Anthony Wiener – Congressman – what are his gut level values?

Notice Anthony Weiner, the US congressman to the House of Representatives from the 9th district of New York is having a significant emotional event in his life.

Truth is better than fiction – You can’t make this stuff up!

Anthony has been operating as tough he is bullet proof!  He has gained great notoriety and along came fame.  Anthony was elated and raised himself to such a level prestige he could operate above the moral values of the nation and do no wrong.  After all Anthony Weiner has been coronated as the go to TV personality spokesperson for so many in the Democratic progressive secular humanism is our God party!  He is literally the guy they put out front to lead – We can let Anthony do it — he’ll do most anything – he is a real Weiner!

Anthony is the best at insulating himself from the truth and avoiding real consequences for his actions .   Please don’t look children!

But then, full of himself Anthony, decided he could share his Weiner self to the cyber world without consequence and revealed his true self and with it his gut value system for the world to see and examine.  This going to take awhile!

Now Anthony is starring the truth mirror which he can not escape.  The truth is looking him in the eye and the truth doesn’t blink!

The question is – will this situation create sufficient emotional turmoil within Anthony that he can not escape an in depth evaluation of his gut level values?

I suspect he may not, as yet encountered sufficient fullness of the truth, to be spiritually opened up to the examination of his inner soul.  Self examination is the only avenue for  hope of being set free again to choose again a Godly set of values, first for himself and then for those he chooses to associate with.

We will be parying the Good Lord will give Anthony the answers to the prayers he needs and not the answers he wants.

The Weiner drama continues to unfold – Lord Have Mercy on us all – especially our children – close your eyes !!!!  ……..


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