Tag Archives: Truth

Tooth Fairy

Yesterday I had a tooth extracted – fancy word for yanked out!!!!!! Lifting dumbbells gives one the strength to pull hard. Big Boys don’t cry right!! I was told to take some pain medication before the pain took hold. So I did! It made me talk and think goofy! Ask my wife. Here’s some food for thought!

Well I didn’t run to a special safe zone reserved for the alleged sensitive feminist nature of men – are you kidding me? Fear of a micro aggression no one can see! Just who is that self declared wise man who defines a micro aggression? My fathers wood shed is still available where real lessons in life can be taught!

Just what spirit has invaded our land that seeks to dismantle the nature of real men and women willing to stand up for the truth? And just how silly is it to admit one is afraid of a micro aggression that apparently is so small it can not be seen in a world where real evil is cutting the heads off of real courageous men and real woman willing to die for their faith in a God who came to testify to the truth to a world full of people so fearful of losing power they had to invent a micro aggression as an excuse to continue to kill His spirit today!

Yep truth is, even Big boys cry over real evil and stand in awe of real men and real women who have the courage to give ones life that we all might be free to hear the truth!

Has America the land of the free and the brave forgotten Jesus told the world the truth will set us free? Goofy right!

Time to Recover Our Voices and Language

The War (against God) is growing more intense.  The Secular progressives got the taste of blood, the world wide news of defeating Christians at every level has emboldened them.  To make matters worse Christian have been waking up to the secular progressive agenda and the confrontation has begun.  The threat of losing power has them frantic to shut up Christians by any method – the end justifies the means is acceptable.

The right to worship versus the truth = Freedom of ReligionNot what one does in church but how one lives ones life is at stake.

The attack on Religious Freedom in our day is alive and well.  Secular progressives call religious freedom discrimination and bigotry.  Shut them down and if that doesn’t work shut them up is the battle cry!

The redefinition of the use of Christian language and lets expand it on the idea of marriage.   Freedom of Religion can be used to discriminate!  Yea that’s the idea.  Lets depend upon Christians not knowing what is marriage is all about in the first place – it’s all about love — RIGHT?  Lets confuse what love means and truth has nothing to do with it.  It’s all about how it feels – it’s emotional – no logic – no restrictions – that’s not progressive.  Let have it our way – the human way – let eliminate God from the conversation.  The best way to do that is attack the oldest Christian Church – the Catholic Church.

Let’s see – what does the Catholic Religion teach about marriage?  Oh yea — two people / humans / who are open to the real possibility of the creation of children all by themselves – well with God’s help of course.

If these two people / humans are not open to the possibility of creating children themselves then marriage is not a possibility.  Well the secular progressives don’t want anyone ( especially the young who think it’s all about love)  to know that truth – well just shut your mouth.  Could it be it’s the children who have the right to the marriage and not the adults after all?  Let’s try and remember these are supposed to be mature people and they are making a life time commitment to each other and to the children they may create without a third person and it’s for life.

Let’s see – what does the bible say – In the beginning God created man.  Male and female he created them and it was good.  Together they became one flesh – they have reciprocal parts made to fit – bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh and it was good.  So again the basics – which set of two humans can create children without seeking the help of a third party?  Yep that would be a male and a female just like God said in the beginning –> the required pair needed to form a marriage.

So if in practicing ones religion takes place in every day life outside of worship services, one would find oneself in a scandalous situation of being forced to support the marriage of a man and woman that are openly opposed children oh what must I do?  That would be based upon having arrived at informed conscientious.  I should decide I can not support or participate in such a marriage.  This is not discrimination or bigotry – it is freedom of religion as is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

So if two people of opposite sex can create a scandal could two people of the same sex do so as well?  Lets examine – can the two of them alone create children?  So heavens name then why would the government find it necessary to require people of faith to honor this odd arrangement of marriage?  It would force participation one into scandalous behavior – God created those who claim to be gay and lesbian as male and female and it was good.  The have every right a straight couple has!  But they want more.

We Christians need to recover our courage and defend the language (words) of faith.  The Secular progressives are not God and do not have authority to change the meaning of words to fit their progressive self driven agenda.

The battle had just begun and we Christians need to wake up to the stealth war raging in our culture.

We are called to love one another and we do so by being truthful with one another.

The Words of Hope & The Signs in the Midst of Chaos! 12/02/2012

December 2, 2012  1st Sunday of Advent

In today’s scripture readings the church is encouraging us to on alert, awake and ready.  We are to be aware and prepared for the Day of the Lord.

We are being asked and encouraged to look for signs.  Let me ask what signs are we watching and waiting for??  Well what signs are we looking for?

Have we noticed on this very day the nations on earth appear to be in dismay!  Just a month ago a historic terrible inland frontal storm merged with a fast moving tropical storm full of blowing wind and a raging seas which overwhelmed the land.  Homes and neighborhoods were destroyed and great cities brought to their knees.

Our nation is facing an economic fiscal cliff the size of which I doubt the very best economist can fully discern.  The language of economic deception is constantly being perfected.  One can find themselves overwhelmed with so many simultaneous signs in surrounding us this day.  Is this the time?  Are we living in the Day of Lord?

Listen to the words of hope,  Jeremiah speaks to the people Israel during a troubled times.  An invasion was coming.  The people would be lead into captivity and slavery.  Yet knowing exile was not far off Jeremiah assured the people Israel God would keep his promises in good times and bad.

The Day of the Lord:

The Day of the Lord – it is the Day we are hoping and longing for, a day of salvation, the day of our redemption.

We should never doubt the world is working overtime to distract us and convince us!  The world teaches our salvation is to be found through the portal of a new secular progressive agenda!  It is  reaping the benefits of advanced technologies and imaging that deflect and remove our focus from the spirit of truth into a sphere of rationalization, relativism and self gratification which distorts spiritual truth.


Beware your hearts not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of life.  Scripture is warning us about our spiritual welfare being subverted by human condition which seeks to play god.

What is the portal to eternal life we should be looking for?  Where do we look, Where will we find it?  Who can help us find it?

Clues Present:

Here are some clues.  Yep, things are a mess in our nation and in the world.  It is happening right now today and if this nation does not turn back to godly ways scripture suggest it may well get much much worse.

What are we to do?  Stand erect and raise your headsDo not be fooled by the world!  The truth is the truth always and one who thirsts and long for the truth will seek and find it!  The truth is not found in the new portal of technology or progressivism.  The truth will be found by those who are vigilant at all times with an awareness the world seeks to distract with the lures of indulgence, drunkenness and caring about the false reality invading the world.

Be vigilant at all times, do not let your guard down.  And pray and pray and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations wishing to engulf your soul.

Do not let the words carousing and drunkenness be confined or limited to bar hopping and boos.  Carousing and drunkenness are any activities that subject one rationalization – I can still  to here my catholic grade school nun teach us about the word rationalization.  It is a word that describes the process of circumventing the truth with untrue.  It seeks to avert a confrontation with the truth and affirm a self serving point of view.

Do You Hear What I Hear? Hope while 20 Little Lambs are Laid to Rest

4th Sunday of Advent December 23, 2012

Micah was last of the four prophets of the 8th century BCE.  He was called to address the people during dark times.  Times were bad, very bad.  The people had been lead into captivity and slavery.  The future looked bleak and hope seemed to have vanished.  The People were distressed and questioning.  They are surrounded by signs darkness and loss.

20 little lambs and six shepherds laid to rest out in a field.  I ask want is it,  we want most for Christmas?  Hug your children moms, dads, grandmas & grandpas.  Children hug them back!

Modern Danger on all sides:

Danger surrounded them on all sides.  The Assyrian’s armies of Tiglathpilser III had conquered Damascus and Samaria.  Sennacherib was occupying part of coastal region and menacing Moresheth.   Micah knew the people had long ago chosen to reject God.  For not only was the threat external but the prophets, priests and judges had long been accepting bribes.

Micah witnessed the wickedness of leaders political and spiritual.  Princes and merchants were cheating and robbing the poor and humble, esp. women and children.   Priests, prophets and leaders were adapting words to create images the people wanted to hear.   Their leaders mislead the people to swap what was evil for good.  The Lord must have looked away and abandoned them to their plight.

Poor little suffering small inconsequential town.  Taken into captivity, families separated, children from parents, parents from grand parents, spouse from spouse.  There was no where to turn?

Micah was thrust into the stark reality that dreams and images of hope had been shattered with darkness closing in from all sides.  For an ancient story, a promise of hope, had been buried into his heart and the time had come for it to leap into Micah’s mouth and his breath of light escaped into the dark air with a message of hope and peace desperately needed.

A message of hope and peace is as desperately needed in today’s world as when I was becoming a young man in 1962 during the Cuban Missile crises.

‘Said the night wind – to the little lamb:’  ‘Do you see what I see?’ “

 ‘Way up in the sky – little lamb,’ ‘Do you see what I see?’  A star, a star Dancing in the night,  With a tail as big as a kite.

Bethlehem, Ephrathah the city of David.  Too small to be included among the clans of Judah, from you shall come for me the ruler, origin of old, from ancient times. The Promise of Hope!

The message of an infant – a Promised King.

When a virgin will give birth and He shall stand firm and shepherd, with that shall reach to the ends of the earth, shall be peace.

Two Women with Child:

Two women with child brought together, participating in God’s ancient promise.  Filled with the Good News and the Holy Spirit, a fourteen year old virgin girl makes haste to journey by herself to share the song in her heart to be shared with her beloved relative Elizabeth, who the Angel Gabriel had told her of.

Elizabeth’s baby stirred in her womb for joy, (the spirit in John recognized the song in her heart was joy at being in the presence of Jesus, the son of God).  Elizabeth too was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out, “Blessed are you Mary, who trusted in the word of the Lord”.  Each woman was filled with a song of the miracle within.  One far too old and one a virgin young and pure willing to say yes I will do your will.

Do you Hear what I hear:

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy:  Do you hear what I hear?  Ringing thru the sky shepherd boy,  Do you hear what I hear?  A song, a song High above the tree, |: With a voice as big as the sea. 😐


The Child, the Child, – sleeping in the night  He will bring us – goodness and light  He will bring us – goodness and light

The iDeacon and the iDove Blog

Seeking the Spirit of Truth!

This Blog was created to record an ongoing open dialogue and commentary concerning the events of today as they unfold in the world today.  It will focus on events as they relate to seeking and finding the truth.

The Ancient Story of the First battle (Spiritual Warfare)

It accepts as a reality the existence of the “Spiritual War” between the indwelling of the spirit within the human creature and the human creatures free will (i.e. the war between the Spirit and the Flesh).  It uses and reflects upon the ancient Story in the Book of Genesis as the basis of the Spirit of God communicating to humans from the very the beginning the existence of this ancient war.

Humanities Free Will wants to Play God

Simply put, it accepts as a reality from the very beginning God created humans with both a soul and free will.   Humans are created in the image of God while being confined to a human body grounded in water and the earth.

Gods purposely set us humans up for this confrontation.  It was not by accident or chance!  It surely added tension to all of human history even as it unfolds before us today.  During the journey here on earth, we human’s will be tempted to seek equality with God and yet by our human nature are mortally limited.

God’s design “To Be Tempted”

To be tempted is by God’s design!  It is a test to see what we will ultimately chose, who or what we will serve?  God’s design channel’s man down a path to prove humans are mortal and need to seek a higher authority to find what we call happiness and fulfillment of purpose!

The central question is — How will we mortal individuals handle the expected natural temptations that will come without question as we seek equality with God?

So how are we doing???  And just who is your God??

To be continued ….