As the bird sped down toward the lake – No Way No Way my mind raced:
Unbelievable the bird made a last second maneuver. It skimmed the surface of the Lake and then pulled up into the air! Amazing! How’d the bird do that? What the hey! Oh yes, Oh yes, what I already knew was reveled. Yes, the bird has twelve tail feathers! The rudder that guides the bird allowing the bird to escape it’s enemies and yes death!
The Power of Twelve:
Twelve tail feathers – twelve disciples any chance – any chance at all? As a kid I already knew! Oh man – the good Lord gave me this vision to remind and teach me again!
The Heart of the Matter:
Did you know a racing pigeon / dove has a wattle of it’s nose? Yes it is in the shape of a Heart! The wattle is white in color the symbol of purity.
Scientists believe the Homing Pigeon uses this organ to orientate / mark it’s home location. Kinda a natural built in GPS Latitude / Longitude system. Created “in the beginning” so the bird can use this ability to find it’s way home regardless of direction taken.
Home – Where is Home?:
Far more is buried than meets the eye! Ancient man had to have recognized the birds instinctive love of Home / nest and it’s ability to return home time and again. An instinctive drive to always return home. Hence the bird acquired the name “Homing Pigeon”.
Spiritual Instincts Buried Within:
A homing pigeon knows it’s way home though it has never been away? Did you know a homing pigeon recognizes it’s enemy even though it has never seen the enemy before? True true true: I am a witness.
Eyes Like a Hawk:
One beautiful sunny day I opened the door to my loft to let the young pigeons out for the first time. Bright sun shiny day – perfect with just a little wind! The young birds where excited, nervous, fully alert and ready for the next adventure if Life! Anxious to get out and take look around to the larger world.
Seldom do young birds actually take off and fly around the first time out. It is usually just to check out the surrounding area from the roof top, happily flap, exercise and test those wings! Enough flapping to lift themselves up off the rook but not so much that they actually begin flying. The testing before the launch to improve the readiness level. A little scary for them perhaps – exciting and scary all at once!
Recognizes Enemy Yet has never seen the Enemy before:
To my surprise on this bright sun shining day Mr. Hawk flew by and to my surprise panic struck the nerves of these young inexperienced birds. Whoa – whoa there my mind raced! Oh man – too late off the loft they went as if in a panic had set in! Fortunately Mr. Hawk just flew by and paid not attention. After a few panic stricken circles my young birds began the best managed crash landing they could manage. Lord have mercy another unexpected lesson in the really real reality in the life of a pigeon / dove!
Finding ones Wat Home:
Amazing God’s design! Recognizes it’s enemy yet has never seem them. And the bird can find it’s way home yet has never been away from home! Creation – a Spiritual message by design – Finding ones Way Home! It speaks the spirit and heart of every human person.