The Answer to a Prayer – the Story of the Vision
A messenger from above appeared to lead me through a story which would unfold before my eyes to teach me what I already knew but didn’t know I knew testifying to the reality we already know what we need to know but don’t know we already knew it. Breathless I watched! February 14, 2011 — The Revelation of “the War between the Flesh and the Spirit”. The iDove began to awaken the iDeacon to the reality of the continuing War as he observed an attack taking place in the beautiful clear blue bird sky above!
Oh what a beautiful day it was. Cool clear deep blue bird sky on a spring day. Not a cloud in sight. The iDeacon was observing his homing pigeons circle overhead. One could sense the joy these pigeons must feel as the air passed under their wings. God’s creatures gracefully fulfilling the purpose for which they were born as they flew higher and higher into the sky above.
Then in a blink of the eye, the iDeacon detected something had changed in the maneuvers of the birds high above. The smooth path of flight suddenly accelerated. The sound of their wings increased as their wing speed intensified. The smooth graceful circles were replaced by abrupt changes in direction of flight.
The iDeacon was stopped in his tracks as he searched for an answer for what had caused the change.
Without warning one of the white pigeons began a drive from about a 1000 feet straight down as fast as it could fly. How fast can they fly straight down – 100 200 mph? The dive took the iDeacon’s breath away and he frooze in his tracks. It was an amazing sight, the pigeon was really diving straight down. In fact straight down at a 5 acre lake below. Could this be real?
Was this white pigeon performing what appeared to be a suicide dive straight down into the water? There was a 100 foot tall white oak trees at the edge of the lake. As the bird approached 100 feet above the tree top of the white oak, the iDeacon finally saw the cause for this drastic life and death maneuver.
There directly on the tail of the pigeon was a coopers hawk.
Both were diving straight down in a death dive.
Unbelievabale, at 100 feet they both still diving directly at the lake as fast as they could fly. At 50 feet the iDeacon could see the hawk extending his talons for the kill.
Oh my, an oak tree was between the iDeacon and the death dive. The birds disappeared behind the tree and iDeacon was sure there was no way these two birds would escape crashing into the lake.
Only God could create a creature capable of what the iDeacon saw next. As the white pigeon could be seen again as it descended below the canopy of the tree it made an unreal last second maneuver just before hitting the lake. It not only escaped the lake and had begun a climb back into the clear blue sky but it left the hawk in it’s dust.
No way, no way, this was unreal yet it happened and could not be denied. The pigeon really did leave the hawk in the dust using this amazing pullup maneuver.
Finally the iDeacon was able to take a new breath of air as he stood frozen in his tracks trying to absorb and digest the really real life and death struggle that had just been played out before his eyes.
In the coming days this event was played out again and gain in the iDeacon’s mind. Through this event the voice of the iDove began to speak and reveal the symbolic battle that took place that day and takes place everyday between the flesh and the spirit of our world.
iDove had hooked the iDeacon and the birth of this web page was sealed!
To be continued The Story Unfolds ……