’s Design:

The Devil is not dumb.  The devil knows the power of Jesus Christ and his church on earth.  The devil has a game plan here as well.  The devil knows his weakness is the Truth Jesus Christ came to proclaim.  Any diversion to stop people from attending and participating in Church is a high priority goal.

Threaten people with the image of a real and not so real pandemic to cause them to avoid the replenishment of spiritual discernment by severely restricting the proclamation of the Gospel and Truth.    The devil knows humanity so very well.  People form habits and tend to follow them religiously.  Find a way to break that habit and some and sometimes many will allow themselves to lose their commitment to attend church where the message of spiritual discernment is taught to find objective and timeless truths.

The devil he is no dummy!

Debacle – Cluster what?:

The image created in Afghanistan!  We must save our allies, especially the translators and others who supported the American War effort.  Rescue our own American Citizens.  Chaos was created – on Purpose?  How to move thousands of people whose value system is almost contrary with American values while creating an image enacting Christian principles.  Is the End Justifies the means in Play?

There Exists No Law of the Land – A War Against the Citizen is the New Standard:

Simultaneously for months Chaos is the standard employed at the Southern Open Boarder to any and all comers!  Who are these people, what countries are they coming from, what form of government did they live under and what are their value system?  No one is asking!  Do we know whom is coming through the Southern boarder? – NO! 

The Purpose of Chaos – Division:

Is this chaos an accident?  Is the American President being used as a decoy to hide the End Justifies the Means agenda.  Use a crises and chaos to create an opportunity to get the American people to allow what would have never been allowed if truth and discernment which take time to reveal would have been supported.  It is with great haste these event s are unfolding.  

Hook Winked!

Are we being Hood Winked is a very serious and legitimate question.  Honesty, integrity, freedom, liberty, truth, values, principles are all at stake in the midst of we don’t have to answer questions power grab.  Is the United Sates of America still a Republic?

Any Illegal Stuff Going On?

Any Drugs coming? Suicide Increasing? Any Children being Trafficked? Just what is the New Modern Day Standard? – Authority now claims power over self-governess to change the rules and values and principles to meet the goals of WHO? The one who seeks to replace God! Modern humanity seeks to replace God as the owner of the tree in the Garden / Truth!

Modern Man has launched a War against God’s Design:

That which God created humankind began attempting to control “In the Beginning”. The story about God’s creation and the gift of “Free Will”. The fruit from “Tree of Knowledge” represents the original sin of humanity to replace God with self.

Climate Change: Simply put – Climate change is God design for the earth as it slowly rotates as on a 24 hour bases while continuously orbiting the Sun.

LBGTQ essentially provides a short list of sins against God’s design for mankind. Male and female he created them. God is creator. Man is creature. Procreation is the greatest gift God gave man. LBGTQ is in itself a war against God’s creation and specifically procreation where the difference of male and female opens the possibility of man to create another human being. Man can imagine many things but cannot recreate himself. The “Q” in LBGTQ is represents the height of humankind’s arrogance seeking to replace God with self.


Speaking with no Ears:

Have we have lost the ability to talk and listen to one another. It is a break down of the spiritual family! We have surrendered and become obtuse and ours brains unable to consider the really real beyond ourselves! Selfie dominates family – individual pleasure cancels community!

The Best Teachers:

The primary teacher of Truth is failing due to a lack of courage to proclaim Gospel principles- the Good News is really really hard and provides a mirror the pleasure world rejects! Happy talk is not the Gospel! Reading a sermon that puts young people to sleep while explaining to the old folks what they already know misses the mark! Technocratic preaching about perfection misses the mark when Christ came to lead the sinner to walk while still imperfect to begin learning to listen and speak about the hope hidden in the good news to the younger generation! In the Beginning who was the building block of humanity?

Hurt – Necessary Stumbling to Open Ones Mind:

Conversion is a journey that takes years while one stumbles all over themselves often for years. One of the road blocks to the human heart is the serious lack of understanding life is sacred – yes the unborn can be detected crying out in the intense anger coming from young people abandoned by family and community and in our modern society. Does my life matter is the cry! The young people’s spirit long ago detected respect for life is a facade! The spirits of the black men whose lives have been snuffed out are crying out adding to the long standing sustained cry no one hears!

For years Modern man has lacked the ability and worse the will to listen with spiritual ears! Selfie self rules as we have long been sacrificing the unborn, broken families, created orphan after orphan of divorce, and surrendered to pleasure and profit that wastes the potential of our young as they fry their brains with marijuana and other drugs as the wealthy prosper! We are human not God! We are eating our own young and sacrificing many on the selfie altar.

Smart Phone Technology Replaces the Soul:

A phone has replaced God and humans! Our politicians have failed us especially those who have attained and sustained the highest level of selfie self rule for ages and ages!Corruption to maintain power is destructive! Even many Church leaders have failed us as well as they focus on obtaining a higher stipend and building play and entertainment mansions while compromising the meaning of the cross!

One Flesh the Building Block of Civilization:

The building block of civilization, a nation and the church are all built from the same rock as in the beginning! One flesh, the best and most effective teachers = marriage –> father + mother, male + female have been aborted at the altar of the new Selfie god which is unable to procreate any new life.

Who I ask – above all – should be leading humanity back to the only Truth that can set humanity Free and restore the sacredness of life while opening the door simultaneously to release Hope from the chains and darkness of the modern culture of death that has wrapped it’s arms around the world?

Prayer – the Door Opener:

St. Joseph foster father pray for us! Mary mother of God open our ears! Holy Spirit send us courage to penetrate the hardness of our human heart! Jesus son of God help us understand we know not what we do! Help us do what you did! Forgive as you forgave – We indeed are a stiff necked people!

The New Golden Idol with All the Answers – Can’t Live without:

Taught teen age class two weeks ago Sunday! 1st Reading Exodus – Moses on the mountain getting the Ten Commandments and the Lord said – your people have become depraved – they were worshiping a golden idol! So I had the teens get out their cell phones, we all sat on the floor and held our phones just like you see every where! A praying posture with total focus on a non living thing – Oh Lord my god – you have all the answers, keep me entertained and consume my being, I am totally dependent upon you Oh my cell phone! I can not live without you – you are my world!

Well? Anyone awake? The new golden idol has control of our children! Anyone know where to find the Ten Commandments? Oh yea – the government outlawed them! Good and evil exist in the same place! Where oh where are we to look for the salvation of modern man?

What was that 1st Commandment again?