Tag Archives: make haste

Advent and Brood Vipers in 2016-2017


This is Advent, a time to prepare for the coming of the light into the world. We hear from the John the Baptist to the religious of his day. You “brood of vipers” (Luke 3: 7)! Wow what a way to begin. How courageous was John willing to confront those who considered themselves the leaders of his day. Do we have any “brood of vipers” operating in our world today? Are we willing to speak the truth where people can hear?

John was preparing the way for the one who came to save us from ourselves. John was willing to risk everything including his head for the one who was willing to die for all sin!

“Sin” a political correctness taboo word in the modern world!

Do we have a brood of vipers working in our world today? Could it be even some who profess themselves as Christians? Some willing to silence the voice of anyone who proclaims a truth the world of political correctness wants to discredit!

Would our world behead John the Baptist today? Would our world seek to silence and crucify Jesus today?

The answer lies in our hearts! What truth do we accept or reject?

Come Lord Jesus! Make haste! We are in deep trouble! Open our hearts so your light of truth may be shine into our darkness, reveal the truth, loosen our stiff necks, so we each can use our spiritual eyes to see the world’s agenda for what it is. Spread your light into every hidden dark place, so the wounds inflicted on every soul may encounter the only power that can heal all wounds! Make haste to redeem and make us whole again!