God and Truth a Fire:
An encounter with God and Truth is to encounter fire! Prison is a place of confinement one can not escape the spiritual furnace that wraps it’s arms around a soul! Often the prisoners does all things possible to avoid the reality of the intensity of the furnace one can not escape!
Words so often are not adequate to describe the intensity of that fire! What people do often speaks more powerfully than words!
Unspoken Words:
A lifer walks into the room knowing full well his quilt is real yet the spirit of hope of possible new life fills his being. Another soul watches a grown man drop to his knees on the hard prison floor bowing his head low to the floor speaks volumes of the result of the intensity of spiritual fire that can consume a soul.
Just who is the teacher asks my soul?
Deny Yourself – Pick up Your Cross:
A grown man who chooses to deny himself the Eucharist stands in stark contrast to those who embrace self sin of pride while boldly announcing to the world they worship the spirit of self – rejecting God’s design in favor of shouting to the world they own the tree of knowledge in the Garden and can recreate themselves.
God’s Design for Physical Touch:
The need to be physically touched is ever so powerful! If positive touches are found wanting, negative touches are pursued! The lesson taught during the HIV/AIDS crises before anyone knew how the virus was passed! I could hear the voice of soul crying out from those facing
facing death!
Inside Prison Walls:
I stood as a witness then and today as a witness to that which so very few can see all the while observing the former celebrate scandalous sin the world of media celebrates.
I ask? Just which behavior communicates who is it that truly repents real sin as to those whose behavior and social media celebration of sin is broadcast to world! Unavoidable is the misleading leading of multitudes of selfie happiness seekers to imagine the destruction of healthy organs, the very soul and spirit of truth to be sacrificed on an altar of imagined self gratification. Who is leading others into prison bars of false truth where the great deceiver awaits them with open arms?
How to Open the Closed Door:
The one who gets down on their knees to the only God who can create, heal and save the broken soul opens the door to new life more abundant!
Am I walking Alone?
I witness both! Almost no one stands as a witness to a grown guilty older man bending his knees to the only power that can heal, cleans and forgive!
The Splinters Hidden in the Wooden Cross:
Hopes Home: Hope lives and can be found in the small slivers of wood found in a cross one chooses to pick up and carry as they follow the spirit of salvation.