That which God created humankind began attempting to control “In the Beginning”. The story about God’s creation and the gift of “Free Will”. The fruit from “Tree of Knowledge” represents the original sin of humanity to replace God with self.
Climate Change: Simply put – Climate change is God design for the earth as it slowly rotates as on a 24 hour bases while continuously orbiting the Sun.
LBGTQ essentially provides a short list of sins against God’s design for mankind. Male and female he created them. God is creator. Man is creature. Procreation is the greatest gift God gave man. LBGTQ is in itself a war against God’s creation and specifically procreation where the difference of male and female opens the possibility of man to create another human being. Man can imagine many things but cannot recreate himself. The “Q” in LBGTQ is represents the height of humankind’s arrogance seeking to replace God with self.