Taught 6th graders today – Class on the 10 Commandments: When I was in sixth I was too! The nun who taught was my most unfavorite teacher! Somehow she managed to teach me about “rationalization” and the “ End Justifies the means”.
Boy oh boy did I dislike that old nun!!!
About 10 years ago I began to realize just how well I had been taught in ancient times!!!! She long ago passed away and I didn’t care. But now I better understand how grace works!
It reaches across time and gives you an embrace you would have avoided at ALL costs way back when! We are watching unfold in our time! Truth turned upside down by people who think they are smarter than that old old nun!!!
Anger – Young People??
We are told Rioters are peaceful as they burn and loot because it’s owed to them – somebody did something sometime logic!! 8 year or younger old kids can decide gender – what oh what happened to God’s design – a stressful nature driven puberty magical maturing period that last a lot longer than most think! Yep man can replace God and nature using just man’s brain! Rationalization at it’s finest!
Naw these kids are not human and have no soul we can abort them! The End (a broken mother and a murdered father can’t hurt us!).
In Prison so many Angry Young Men:
Come with me to prison and I will introduce you to angry young men! They don’t know it but they already know – life is not sacred – they will not be allowed to protect their children – they are a father destroyed twice! The girls won’t be upset – nothing to it!
Tell me again – who are those peaceful protestors who are looting, burning and confronting anyone with authority!
Oh yea – least I forget – someone murdered the father some where some time! Yep those are kids just the same kids I visit in prison and look how they use freedom!
Rationalization hmmm!
The End Justifies the means! Hmmm!
Great Teachers are Hard to Find
Dam, I had a great teacher in the sixth grade when I lacked the ability to know how God’s grace works! Critical thinking comes with the examination of conscientious in contrast to following the Ten Commandments.
Yep, I pray for her now to the only one who can occupy all time at the drop of a hat and tell her thanks I was just a kid and you were to me just an old lady I didn’t care for, who somehow managed to penetrate my soul!
Lord Have Mercy!