Author Archives: TC Meuninck

USA – Roman Empire

The men of the Roman Empire conquered the world and ruled for over 200 years! What happened? The men got soft, starting living the good life, lots of food and all sorts of sex. Roman families stopped having children and imported aliens to serve them! The aliens realized the roman men were no longer strong men! The Roman men defeated themselves by being no longer willing to give themselves to the family and substituted family to be focused on filling their bellies and satisfying every sexual appetite! Ring any bells???

The Garden and the Constitution

Freedom to Consent – Worship God – Balance Powers of Corruption

It’s raining – Gods way of cleaning up and quenching the thirst of the earth for new life that lie dormant in the hearts of men..
The Constitution and the Garden – what do they have in common?
Seeds of God planted hidden from the beginning, tough many deny god exists. God’s nature is three in one – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We have eyes but can’t see! The church is a people who were given the great gift of free will. Humans created equal yet unique and different. All living within the laws of nature with God as the highest authority and Sovereign over al

The Nature of Man: How to control the nature of man who seeks the power of God symbolized in the tree of knowledge. Ah ha – how to Balance Power of a great many people created equal and to avoid the sins of man that manifests itself in democracy – majority rule the greatest of dangers? Thug politics is a better word.

Through the ages Wisdom found to control this beast required the consent of the people created equally and by separating Powers into equal branches of people attached to the same tree. Yet recognizing there is a fourth power – the consent of a people created equally yet knowing they were susceptible from the very beginning to corruption or sin.
These the words politicians hate the most (sin and corruption)!
We live in a nation that created a system that draws a people to behave in a manner that is in the best interest of men created equal with free will that grant consent while seeking to not violate the laws of nature and God who is recognized as the highest authority and granter of equality hidden in the spirit of every human.

The Founding Principles:

The Declaration of Independence provided the guidelines for the creation of the Republic of the United States of America.
With every right comes a duty. When the laws of nature and God are violated man suffers. Thou shall not kill is still valid.
Those who deny the laws of nature and God deny the very founding of the greatest and longest living nation in the history of world. Sadly many seek to destroy the light placed upon a hill for the world to see.
This nation was born out of the fear of men at logger heads, brought to their knees in prayer beseeching the only power capable of opening the minds of men to save them from their selves.
We need to pray for our nation which at war with itself.


Lord wash the hatred from the hearts of this free people and provide the assist necessary to bring us to our knees. Save us from the lust for power that is enslaving some to belittle, beat down and silence the spirit of truth!

The Devil went Down to Georgia

A faint sound ever so slight could only be heard with a special stethoscope. Yet this sound managed to escape into the consciousness of a whole people. This almost silent whisper sent rumblings that shook the foundations of the home of the prince of darkness. Beelzebub’s authority was shaken to the pits of hot ash. An alert throughout Hades was sounded as the minions hastily gathered to respond to the imminent crises.
How can this be? We can not allow it to stand! The audacious thought that people not only have the right but a sacred duty to confront malicious actions had found rebirth and must be quickly defeated and not allowed to stand.
The dust on the red alert phone flew as it was hastily picked up to dispatch a quick counter strike. From the foundational floor of shouel, hot ash immediately began to flow into the State of Georgia.
Yea, the Devil sent quick strike troops to Georgia steeped in the ancient art-form of illusion and imagery supporting a lofty non living golden idle worshiped and held in highest esteem. Down to Georgia went the father of lies via the express lane of the cyberspace express train lookin’ to prevent the loss of souls to fool and seal the gate of escape. Oh so serious was the sound of truth escaping the grasp of ignorance after years of being locked safely away from view. The Devil understood he was in a bind ’cause he was now way behind due to a double faux pas. The naked baby who escaped deaths reach comfortably laying on the table for all to see and the faintest sound of life threatened the powers of command and control. The discomfort was intense as the truth slipped through the fingers of death and could no longer be denied. The Devil’s grasp of authority over the tree of life and death was being questioned and worse being reclaimed by mere humans who acknowledge the a greater creator of life and truth.
The very best veteran storm troops were be summed to quickly repair the breach and seal a deal. Down to Georgia they came wrapped in illusion and armed with an ancient violin. Who would have expected from the pains of birthing babies a mother would stand in the breach. As she wrote on mere paper flames of truth leaped off the pages challenging the self appointed envious and jealous worshipers and exposing death that was hidden behind the golden Art Form idol.
Amazingly, a mother picked up a violin for the very first time. How did she master the rallying sound of truth set free as streams of fire were freed to singe and consume the fuel of the Devils empty illusions. In the Rockets red glare was reveled the image of the golden idol has always been dead and no hope for new life would be found there, but only chains and anchors attached to Gehenna.
Yes, we hold these truths to be self evident – cried out from the strings of the violin mimicking the sound of a heartbeat of a people searching to rediscover truth created in their soul while still being formed in thier mothers womb. Neither the devil, hollow self centered actors nor elected officials lusting for power are the masters of the truth or have power over the souls of a people birthed in a nation founded on freedom, liberty and life more abundant.
It’s has begun, the great awakening of who this nation was founded to be is being rediscovered and reasserted. Moms, dads, children, blacks, whites, immigrants, old, young and strangers are standing up to reclaim the founding principles and values. Article V of the Constitution the mother of the Convention of States a process designed to affirm the right and the duty of the people and the States to assert self governance and remove the chairs and anchors of those who seek to enslave and rule.
How about you? I am gonna follow mom, my long forgotten hero!

In Search of the Hearts Longing!

My heart took me for a long ride yesterday afternoon. Along the way I encountered a detour! My destination Bethlehem! Not to be lost on the journey is the reality and connection to the twists and turns when life jumps out from hiding in our blind vision.

A very long trip to willing watch a bunch of kids play basketball with hope of watching one child play. Then as the evening worn to discovered the purpose of the trip failed to satisfy the original intent. After asking a coach the dreamed child did not make the trip!

Failure is success for the heart knows no impediment or excuse derailed the hearts longing! The human story of rocky roads, detours and disappointment does not prevent the love of a father seeking to find the sheep of his flock who wonder down roads unseen!
So what’s stopping you from listening to the sounds of your heart encased in broken expectations and hardened by wounds unseen!

I invite you to come with me to Bethlehem where we will find there is no room in the inn! But our hearts will be softened and set free to offer our greatest gift!
You and I.


The War: Between Spirit & Flesh: Emotions & Logic: Whose Winning?

Emotions are a gift from God. When they are sufficiently intense, they take one on a trip to core of one’s soul! There the voice of emotion cries out for answers buried deep down in the pit of one’s gut! Eventually the intensity of the cry triggers and drives the mind to begin a search every cell demanding all doors be opened so answers can be found!

This is the place where the spirit of grace can lead one to look into the mirror of truth often for the first time in a very long time. Gut values can be laid out on table in plain view and examined not by just the emotions but by the logic our creator granted in the beginning. But so very often logic is subjected and confined to a prison as if it is the last place one will find hope.

When is really thirsty for an answer, they will look into this mirror of truth and then must confront the starkness of logic of truth given as a gift as a balance to emotions that simply rush to satisfy immediacy of a crises without a balancing partner with sufficient logic to address most fundamental and basic causes of the crises.

Fix a thing can not address the spiritual war raging within a humans mind!

All the laws were in place! All the responsible people were in place! The intent and emotional promise of young people by our leaders nixed any balanced encounter between emotions and logic! Every part of the national and local system with advertised good emotional intentions failed to protect the children and needs to laid bare on a table to be inspected by logic.

This is a chance to begin to teach our children how to pour out logic and not just emotions after a crises occurs? Emotions alone have the potential to make us cry and the potential to bury logic locking the door and throwing away the key to answers for broken people, broken families, and if it feels good culture that seeks to bury us and our children in a selfie world!

Want to Find Yourself? Give Yourself Away!

God did not make a mistake when he created you! Buried within you is a treasure! St. John Paul told us what to do with our treasure! Give yourself away and if you can muster the courage follow the one who served as the cornerstone for giving away the greatest treasure. The cost may be heavy and an encounter with the brokenness of humanity assured. But know the voice of your treasure cannot be silenced even by those who seek to shut out your gift. Love one another – is so very hard to do – it requires a spirit of risk, honesty and courage!

Who has control of your world? Emotions or Logic?

Completed Orientation Training so I can continue to enter prison and share the Gospel of Good News! Our modern day prison is full of throw away people! Hym – symbolic of our throw away society! They serve as keys with the potential to begin to open understanding of the brokenness of our modern day sophisticated, so called compassionate and politically correct culture has inflicted upon us as it continues to fails us all!

Most don’t want to see them or know the story of how they ended up there! A prison is full of emotions often on the edge of explosion. Last week I was not allowed in prison because it was in lock down. Emotions alone create unrest and danger! To hear the Good news one must venture beyond emotions to engage the mind and spirit so one can discover the gifts of logic that can lead one to faith and answers that save!

Designed to Balance on a Spiritual Scale:

Mercy and Justice

A pair = one flesh that cannot be separated without taking the life of the other. Mercy and justice are like a married couple of one man and one woman. The difference is what makes possible the creation of new life and the possibility of redemption. God created a balance that humans cannot escape without creating a mess! Will humanity ever turn to the spirit of the one who said these words? “Forgive them Father they know not what they do!” In those words lies the secret to humanity finding the way out of a self created darkness into the real possibility of hope! Can we overcome the magnetic field of selfie worship that seeks to isolate us as it strips away the balance that holds mercy and justice together?

Say What! Preaching the New Evangelization!

The New Evangelization: Got a description of New Eangelization preaching at the Diaconate 2018 Congress in New Orleans: And just what will happens to one who preaches this Good News – From some in the pews –> “No more Sermons” from that preacher!

And the response of the presenter who currently teaches priests and deacons in formation was even more reveling: – “it’s about time!” “Alleluia!”

Wow – The Good News doesn’t change! But what some people want it to be has! It’s gonna take some pastor with the courage to stand the heat that will be generated in the modern 2018 kitchen is all I could muster! Least we forget, Jesus disciplines abandoned him to the cross! Lord have mercy!

A Death Dive – Are You Gonna Leave Me? – A Vision 4

An Anointing with Sacred Oil:

The news in regard to the Catholic Church and it’s hierarchy is growing more devastating each day. The Gospel this Sunday gave us a testimony to give us hope! This truth is hard to take! Many disciples left and returned to the ways of the world! Jesus asked! Will you leave me too?
What is your answer?  Peter said to whom shall we go?

In 2011 God gave me a vision – of an intense mean spirited war. The Church was in a nose dive and the Spirit of Life was in what appeared as a death dive to save itself from the evil one who seeks the ruin of faith and any believer.

The voice of the one who loves me spoke to me – I kept you Alive to stand as a witness to this war and to speak of this war in words the world rejects.

The Great Deceiver seeks to Silence you Voice:

The duelist, progressives, relativism and pluralist of this world will seek to silence your voice! Those who have appointed themselves the owners of truth while living the life of a world enslaved by sin the world seeks to embrace will reject you.

As the war intensifies and the Church appears doomed, the vision manifest an amazing recovery! To those who have ears – listen to the voice placed in your soul the day you were conceived. To those who have eyes – look the spirit of the Lord that fly’s on the wings of the dove that gave us the “Word” as it passes over the waters – the wellspring of new life!

To Whom will you Turn?

Preparation: An Anointing:  Oil of Salvation:  Baptism: Confirmation:

Yes the idove preens itself everyday!  It has an oil gland at the base of it’s tail.  It takes it’s beak and rub’s it’s beak  across the oil gland then spreads a thin layer of oil all over it’s feathers.  It anoints itself everyday which enable the bird to pass through the air with least residence to escape it enemy.

To whom shall you turn? Who promised my Church shall not be overcome? I await the revelations yet to unfold with the hope in the One who calls me by the name that rings as music to my ears!

to be continued …………..